87 research outputs found

    “Interactive Experiential Learning With Young Children” in Junior High School Home Economics courses: Developing and implementing a class model using active learning

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    本研究は,中学校2年生の家庭科における「私たちの成長と家族 幼児とのふれあい」という題材名の授業において,課題を自ら解決する学習が可能なアクティブ・ラーニングを用いて、授業モデルを開発し、授業実践し、検証することを目的とする。 本研究で開発した「コミュニケーション能力を育成する授業モデル」は、次のような特徴を持つ。 ①幼児の保護者と生徒が直接的・間接的にかかわることによって、幼児の理解を深めた。 ②幼児とのふれあい体験の事後学習に「幼児とのふれあいQ&A集」を作成した。 ③幼児の心身の発達をより深く理解するために、生徒は自分の家族や幼稚園教員と話し合い,課題を解決した。 ④幼児とのふれあいを衣生活や食生活とも関連させた。The purpose of this study is to develop, put into practice and verify a class model that uses active learning, which allows students to solve problems on their own, in a Home Economics class for 8th grade students with the theme, “Our growth and family: Interaction with young children.” The “Class model for nurturing communication skills,” developed in this study has the following characteristics. (1) Deepening the understanding of young children through direct and indirect involvement of young children’s parents and students. (2) Creating a “FAQ of interactions with young children,” in the post learning of the interactive practice with the young children. (3) Students having discussions with their families and kindergarten teachers and solving problems in order to have a better understanding of the mental and physical development of the young children. (4) The interactions with young children are also related to clothing and eating habits

    Development of Exchange Activities with the International Students for Nurturing Global Human Resources: Focusing on Communication Skills, Cooperativity and Flexibility

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    This research project developed and practiced some exchange activities with international university students to nurture global human resources at the kindergarten level. The project was constructed with four strategic approaches to focus on developing communication skills, cooperativity and flexibility in children. The studies concluded that children's amical feeling toward international students have acted as a springboard to seek active interaction and to provide support when needed. Developmental level of children should also be considered to promote communication and flexibility. Further research on flexibility is necessary both in literature and in practice

    Development of exchange activity with the student studying abroad to bring global human resources up : “Independence and positivism” please focus on “challenge spirit”

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    本研究は,幼稚園におけるグローバル人材の育成をめざした留学生交流活動を開発することを目的とする。特に,グローバル人材の育成に必要である「主体性・積極性」「チャレンジ精神」に焦点をあてることとする。 開発した交流活動における成果となる子どもの姿は次の通りである。①『日本語が通じない留学生と出会う(主体性・積極性)』場面では,子どもたちと留学生との間で徐々に自然な形でのやりとりが見られた。②『留学生が困った表情をしている(チャレンジ精神)』場面では,子ども自ら留学生にとってよい方法を考え,考えた方法で粘り強くかかわっていた。③『言葉の違いから留学生に自分の思いや考えが伝わらない(チャレンジ精神)』では,自分たちが伝えたいことを身振り手振り,絵や図鑑を用いて伝えようとする姿が見られた。④『留学生から「日本の子どもたちの歌や遊びが知りたい」という話がくる(主体性・積極性,チャレンジ精神)』では,子どもたちが留学生のことを思い,初めてでもすぐに覚えられるものを考えて選ぼうとする姿が見られた。また,日本の歌の踊りをわかってもらえるように見本を見せたり,体に触れたりしながら丁寧に教える姿が見られた。Exchange activity with the student studying abroad to bring global human resources up at a kindergarten by this research is being developed. I focus on independence, positivism and challenge spirit required by upbringing of global human resources. The outcome of a study is as follows. (1) I meet the student studying abroad who can’t speak Japanese. (Independence and positivism) Children were talking with a student studying abroad naturally. (2) A student studying abroad is in trouble. (Challenge spirit) A child is thinking for a student studying abroad and is behaving. (3) Talk isn’t transmitted to a student studying abroad because a word is different. (Challenge spirit) Children moved and it was being explained by a picture and an illustration book. (4) A student studying abroad is saying that he’d like to know Japanese play. (Independence and positivism, Challenge spirit) Easy play was chosen. A sample was being shown and it was being told politely

    Research integrity in Instructions for Authors in Japanese medical journals using ICMJE Recommendations: A descriptive literature study

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    Koizumi Shiho, Ide Kazuki, Becker Carl, et al. Research integrity in Instructions for Authors in Japanese medical journals using ICMJE Recommendations: A descriptive literature study. PLOS ONE 19, e0305707 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0305707

    What Impact does Physical Education have on Classroom Management?: Focus on a case of a novice teacher in a primary school

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    This article aims to address the relationship between physical education and classroom managemen of a novice teacher in a primary school. In conclusion, the things of this case study were as follows: (1) As a feature of the novice teacher A, the scores in "Attitude" dimension of physical education class evaluation was high, then learning discipline was retained. However, the scores in "Human Relationship" dimension of class consciousness showed low value, and it turned out that the novice teacher A was suffering from constructing good human relations within the class. (2) From the result of correlation between physical education class evaluation and classroom manegement, there was no strong relationship between physical education and classroom management of the novice teacher A. As a factor, from the interview of the novice teacher A, it was suggested that the image of classroom manegement the novice teacher A intended was not clear