248 research outputs found

    Effect of pulsed high frequency energy on cutaneous blood flow

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of thermal effect from high frequency energy of three kinds on cutaneous tissue blood flow. Healthy volunteer students (n=19) received continuous and two kinds of pulsed high frequency energy on their thighs. Using a laser Doppler flowmetry, blood flow volume was measured for statistical analysis. No correlation between thickness of subcutaneous fat and rate of change of blood flow with different waveforms was found. Radiation of continuous wave increased blood flow significantly 8 minutes after the start of application. SPW and LPW also increased significantly from the end of application, and this results lasted until 15 minutes. Decrease rate of blood flow after the application with both kind of PW were less than CW. The results indicate that continuous wave increased blood flow faster and greater than pulsed one. However, increased blood flow by pulsed wave lasted longer time than which was obtained by the continuous one. Further research into combinations of pulse width and pulse repetition rates to determine whether specific conditions respond to particular setting is recommended


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    本学で使用する実習成績評価の信頼性を検証するとともに、実習成績結果から学生の特徴について明確にすることを目的とした. 実習成績評価は中項目、小項目ともにCronbachの α信頼係数は高値を示し、本学で作成した成績表の全ての項目内容は信頼性、内的整合性が保たれていることがわかった. Klaster分析によって実習成績別に良好群、中間群、不良群にわけることができた. 学生の特徴として、良好群は全ての中項目で60点以上の成績であった. 中間群は基本的態度、対人関係、対象者のオリエンテーションなどコミュニケーション能力に関係する中項目では60点以上の成績となっていたが、評価に関係する中項目においては60点を下回る成績であった. 不良群では全ての中項目において60点を下回る成績であった.As well as verify the authenticity of the grading clinical practice used by the University, we have intended to clarify characteristics of student results from grading clinical practice. Cronbach\u27s reliability coefficient α indicates the threshold in both middle items, small items, grading clinical practice, he was found to be maintained reliability, and internal consistency of the contents of all the items of the league table that you created in the university. I can be divided into good group, middle group, the poor control group performance by training by analysis klaster. The characteristics of the students, was a good group performance of more than 60 items of all. Intermediary group in the field, but had become a grade of at least 60 points in that relate to communication skills, such as orientation basic attitudes, interpersonal relations, of the subject, in the field he was a grade below 60 points in the related to the evaluation. Bad group it was 60 points lower than the results of all the items


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    Remedial education was started for the first year students at Shijonawate Gakuen University in the beginning three months, 2010. Remedial education including mathematics, physics and biology was given for all the new students at the learning level of senior high school. This was done based on the learning needs examined for second year students, 2010. This is the first step to improve learning ability of the students and connect uneventfully learning process between senior high school and university

    高校吹奏楽部所属学生の楽器練習における身体症状の発生状況 : 演奏楽器別での症状特性について

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    高校吹奏楽部所属の1~3年生160名に、楽器の練習が影響していると考えられる身体症状についてアンケート調査を実施した. 結果は、チューバ奏者の多くが腰痛を訴えていた. サックス奏者やチューバ奏者には顎関節の痛みが発生していた. サックス奏者やチューバ奏者ならびにパーカッション奏者では利き手側の手関節や手指関節に関節痛が集中していた. また、整形外科的症状以外にも、頭痛、めまい、過呼吸、耳なり、倦怠感などの内科的症状が多くの学生に発生していた. これらの症状が改善できないまま学生は練習を継続していることもわかり、予防や対処法を検討していく必要があると考える.I carried out questionary survey about the physical symptom that it was thought that the exercise of the musical instrument influenced 160 1-3 year students of the high school brass band club position. Most of tubists appealed to the result for low back pain. To a saxophone player and a tubist, the pain of the temporomandibular joint occurred. In a saxophone player and a tubist and the percussion players, arthralgia concentrated on a wrist and finger joint of the handedness side. In addition, as well as an orthopedic symptom, medical symptoms such as a headache, dizziness, hyperpnoea, ringing in the ears, the lassitude occurred to many students. The student practices being able to improve these symptoms and thinks that it is necessary to examine the prevention and actions to be taken


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    注意の制御能力の低下から作業活動の持続が困難な対象者には、作業活動の一部の工程の反復練習をおこなうことも治療的に意味がある. 注意の制御能力の低下の一因に、ワーキングメモリを要する機能が不活発な影響も関与しているのではないかと推察した. 本研究では、作業活動の一部の工程を反復した作業課題よりも幾つかの工程を積み重ねて作業遂行することでワーキングメモリに関与する機能の活発化を仮定した. 健常成人10名を対象に4工程からなる箱つくりと、工程の一部を反復した箱の展開図を繰り返し作成する作業課題をおこない、作業後のワーキングメモリ機能に着目した認知機能検査を比較検討した. 4工程を順番に実施する箱つくりにおいて、対象者自身で効率の良い動作を制御する機会が増え、記憶の保持と処理が並列的におこなわれたことからワーキングメモリの機能に着目した認知機能検査に影響を与えた.It is therapeutic to practice some processes of occupation action repeatedly to the subject that persistence of working action is difficult from degradation of ability for control of care, and there is a meaning. We speculated whether the mechanism which needed working memory in a cause of degradation of ability for control of care did not contribute to inanimate influence either. We supposed functional activation to contribute to working memory by we piled up some processes than the occupation problem that repeated some processes of working action by this study, and accomplishing occupation. We did an occupation problem we repeated development of the box which repeated a box structure comprising four processes and a portion of a process for ten normal adults, and to make, and comparison reviewed the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to working memory mechanism after occupation. The opportunities that controlled good movement of the efficiency of we increased by, subject oneself in a box structure to carry out four processes in turn, and mnemonic containment and disposal affected the cognitive function examination that paid its attention to mechanism of working memory from what was done multiply


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    さまざまな移乗方法や移乗用具があるが,全身性障害で全介助状態の対象者の介助には,介助用リフトの使用が介助者と要介助者の双方にとって安全な移乗方法であることが多い.とりわけ要介助者にとって,直接的に安楽性・安全性に関係する要素として吊り具がある.吊り具も機器本体と同様に,多種多様である.この中で,経験上最もよく用いた,脚分離型ハイバック吊り具は,吊り上げ時の頚の角度に各社差があり,人工呼吸器使用者にとっては頚部が深い屈曲位にならないことが,姿勢反射の影響が強い対象者には,特に吊り上げ初期に,適度に頚部が屈曲位をとれることが望まれる.しかし,既製品の中で,これらの条件を満たすものが入手できないことから,改良を試みた.試作品と既成品との吊り上げ時の頚部の角度比較から,一定の結果を得たので報告する.Nowadays, we\u27ve seen various transfer techniques and tools for the patients who need support somehow. In most cases: especially the patients who consider systemic disability and necessity of full physical cares, using hoists and slings would be the one of comfortable and safety transfer tool. In addition, this is not only for the patients, but also the care-workers. Particularly, slings consist elements that may directly influence patients the comfort and security when the transfer. Regarding to the slings; divided leg support slings with high back that I have used most of times through my past experiences, I found out one big issue regarding to uses of slings. To focus on the issue, it is obvious that all slings from each different company show differences of neck angle at the point of lifting, and the patients have not adopted the sling and then lifted in right conditions. Giving you as example, previous slings do not provide the neck flexion at the point of lifting. For other case, slings tend to give neck extension at the point of initial lifting. However, it is not able to obtain the slings that resolve these matters within the ready-made sling, which is currently selling in the market of Japan. Therefore, I modified the one of slings, and I tried to solve the issue by modifying one of slings as sample and compare the original ready-made and this sample. Hereby, I will repot an invariable result, which was seen on this comparison here