504 research outputs found

    Spitz and wingless, emanating from distinct borders, cooperate to establish cell fate across the engrailed domain in the drosophila epidermis

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    A key step in development is the establishment of cell type diversity across a cellular field. Segmental patterning within the Drosophila embryonic epidermis is one paradigm for this process. At each parasegment boundary, cells expressing the Wnt family member Wingless confront cells expressing the homeoprotein Engrailed. The Engrailed-expressing cells normally differentiate as one of two alternative cell types. In investigating the generation of this cell type diversity among the 2-cell-wide Engrailed stripe, we previously showed that Wingless, expressed just anterior to the Engrailed cells, is essential for the specification of anterior Engrailed cell fate. In a screen for additional mutations affecting Engrailed cell fate, we identified anterior open/yan, a gene encoding an inhibitory ETS-domain transcription factor that is negatively regulated by the Rasl-MAP kinase signaling cascade. We find that Anterior Open must be inactivated for posterior Engrailed cells to adopt their correct fate. This is achieved by the EGF receptor (DER), which is required autonomously in the Engrailed cells to trigger the Ras1-MAP kinase pathway. Localized activation of DER is accomplished by restricted processing of the activating ligand, Spitz. Processing is confined to the cell row posterior to the Engrailed domain by the restricted expression of Rhomboid. These cells also express the inhibitory ligand Argos, which attenuates the activation of DER in cell rows more distant from the ligand source. Thus, distinct signals flank each border of the Engrailed domain, as Wingless is produced anteriorly and Spitz posteriorly. Since we also show that En cells have the capacity to respond to either Wingless or Spitz, these cells must choose their fate depending on the relative level of activation of the two pathways.Louise O’Keefe, Scott T. Dougan, Limor Gabay, Erez Raz, Ben-Zion Shilo and Stephen DiNard

    Human-Centered Design to Address Biases in Artificial Intelligence

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    The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce health care disparities and inequities is recognized, but it can also exacerbate these issues if not implemented in an equitable manner. This perspective identifies potential biases in each stage of the AI life cycle, including data collection, annotation, machine learning model development, evaluation, deployment, operationalization, monitoring, and feedback integration. To mitigate these biases, we suggest involving a diverse group of stakeholders, using human-centered AI principles. Human-centered AI can help ensure that AI systems are designed and used in a way that benefits patients and society, which can reduce health disparities and inequities. By recognizing and addressing biases at each stage of the AI life cycle, AI can achieve its potential in health care

    Threshold responses to morphogen gradients by zero-order ultrasensitivity

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    Translating a graded morphogen distribution into tight response borders is central to all developmental processes. Yet, the molecular mechanisms generating such behavior are poorly understood. During patterning of the Drosophila embryonic ventral ectoderm, a graded mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is converted into an all-or-none degradation switch of the Yan transcriptional repressor. Replacing the cardinal phosphorylated amino acid of Yan by a phosphomimetic residue allowed its degradation in a MAPK-independent manner, consistent with Yan phosphorylation being the critical event in generating the switch. Several alternative threshold mechanisms that could, in principle, be realized by this phosphorylation, including first order, cooperativity, positive feedback and zero-order ultrasensitivity, were analyzed. We found that they can be distinguished by their kinetics and steady-state responses to Yan overexpression. In agreement with the predictions for zero-order kinetics, an increase in Yan levels did not shift the degradation border, but significantly elevated the time required to reach steady state. We propose that a reversible loop of Yan phosphorylation implements a zero-order ultrasensitivity-like threshold mechanism, with the capacity to form sharp thresholds that are independent of the level of Yan

    Новый сортообразец льна многолетнего (Línum perénne L.) Блюз селекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО

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    Relevance and research material. Flax is a perennial herbaceous plant with a high decorative value, with a long flowering, blooms in the first year of vegetation. The plant is undemanding to the growing conditions. As a result of multiple selection selections from a foreign variety, the long-term flax variety No. L-22 "Blues" recommended for use for decorative purposes was derived. The leaves and the bright color of the flowers provide a contrast to the perennial borders and flower beds. It looks good both in single and group plantings, as well as in cutting.Results. The study was carried out in the open ground of the Moscow Region (2015-2022) on experimental plots of the flower crops sector of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. The most aligned form according to decorative features is L–22 with high seed productivity of inflorescences, decorative and winter hardiness. Variety testing and preliminary propagation of a promising long-term flax variety was carried out. Signs such as "plant height"Актуальность и материал исследований. Лен – многолетнее травянистое растение, обладающее высокой декоративностью, с продолжительным цветением, зацветает в первый год вегетации. Растение нетребовательное к условиям произрастания. В результате многократных селекционных отборов из иностранного сорта, выведен сортообразец льна многолетнего №Л22 Блюз, рекомендованный к использованию в декоративных целях. Листья и яркая окраска цветков обеспечивают контраст многолетним бордюрам и клумбам. Хорошо смотрится как в одиночных так и групповых посадках, а так же в срезке.Результаты. Изучение льна многолетнего проводилось в открытом грунте Московской области (2015-2022 годы) на опытных участках сектора цветочных культур ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Выделена наиболее выровненная по декоративным признакам форма – Л-22 с высокой семенной продуктивностью соцветий, декоративностью и зимостойкостью. Проведено сортоиспытание и предварительное размножение перспективного сортообразца льна многолетнего. Такие признаки как «высота растения», «диаметр куста», «число декоративных побегов», «диаметр цветка», имели низкое или среднее значение варьирования, что характеризует данный образец как наиболее выровненный. Таким образом, сортообразец лена многолетнего, рекомендован к выращиванию и использованию в декоративных целях. Голубая окраска цветков обеспечивают контраст многолетним бордюрам и клумбам, поэтому он пользуется большой популярностью у садоводов. Используется в самых разных групповых композициях: в миксбордерах, альпинариях, цветниках и бордюрах, хорошо смотрится в срезке. Отличается стойкостью окраски цветков при выгорании на солнце; устойчивостью к болезням и вредителям; большим количеством цветков на растении; высокой семенной продуктивностью


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    The results of the laboratory of standardization, regulation and metrology in recent years are shown. Based on research, two intergovernmental standards, one national standard, and 24 standards of the organization were developed, agreed, approved, and put into effect.Приведены результаты работы лаборатории стандартизации, нормирования и метрологии за последние годы. В институте на основании исследований разработаны, согласованы, утверждены и введены в действие: два межгосударственных стандарта, один национальный стандарт и 24 стандарта организации

    Information Needs and Requirements for Decision Support in Primary Care: An Analysis of Chronic Pain Care

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    Decision support system designs often do not align with the information environments in which clinicians work. These work environments may increase Clinicians’ cognitive workload and harm their decision making. The objective of this study was to identify information needs and decision support requirements for assessing, diagnosing, and treating chronic noncancer pain in primary care. We conducted a qualitative study involving 30 interviews with 10 primary care clinicians and a subsequent multidisciplinary systems design workshop. Our analysis identified four key decision requirements, eight clinical information needs, and four decision support design seeds. Our findings indicate that clinicians caring for chronic pain need decision support that aggregates many disparate information elements and helps them navigate and contextualize that information. By attending to the needs identified in this study, decision support designers may improve Clinicians’ efficiency, reduce mental workload, and positively affect patient care quality and outcomes

    A thermionic energy converter with a molybdenum-alumina cermet emitter

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    A study is made of the properties of cermets as electrode materials for thermionic energy converters. For thermodynamic reasons it is expected that all cermets composed of pure Mo and refractory oxides have the same bare work function. From data on the work function of Mo in an oxygen atmosphere this bare work function is estimated to be F=4.9 eV (at T=1400¿°C). Experimentally, the bare work function of Al2O3-Mo cermets was found to be F=4.5 eV, independent of the relative amounts of Al2O3 and Mo. The cesiated work function of the Al2O3-Mo cermets was found to be 0.15 eV lower than the cesiated work function of pure Mo. The bare work function of Mo3Al was found to be F=4.0 eV. The cesiated work function of Mo3Al at collector temperature conditions was 0.3 eV lower than the cesiated work function of pure Mo. The electrical power density of a diode with an Al2O3-Mo cermet emitter was 0.4 W/cm2 at 1300¿°C. The barrier index at this temperature was 2.36 V. The high barrier index is attributed to a high plasma voltage drop Vd=0.91 V

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung: a case report

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    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung (MEC) is a tumor of low malignant potential of bronchial gland origin. MEC and adenoid cystic carcinoma are both considered to be salivary gland-type neoplasms. MECs are comparatively rare with an incidence of all lung cancers. We recently encountered a case of this type of lung cancer. A 60-year-old man was found to have an abnormal shadow in the left lower lung field on a regular check-up for lung cancer at his company. Chest radiography and CT revealed a mass shadow measuring 30 mm in diameter in the left lower lung field. Bronchoscopy revealed a protuberant tumor in the S9 bronchus, leading to a diagnosis of low-grade MEC by transbronchial lung biopsy. He underwent left lower lobe resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection using VATS. Tumor cells had a scattering of mucus-producing epithelial components in papillary growth of stratified squamous epithelia with anisokaryosis and minimal pleomorphism, indicating a diagnosis of MEC. Because the postoperative course was good and the tumor was low-grade, no adjuvant treatment was administered. The patient has had no signs of tumor recurrence for 9 months, to date, since resection of the tumo

    Новый сорт лихниса корончатого (Lychnis coronaria (L.) Murray ex Desr.) Малиновый Рассвет селекции ФГБНУ ФНЦО

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    Relevance and methodology. Lychnis coronaria is a perennial herbaceous plant with high decorative properties, with prolonged flowering in the second or third year of vegetation. The pubescent leaves form beautiful rosettes. The plant is undemanding to the growing conditions. The research material was the varietal population of Lychnis coronaria. The study was carried out in the open ground of the Moscow region (2014- 2021) on experimental plots of the flower crops sector of the FSBSI FSVC.Results. The most aligned form according to decorative features was identified – LC 1-21 with high seed productivity of inflorescences, decorative and winter hardiness. A variety testing and preliminary reproduction of a promising cultivar of Lychnis coronaria was carried out. This variety was transferred to the FSBI "State Export Commission" in 2021 under the name “Malinovy Rassvet”. Such signs as "plant height", "bush diameter", "number of ornamental shoots", "flower diameter" had a low or average variation value, which characterizes this sample as the most aligned. Thus, the cv. “Malinovy Rassvet” of Lychnis coronaria is recommended for cultivation and use for decorative purposes. The leaves and the bright color of the flowers provide a contrast to the perennial borders and flower beds. It looks good both in single and group plantings, as well as in cutting. It is grown as a short-lived perennial. The main advantages of the variety are the color fastness of flowers when burned out in the sun, resistance to diseases and pests, high seed productivity.Актуальность и материал исследований. Лихнис корончатый – многолетнее травянистое растение, обладающее высокой декоративностью, с продолжительным цветением на второй, третий год вегетации. Опушённые листья образуют красивые розетки. Растение нетребовательное к условиям произрастания. Материалом исследований служила сортопопуляция лихниса корончатого. Изучение проводили в открытом грунте Московской области в 2014-2021 годах на опытных участках сектора цветочных культур ФГБНУ ФНЦО.Результаты. Выделена наиболее выровненная по декоративным признакам форма – ЛК 1-21 с высокой семенной продуктивностью соцветий, декоративностью и зимостойкостью. Проведено сортоиспытание и предварительное размножение перспективного сортообразца лихниса корончатого. Данный сортообразец передан в ФГБУ "Госсорткомиссия" в 2021 году под названием Малиновый Рассвет. Такие признаки как «высота растения», «диаметр куста», «число декоративных побегов», «диаметр цветка», имели низкое или среднее значение варьирования, что характеризует данный образец как наиболее выровненный. Таким образом, лихнис корончатый сорта Малиновый Рассвет рекомендован к выращиванию и использованию в декоративных целях. Листья и яркая окраска цветков обеспечивают контраст многолетним бордюрам и клумбам. Хорошо смотрится как в одиночных, так и групповых посадках, а также в срезке. Выращивается как недолговечный многолетник. Основные достоинства сорта – стойкость окраски цветков при выгорании на солнце, устойчивость к болезням и вредителям, высокая семенная продуктивность