146 research outputs found

    A comparative study of platelet profile in gestational diabetes mellitus versus healthy pregnancies: A cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with its onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Early diagnosis of this complication and appropriate treatment aimed at tight control over maternal glucose levels may positively influence the perinatal outcome. There are studies, which suggest platelets play a role in the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus. Altered platelet morphology and function (higher MPV) have been reported in patients with diabetes mellitus. These changes may be associated with increased risk of vascular disease and venous thromboembolism. Although normal pregnancy may result in the activation of primary hemostasis and coagulation, these issues have not been widely investigated in gestational diabetes. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The present study was designed to compare and assess the demographic and laboratory findings in healthy pregnant women and Gestational diabetes mellitus patients. The aim of this study is to compare the various blood parameters especially platelet indices in gestational diabetes and normal pregnant women and to investigate whether there is a statistically significant difference in these parameters between gestational diabetes mellitus patients and in patients with healthy pregnancies .The objective of this study is to highlight the value of inflammatory markers in predicting gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This study also evaluates the relationship between blood glucose levels and mean platelet volume. Correlation of blood glucose against Various parameters like HBA1C, Platelet count, mean platelet volume ,Platelet distribution width are also studied and results analysed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was performed on 200 pregnant women in their second/third trimester.: 100 cases with newly diagnosed gestational diabetes and 100 euglycemic healthy controls. GDM was diagnosed using the one step 2 hr OGTT values. The two groups were compared in terms of demographic and platelet parameters derived from complete blood counts using the automated CBC coulter machine. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Data was collected and Statistical analysis was performed using student t test, Mann Whitney test and pearson corelation RESULTS: The mean platelet volume in control group and GDM group was 7.77+-0.52 fl and 11.13 +-0.48 fl respectively. The MPV was significantly higher in GDM group when compared to healthy pregnancies. (P<0.001).HBA1C and BMI values were also significantly higher in GDM group. Though the platelet count in GDM was higher the difference was not significant (p=0.435). Platelet distribution width values were similar in both groups. The mean platelet volume was linearly correlated with glucose values (correlation coefficient -0.923). CONCLUSION: Platelet volume is a marker of platelet activation and function and is measured using the MPV. Measurement of the MPV and other platelet-related parameters is a simple procedure, available in most hospital laboratories. Platelet-related indices and their determination are inexpensive and routinely ordered markers, the significance of which is often ignored. They may be useful in screening for gestational diabetes as an adjunct to oral glucose tolerance test. These parameters can also be used as an adjunct to monitor the disease after starting treatment since alterations in MPV occur much before changes in blood glucose .The role of changes in these parameters in the hemostatic system during diabetic pregnancy and the possible clinical relevance concerning the risk for thrombosis calls for further studies

    Automated Fault Diagnosis in Rotating Machinery

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    Rotating machinery are an important part of industrial equipment. Their components are subjected to harsh operating environments, and hence experience significant wear and tear. It is necessary that they function efficiently all the time in order to avoid significant monetary losses and down-time. Monitoring the health of such machinery components has become an essential part in many industries to ensure their continuous operation and avoiding loss in productivity. Traditionally, signal processing methods have been employed to analyze the vibration signals emitted from rotating machines. With time, the complexity of machinery components has increased, which makes the process of condition monitoring complex and time consuming, and consequently costly. Hence, a paradigm shift in condition monitoring methods towards data-driven approaches has recently taken place towards reducing complexity in estimation, where the monitoring of machinery is focused on purely data-driven methods. In this thesis, a novel data-driven framework to condition monitoring of gearbox is studied and illustrated using simulated and experimental vibration signals. This involves analyzing the signal, deriving feature sets and using machine learning algorithms to discern the condition of machinery. The algorithm is implemented on data from a drivetrain dynamics simulator (DDS), equipment designed by Spectraquest Inc. for academic and industrial research purposes. Datasets from pristine state and faulty gearboxes are collected and the algorithms are tested against this data. This framework has been developed to facilitate automated monitoring of machinery in industries, thus reducing the need for manual supervision and interpretation

    Seroma: an interesting case report

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    A seroma is defined as a sterile accumulation of serum in a circumscribed location in the tissue. Seromas can occur after surgeries, especially those that are extensive or involve significant tissue disruption viz. hernia repairs, plastic surgeries such as breast augmentation or reconstruction, abdominoplasties (tummy tucks)and removal of large intra-abdominal space occupying lesions like huge fibroids/ovarian masses. The literature citing the exact incidence of seromas following removal of large intra-abdominal masses is scant. Seromas at times become severely symptomatic. The best way to prevent a seroma is not to give it any place to form. It's easier said than done. Here is an interesting case report of postoperative seroma following removal of a large broad ligament fibroid

    Incidentally detected solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas in a child with an ovarian cyst: a case report

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    Solid pseudopapillary neoplasms (SPN) are the most common as well as very rare pediatric tumors of the pancreas. Most of the literature is derived from adult SPNs. As per world health organization, these tumors considered as low grade malignant with excellent survival outcomes after complete surgical resection. We report a case of incidentally detected SPN in a 16-year-old female child with an ovarian cyst. She underwent pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy and ovarian cystectomy. Histopathology revealed well differentiated SPN of the pancreas head and ovarian cystadenoma. She is symptom-free at the 6th month follow up

    On a subclass of meromorphic functions defined by Hilbert space operator

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    In this paper we introduce and study a new subclass of meromorphic functions associated with a certain differential operator on Hilbert space. For this class, we obtain several properties like the coefficient inequality, growth and distortion theorem, radius of close-to-convexity, starlikeness and meromorphically convexity and integral transforms. Further, it is shown that this class is closed under convex linear combinations


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    Objective: The present investigations (In vitro) on an influence of different synthetic and food based [flour] media, pH, temperature and microbial nutrients on growth, Deoxynivalenol [DON] and Nivalenol [NIV] production by Fusarium aethiopicum and F. culmorum was carried out.Methods: Fusarium species associated with the finger millets were isolated and identified phenotypically and further confirmed by molecular methods by Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR]. Monosporic seven day old F. aethiopicum and F. culmorum were grown in CYA broth and incubated at 27±2°C on rotary shaker for 21 days at 120 rpm. At the end of 21 day incubation period, cultures were harvested for determination of fungal biomass. The resultant culture filtrates were extracted twice with ethyl acetate and concentrated to get and final concentration of 1 ml in methanol and employed for RP-HPLC analysis for detection of DON and NIV production.Results: Finger millets flour medium induced the highest amount of mycelial growth, DON and NIV production by F. aethiopicum. However, F. culmorum achieved highest amount of hyphal growth, DON and NIV production under the influence of yeast extract sucrose [YES] medium. Maize flour medium, rice flour medium and sorghum flour medium was next preffered substrates. Optimum pH of 5.5-6.5 and temperature of 20-35°C for growth, DON and NIV production was observed. Both the species of Fusarium failed to grow and produce toxins at pH 2.5-3.5 and temperature of 40°C. Yeast extract was most favorable for maximum DON and NIV production, which increased with an increase in its concentration. On the other hand, malt extract and beef extract induced good growth and mycotoxin production at comparatively higher concentration in both the species of Fusarium under study.Conclusion: Comparatively food based media were the better substrates than synthetic media for both growth and DOIN and NIV production by two species of Fusarium under investigation. A positive correlation coefficient [r] on growth [0.458], DON [0.744] and NIV [0.882] was recorded among the media and both the species of Fusarium


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    Objective: Influence of different carbon [C] and nitrogen [N] source on the growth and Deoxynivalenol [DON] and Nivalenol [NIV] production by Fusarium aethiopicum and Fusarium culmorum was investigated.Methods: Seven days old monosporic cultures of F. aethiopicum strain GSKUMB [KJ21085] and F. culmorum strain GSKUMB [KJ190159] were grown in CYA broth and incubated at 27±2°C on the rotary shaker at 120 rpm for 21 days. At the end of incubation period, cultures were harvested for determination of fungal growth (biomass). The resultant culture filtrates were extracted twice with ethyl acetate and concentrated. One ml of final concentrate in methanol was employed for detection of DON and NIV with the help of RP-HPLC.Results: The highest amount of DON and NIV were produced by F. aethiopicum in the presence of D-mannose and D-galactose as C source, while the highest amount of biomass was recorded on maltose and succinic acid. F. culmorum produced maximum amount of toxins in the presence of D-glucose, D-mannitol and D-fructose. Sodium nitrate was most favorable nitrogen source as it induced maximum amount of toxins by F. aethiopicum, while L-methionine, L-asparatic acid and L-tryptophan were next preferred N source. In contrast, highest biomass of fungus was obtained with L-lysine, L-glutamine and L-tyrosine. F. culmorum produced maximum amount of toxin and biomass with potassium nitrate and L-tyrosine respectively.Conclusion: Present species of Fusarium differed varied both in toxins (DON, and NIV) and biomass production. Their response of fungi under investigation towards C and N sources is also varied.Â

    Burden of anxiety in Adolescent: A community-based study in Western Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: Anxiety is a prevalent issue among adolescents and can adversely affect their academic performance and everyday functioning. Aims &amp; Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of anxiety among adolescents in urban and rural areas and to study the socio-demographic correlates of anxiety among adolescents in urban and rural areas. Methods: A comprehensive survey was conducted in the field practice area of Department of Community Medicine of a Medical College in western district of Uttar Pradesh. The survey was aimed at young people between the ages of 10 and 19 who lived in the practice area of the medical college. Result: The burden of anxiety was observed to be 19.6 % (n=92). Female gender, urban residence, early adolescent age-group (10-13 yr), nuclear family, day-time somnolence and family history of mental illness were factors having statistical significance. Poor education level of parents was also statistically significant. Physical activity and substance abuse did not have significant contribution in burden of anxiety. Conclusion: Anxiety in adolescents is a significant issue influenced by various factors. Early intervention and support are crucial

    Save cells before tooth replantation: A review

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    Avulsion is one of the most complex traumatic injury affecting both teeth and children. Avulsed teeth can be replanted. Treatment for avulsed teeth should include, pulp and periodontal ligament (PDL) cell management to increase the survival rate of these teeth. If immediate replantation is not possible, the clonicity and progenicity of the viable PDL cells can be maintained with the aid of suitable storage medium at the place of trauma. The incorrect use of a storage medium leads to PDL cell necrosis eventually resulting in ankylosis and replacement resorption of the tooth root. Due to the importance of the storage media in long-term prognosis of the avulsed teeth, an informed choice of a media is essential for a favorable outcome. This review discusses available storage media and their unique features along with pros and cons of each medium

    Filarial Nematode Infection in Ixodes scapularis Ticks Collected from Southern Connecticut

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    It was recently demonstrated that the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum could harbor filarial nematodes within the genus Acanthocheilonema. In this study, Ixodes scapularis (deer) ticks collected from Southern Connecticut were evaluated for their potential to harbor filarial nematodes. Non-engorged nymphal and adult stage Ixodes scapularis ticks were collected in Southern Connecticut using the standard drag method. In situ hybridization with filarial nematode specific sequences demonstrated the presence of filarial nematodes in Ixodes ticks. Filarial nematode specific DNA sequences were amplified and confirmed by direct sequencing in Ixodes nymphal and adult ticks using either general filarial nematode or Onchocercidae family specific PCR primers. Phylogenetic analysis of the 12S rDNA gene sequence indicated that the filarial nematode infecting Ixodes scapularis ticks is most closely related to the species found in Amblyoma americanum ticks and belongs to the genus of Acanthocheilonema. Our data also demonstrated that infection rate of these filarial nematode in Ixodes ticks is relatively high (about 22% and 30% in nymphal and adult Ixodes ticks, respectively). In summary, the results from our studies demonstrated that filarial nematode infection was found in Ixodes ticks similar to what has been found in Amblyomma americanum ticks
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