48 research outputs found


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    The optical transmission spectra of thin films of Ge 40 Te 60-x Sb x (x = 0, 2, 4, 6 and 10), prepared by vacuum evaporation technique from their corresponding bulk samples, are recorded over the spectral region of 500 270


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    Objective: The present study was carried out to discover whether these pyrimidine derivatives have the potential to be used as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and carbonic anhydrase (CA) IX inhibitors through structure-based in silico study. Methods: Docking was performed on 6 pyrimidine analogs; cetuximab and curcumin were taken as reference drug. The structure of the target protein retrieved from the RCSB Protein databank and the protein-ligand docking was performed using Pyrx AutoDock wizard with MGL tools 1.5.6 by using Lamarckian algorithm. Results: All the compounds have shown lower binding energy and inhibition constant (Ki) value than reference drug cetuximab and curcumin. Out of the 6 inhibitors analyzed vkh has shown minimum binding energy against the target protein EGFR and CA IX respectively. Smaller Ki value shows stronger interaction. The scoring value of the interaction of vkh i. e-10.74 and-9.93 Kcal/mol and Ki 13.17ɳM and 53.04ɳM against the target protein EGFR and CA IX respectively while the reference drug cetuximab has shown binding energy-6.09 Kcal/mol with Ki value 34.44 µM and curcumin has shown binding energy-6.02 kcal/mol with Ki value 38.60 µM. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the molecule vkh could have potential to be used as an EGFR inhibitor and CA IX inhibitor

    Analysis of cost of medical therapy in patients of metabolic syndrome: an observational study

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    Background: The objective of the study was to analyze cost of medical therapy in patients of Metabolic syndrome.Methods: This was an observational study. The study was conducted by enrolling patients of the outpatient department of Medicine of Rajindra Hospital, Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab. A total of 100 patients diagnosed with Metabolic syndrome were enrolled in the study. The total daily cost of the therapy was calculated by adding the direct cost of individual drugs taking in consideration the frequency of the drug. The daily cost of therapy was then extrapolated to calculate the monthly as well as annual cost of therapy.Results: The mean age of patients was 58.27±10.32 years. Out of a total of 100 patients, there were 57 female and 43 male patients, indicating a female preponderance of the disease. The average individual daily cost of medical therapy is INR 44.56 which upon extrapolation gives monthly and annual cost of INR 1336.90 and INR 16264.40 respectively. The cost of treatment in males is costlier than females (INR 50.09 in males versus INR 40.22 in females). The cost of treatment of age 31-40 years is INR 27.90 while it INR 36.97, 48.16 and 50.75 for age groups 41-50, 51-60 and 61-70 years. The various components of metabolic syndrome viz. diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia contribute differently to the cost of therapy. Daily cost of medical therapy for diabetes mellitus is INR 18.57 while for hypertension and dyslipidemia are INR 10.25 and INR 6.13 respectively.Conclusions: Chronic diseases like metabolic syndrome have a huge share of the healthcare budget. Given the fact that it is a lifestyle disease, its prevalence is likely to swell in the coming decades. Hence, formulation of preventive and innovative treatment guidelines is of utmost importance

    A study to evaluate compliance in patients of diabetes mellitus in a North-Indian tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The objective of the study was to determine level of adherence and recognize various causative factors which can affect the compliance in the diabetic patients.Methods: This was an observational study. The study was conducted by enrolling patients of the outpatient department of Medicine of Rajindra Hospital, Government Medical College, Patiala, Punjab. To assess adherence, a questionnaire was administered to the patients - Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS) -8 item questionnaire. The various factors affecting compliance was determined by a researcher made questionnaire.Results: Out of a total of 100 subjects, age range extended from 18 years to 80 years. The mean age was 57.52±12.33years. 51% of patients were females and 49% was males. Analysis of MMAS- 8 item scores of patients showed that 52% of patients had low adherence, 29% had medium while 19% had high adherence to the treatment. Only 30% patients were compliant i.e. with HbA1C value of 7 or less while 70% patients were non-compliant i.e. with HbA1C value of more than 7.Conclusions: Compliance to medical treatment is influenced by a myriad of factors. In order to promote compliance, it is necessary to increase awareness about the disease, possible complications and treatment guidelines among patients as well as their family members.

    The effect of density dependent emigration on spread of infectious diseases: a modelling study

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    In this study, we proposed and analyzed an SIS mathematicalmodel by considering population densitydependent emigration. It is assumed that the diseaseis transmitted by direct contact of infective and susceptiblepopulations. We also assumed that the rate ofcontact is emigration dependent i.e. contact rate is variablewhich depends on the current population of habitatas well as on non-emigrating population density of habitat.The equilibria and their stability are studied by usingthe stability theory of differential equations and simulation.The model analysis shows that the spread of infectiousdisease in habitat decreases if the rate of emigrationincreases but it increases as the population density of nonemigratingpopulation increases. The simulation study ofthe model confirms these analytical results

    Power Rotational Interleaver on an Idma System

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    In this paper we are proposing an interleaver design i.e. power rotational interleaver. The basic purpose of this design is to reduce the bandwidth occupied by the interleaver. This approach provides an efficient result for multiple users. The complexity of this design is same as that of master random interleaver while the bandwidth requirement is reduced up to a great extent. On the basis of simulation results it is concluded that the performance of power rotational interleaver is as good as that is of random interleaver. Keywords: Master random interleaver, a posteriori probability, tree based interleaver

    Chronic pelvic pain in women: comparative study between ultrasonography and laparoscopy as diagnostic tool

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    Background: Chronic pelvic pain is a major cause of morbidity among the reproductive age group women. The study on patients of chronic pelvic pain aimed to compare the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography and laparoscopy in these patientsMethods: The study was conducted on 100 patients of chronic pelvic pain attending the gynaecology outdoor and were subjected to thorough clinical examination followed by ultrasonography and laparoscopic examination.Results: Maximum number of cases of chronic pelvic pain belonged to 25-30 years, were parous with mean duration of pain of 15.2 months. The most common complaint was vaginal discharge (70%) followed by menstrual irregularity. On clinical examination, pelvic tenderness was observed in majority (60%) of cases. USG examination showed chronic pelvic inflammatory disease in 43% cases followed by myoma (8%), ovarian cyst (5%), endometriosis (6%), pelvic congestion (5%) and no abnormal pathology in 25% cases. On laparoscopic examination, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease was present in 47% cases followed by endometriosis (11%), pelvic congestion (8%), myoma (8%), adhesions (7%) while 13% cases showed normal findings.Conclusions: Laparoscopy is more effective than ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in patients of chronic pelvic pain.