421 research outputs found

    Efficient method for aeroelastic tailoring of composite wing to minimize gust response

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    Aeroelastic tailoring of laminated composite structure demands relatively high computational time especially for dynamic problem. This paper presents an efficient method for aeroelastic dynamic response analysis with significantly reduced computational time. In this method, a relationship is established between the maximum aeroelastic response and quasi-steady deflection of a wing subject to a dynamic loading. Based on this relationship, the time consuming dynamic response can be approximated by a quasi-steady deflection analysis in a large proportion of the optimization process. This method has been applied to the aeroelastic tailoring of a composite wing of a tailless aircraft for minimum gust response. The results have shown that 20%–36% gust response reduction has been achieved for this case. The computational time of the optimization process has been reduced by 90% at the cost of accuracy reduction of 2~4% comparing with the traditional dynamic response analysis

    Three-body problem -- from Newton to supercomputer plus machine learning

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    The famous three-body problem can be traced back to Newton in 1687, but quite few families of periodic orbits were found in 300 years thereafter. As proved by Poincar\`{e}, the first integral does not exist for three-body systems, which implies that numerical approach had to be used in general. In this paper, we propose an effective approach and roadmap to numerically gain planar periodic orbits of three-body systems with arbitrary masses by means of machine learning based on an artificial neural network (ANN) model. Given any a known periodic orbit as a starting point, this approach can provide more and more periodic orbits (of the same family name) with variable masses, while the mass domain having periodic orbits becomes larger and larger, and the ANN model becomes wiser and wiser. Finally we have an ANN model trained by means of all obtained periodic orbits of the same family, which provides a convenient way to give accurate enough predictions of periodic orbits with arbitrary masses for physicists and astronomers. It suggests that the high-performance computer and artificial intelligence (including machine learning) should be the key to gain periodic orbits of the famous three-body problem.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-395522/v

    Contextualized and personalized location-based services

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    Advances in the technologies of smart mobile devices and tiny sensors together with the increase in the number of web resources open up a plethora of new mobile information services where people can acquire and disseminate information at any place and any time. Location-based services (LBS) are characterized by providing users with useful and local information, i.e. information that belongs to a particular domain of interest to the user and can be of use while the user remains in a particular area. In addition, LBS need to take into account the interactions and dependencies between services, user and context for the information filtering and delivery in order to fulfill the needs and constraints of mobile users. We argue that consequently it brings up a series of technical challenges in terms of data semantics and infrastructure, context-awareness and personalization, as well as query formulation and answering etc. They can not be simply extended from existing traditional data management strategies. Instead, they need a new solution. Firstly, we propose a semantic LBS infrastructure on the basis of the modularized ontologies approach. We elaborate a core ontology which is mainly composed of three modules describing the services, users and contexts. The core ontology aims at presenting an abstract view (a model) of all information in LBS. In contrast, data describing the instances (of services user and actual contextual data) are stored in three independent data stores, called the service profiles, user profiles and context profiles. These data are semantically aligned with the concepts in the core ontology through a set of mappings. This approach enables the distributed data sources to be maintained in a autonomous manner, which is well adapted to the high dynamics and mobility of the data sources. Secondly, we separately address the function, features, and our modelling approach of the three major players, i.e. service, context and user in LBS. Then, we define a set of constructs to represent their interactions and inter-dependencies and illustrate how these semantic constructs can contribute to personalized and contextualized query processing. Service classes are organized in a taxonomy, which distinguishes the services by their business functions. This concept hierarchy helps to analyze and reformulate the users' queries. We introduce three new kinds of relationships in the service module to enhance the semantics of interactions and dependencies between services. We identify five key components of contexts in LBS and regard them as a semantic contextual basis for LBS. Component contexts are related together by specific composition relationships that can describe spatio-temporal constraints. A user profile contains personal information about a given user and possibly a set of self-defined rules, which offer hints on what the user likes or dislikes, and what could attract him or her. In the core ontology clustering users with common features can help the cooperative query answering. Each of the three modules of the core ontology is an ontology in itself. They are inter-related by relationships that link concepts belonging to two different modules. The LBS fully benefits from the modularized structure of the core ontology. It allows restricting the search space, as well as facilitating the maintenance of each module. Finally, we studied the query reformulation and processing issues in LBS. How to make the query interface tangible and provide rapid and relevant answers are typical concerns in all information services. Our query format not only fully obeys the "simple, tangible and effective" golden-rules of user-interface design, but also satisfies the needs of domain-independent interface and emphasizes the importance of spatio-temporal constraints in LBS. With pre-defined spatio-temporal operators, users can easily specify in their queries the spatio-temporal availability they need for the services they are looking for. This allows eliminating most of irrelevant answers that are usually generated by keyword-based approaches. Constraints in the various dimensions (what, when, where and what-else) can be expressed by a conjunctive query, and then be smoothly translated to RDF-patterns. We illustrate our query answering strategy by using the SPARQL syntax, and explain how the relaxation can be done with rules specified in the query relaxation profile

    A Modular Data Infrastructure for Location-Based Services

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    Knowledgable Location-ha,sed Services (LBS) aim at enabling mobile users to specify their requests and profiles oil the move and providing there with context-aware and personalized local information relevant to their current, activity and request. Therefore, it opens up new challenges ill data infrastructure; knowledge representations and data management etc. In this paper, firstly we will discuss the characteristics of LBS in terms of data management, and then present our data architecture. Finally, we will explain how the knowledge is incrementally set up and maintained in a nodular manner

    Identification of Genes Related to White and Black Plumage Formation by RNA-Seq from White and Black Feather Bulbs in Ducks

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    To elucidate the genes involved in the formation of white and black plumage in ducks, RNA from white and black feather bulbs of an F2 population were analyzed using RNA-Seq. A total of 2,642 expressed sequence tags showed significant differential expression between white and black feather bulbs. Among these tags, 186 matched 133 annotated genes that grouped into 94 pathways. A number of genes controlling melanogenesis showed differential expression between the two types of feather bulbs. This differential expression was confirmed by qPCR analysis and demonstrated that Tyr (Tyrosinase) and Tyrp1 (Tyrosinase-related protein-1) were expressed not in W-W (white feather bulb from white dorsal plumage) and W-WB (white feather bulb from white-black dorsal plumage) but in B-B (black feather bulb from black dorsal plumage) and B-WB (black feather bulb from white-black dorsal plumage) feather bulbs. Tyrp2 (Tyrosinase-related protein-2) gene did not show expression in the four types of feather bulbs but expressed in retina. C-kit (The tyrosine kinase receptor) expressed in all of the samples but the relative mRNA expression in B-B or B-WB was approximately 10 fold higher than that in W-W or W-WB. Additionally, only one of the two Mitf isoforms was associated with plumage color determination. Downregulation of c-Kit and Mitf in feather bulbs may be the cause of white plumage in the duck

    Electrified Fracture of Nanotube Films

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    Strong and conductive carbon nanotube films are ideal candidates for lightning-strike protection. Understanding their failure mechanisms by considering the anisotropic and single-fiber nature is essential to improve performance. Our experimental studies show that the single-layer, nanometer-thick films fail under electrification by crack nucleation and propagation, reminiscent of brittle and ductile fracture of materials under mechanical loads. Sharp and diffuse patterns of fracture are identified in aligned and non-woven films, respectively, signaling the strong effect of material anisotropy that is absent in common engineering materials. The fracture is driven by local Joule heating concentrated at the crack fronts instead of force-induced breakage, which is validated by experimental characterization and simulation results at both continuum and atomistic levels

    Dynamic Demand Forecast and Assignment Model for Bike-and-Ride System

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    Bike-and-Ride (B&R) has long been considered as an effective way to deal with urbanization-related issues such as traffic congestion, emissions, equality, etc. Although there are some studies focused on the B&R demand forecast, the influencing factors from previous studies have been excluded from those forecasting methods. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a new B&R demand forecast model considering the influencing factors as dynamic rather than fixed ones to reach higher forecasting accuracy. This model is tested in a theoretical network to validate the feasibility and effectiveness and the results show that the generalised cost does have an effect on the demand for the B&R system.</p

    Efficient Method for Aeroelastic Tailoring of Composite Wing to Minimize Gust Response

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    Aeroelastic tailoring of laminated composite structure demands relatively high computational time especially for dynamic problem. This paper presents an efficient method for aeroelastic dynamic response analysis with significantly reduced computational time. In this method, a relationship is established between the maximum aeroelastic response and quasi-steady deflection of a wing subject to a dynamic loading. Based on this relationship, the time consuming dynamic response can be approximated by a quasi-steady deflection analysis in a large proportion of the optimization process. This method has been applied to the aeroelastic tailoring of a composite wing of a tailless aircraft for minimum gust response. The results have shown that 20%-36% gust response reduction has been achieved for this case. The computational time of the optimization process has been reduced by 90% at the cost of accuracy reduction of 2∼4% comparing with the traditional dynamic response analysis