5,475 research outputs found

    Rapid optimization of working parameters of microwave-driven multi-level qubits for minimal gate leakage

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    We propose an effective method to optimize the working parameters (WPs) of microwave-driven quantum logical gates implemented with multi-level physical qubits. We show that by treating transitions between each pair of levels independently, intrinsic gate errors due primarily to population leakage to undesired states can be estimated accurately from spectroscopic properties of the qubits and minimized by choosing appropriate WPs. The validity and efficiency of the approach are demonstrated by applying it to optimize the WPs of two coupled rf SQUID flux qubits for controlled-NOT (CNOT) operation. The result of this independent transition approximation (ITA) is in good agreement with that of dynamic method (DM). Furthermore, the ratio of the speed of ITA to that of DM scales exponentially as 2^n when the number of qubits n increases.Comment: 4pages, 3 figure

    A unified approach to realize universal quantum gates in a coupled two-qubit system with fixed always-on coupling

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    We demonstrate that in a coupled two-qubit system any single-qubit gate can be decomposed into two conditional two-qubit gates and that any conditional two-qubit gate can be implemented by a manipulation analogous to that used for a controlled two-qubit gate. Based on this we present a unified approach to implement universal single-qubit and two-qubit gates in a coupled two-qubit system with fixed always-on coupling. This approach requires neither supplementary circuit or additional physical qubits to control the coupling nor extra hardware to adjust the energy level structure. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by numerical simulation of single-qubit gates and creation of two-qubit Bell states in rf-driven inductively coupled two SQUID flux qubits with realistic device parameters and constant always-on coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Rapid keratitis and perforation after corneal collagen cross-linking

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    © 2020 Purpose: To describe a case of rapid keratitis and corneal perforation after epithelium off collagen cross-linking. Observations: We report a case of a 17-year-old male who underwent collagen cross-linking with the protocol and device approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that developed a corneal infiltrate 3 days after the procedure. He later developed corneal thinning and perforation on day 5 requiring the use of cyanoacrylate glue and a Kontur lens. Despite initial improvement in the infiltrate with fortified antibiotics he later had leakage of aqueous around the glue and a flat chamber requiring an emergent penetrating keratoplasty on postoperative day 16. Conclusion and importance: While collagen cross-linking has been very effective for treating keratoconus and is being recommended more frequently since FDA approval in the United States, severe complications such as corneal perforation requiring early transplant can still occur

    Correlated Optical/X-ray Long-term Variability in LMXB 4U1636-536

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    We have conducted a 3-month program of simultaneous optical, soft and hard X-ray monitoring of the LMXB 4U1636-536/V801 Ara using the SMARTS 1.3m telescope and archival RXTE/ASM and Swift/XRT data. 4U1636-536 has been exhibiting a large amplitude, quasi-periodic variability since 2002 when its X-ray flux dramatically declined by roughly an order of magnitude. We confirmed that the anti-correlation between soft (2-12 keV) and hard (> 20 keV) X-rays, first investigated by Shih et al. (2005), is not an isolated event but a fundamental characteristic of this source's variability properties. However, the variability itself is neither strictly stable nor changing on an even longer characteristic timescale. We also demonstrate that the optical counterpart varies on the same timescale, and is correlated with the soft, and not the hard, X-rays. This clearly shows that X-ray reprocessing in LMXB discs is mainly driven by soft X-rays. The X-ray spectra in different epochs of the variability revealed a change of spectral characteristics which resemble the state change of black hole X-ray binaries. All the evidence suggests that 4U1636-536 is frequently (~monthly) undergoing X-ray state transitions, a characteristic feature of X-ray novae with their wide range of luminosities associated with outburst events. In its current behavioural mode, this makes 4U1636-536 an ideal target for investigating the details of state changes in luminous X-ray binaries.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    More on Meta-Stable Brane Configuration

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    We describe the intersecting brane configuration of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua in four dimensional N=1 supersymmetric SU(N_c) gauge theory with an antisymmetric flavor, a conjugate symmetric flavor, eight fundamental flavors, m_f fundamental flavors and m_f antifundamental flavors. This is done by analyzing the N=1 supersymmetric SU(2m_f-N_c+4) magnetic gauge theory with dual matters and the corresponding dual superpotential.Comment: 20 pp, 3 figures; Pages 11,12, and 14 improved; to appear in CQ

    The massive neutron star or low-mass black hole in 2S0921-630

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    We report on optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing Halo LMXB 2S0921-630, that reveals the absorption line radial velocity curve of the K0III secondary star with a semi-amplitude K_2=92.89 +/- 3.84 km/s, a systemic velocity Îł\gamma=34.9 +/- 3.3 \kms and an orbital period P_orb of 9.0035 +/- 0.0029 day (1-sigma). Given the quality of the data, we find no evidence for the effects of X-ray irradiation. Using the previously determined rotational broadening of the mass donor, and applying conservative limits on the orbital inclination, we constrain the compact object mass to be 2.0-4.3 Msolar (1-sigma), ruling out a canonical neutron star at the 99% level. Since the nature of the compact object is unclear, this mass range implies that the compact object is either a low-mass black hole with a mass slightly higher than the maximum neutron star mass (2.9 Msolar) or a massive neutron star. If the compact object is a black hole, it confirms the prediction of the existence of low-mass black holes, while if the object is a massive neutron star its high mass severely constrains the equation of state of nuclear matter.Comment: Accepted by ApJ

    Self-aligned photonic defect microcavities with site-controlled quantum dots

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    Despite the superiority in quantum properties, self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots face challenges in terms of scalable device integration because of their random growth positions, originating from the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. Even with existing site-controlled growth techniques, for example, nanohole or buried stressor concepts, a further lithography and etching step with high spatial alignment requirements isnecessary to accurately integrate QDs into the nanophotonic devices. Here, we report on the fabrication and characterization of strain-induced site-controlled microcavities where site-controlled quantum dots are positioned at the antinode of the optical mode field in a self-aligned manner without the need of any further nano-processing. We show that the Q-factor, mode volume, height, and the ellipticity of site-controlled microcavities can be tailored by the size of an integrated AlAs/Al2O3 buried stressor, with an opening ranging from 1 to 4 ÎĽ\mum. Lasing signatures, including super-linear input-output response, linewidth narrowing near threshold, and gain competition above threshold, are observed for a 3.6-ÎĽ\mum self-aligned cavity with a Q-factor of 18000. Furthermore, by waiving the rather complex lateral nano-structuring usually performed during the fabrication process of micropillar lasers and vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers, quasi-planar site-controlled cavities exhibit no detrimental effects of excitation power induced heating and thermal rollover. Our straightforward deterministic nanofabrication concept of high-quality quantum dot microcavities integrates seamlessly with the industrial-matured manufacturing process and the buried-stressor techniques, paving the way for exceptional scalability and straightforward manufacturing of high-\b{eta} microlasers and bright quantum light sources

    Staggered-vorticity correlations in a lightly doped t-J model: a variational approach

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    We report staggered vorticity correlations of current in the d-wave variational wave function for the lightly-doped t-J model. Such correlations are explained from the SU(2) symmetry relating d-wave and staggered-flux mean-field phases. The correlation functions computed by the variational Monte Carlo method suggest that pairs are formed of holes circulating in opposite directions.Comment: ReVTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Time-dependent localized Hartree-Fock density-functional linear response approach for photoionization of atomic excited states

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    We present a time-dependent localized Hartree-Fock density-functional linear response approach for the treatment of photoionization of atomic systems. This approach employs a spin-dependent localized Hartree-Fock (SLHF) exchange potential to calculate electron orbitals and kernel functions, and thus can be used to study the photoionization from atomic excited states. We have applied the approach to the calculation of photoionization cross sections of Ne ground state. The results are in agreement with available experimental data and have comparable accuracies with other ab initio theoretical results. We have also extended the approach to explore the photoionization from Ne excited states and obtained some new results for the photoionization from outer-shell and inner-shell excited states.Comment: 6 figures and 3 table

    Retarded long-range potentials for the alkali-metal atoms and a perfectly conducting wall

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    The retarded long-range potentials for hydrogen and alkali-metal atoms in their ground states and a perfectly conducting wall are calculated. The potentials are given over a wide range of atom-wall distances and the validity of the approximations used is established.Comment: RevTeX, epsf, 11 pages, 2 fig
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