55 research outputs found

    Live imaging of whole mouse embryos during gastrulation : migration analyses of epiblast and mesodermal cells

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    During gastrulation in the mouse embryo, dynamic cell movements including epiblast invagination and mesodermal layer expansion lead to the establishment of the three-layered body plan. The precise details of these movements, however, are sometimes elusive, because of the limitations in live imaging. To overcome this problem, we developed techniques to enable observation of living mouse embryos with digital scanned light sheet microscope (DSLM). The achieved deep and high time-resolution images of GFP-expressing nuclei and following 3D tracking analysis revealed the following findings: (i) Interkinetic nuclear migration (INM) occurs in the epiblast at embryonic day (E)6 and 6.5. (ii) INM-like migration occurs in the E5.5 embryo, when the epiblast is a monolayer and not yet pseudostratified. (iii) Primary driving force for INM at E6.5 is not pressure from neighboring nuclei. (iv) Mesodermal cells migrate not as a sheet but as individual cells without coordination

    Near-wall rheotaxis of the ciliate Tetrahymena induced by the kinesthetic sensing of cilia

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    泳ぐ微生物が海まで流されない理由 --SDGsに欠かせない小さな生物たちの振る舞いを解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-10-21.To survive in harsh environments, single-celled microorganisms autonomously respond to external stimuli, such as light, heat, and flow. Here, we elucidate the flow response of Tetrahymena, a well-known single-celled freshwater microorganism. Tetrahymena moves upstream against an external flow via a behavior called rheotaxis. While micrometer-sized particles are swept away downstream in a viscous flow, what dynamics underlie the rheotaxis of the ciliate? Our experiments reveal that Tetrahymena slides along walls during upstream movement, which indicates that the cells receive rotational torque from shear flow to control cell orientation. To evaluate the effects of the shear torque and propelling speed, we perform a numerical simulation with a hydrodynamic model swimmer adopting cilia dynamics in a shear flow. The swimmer orientations converge to an upstream alignment, and the swimmer slides upstream along a boundary wall. The results suggest that Tetrahymena automatically responds to shear flow by performing rheotaxis using cilia-stalling mechanics

    De Novo Formation of Left–Right Asymmetry by Posterior Tilt of Nodal Cilia

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    In the developing mouse embryo, leftward fluid flow on the ventral side of the node determines left–right (L-R) asymmetry. However, the mechanism by which the rotational movement of node cilia can generate a unidirectional flow remains hypothetical. Here we have addressed this question by motion and morphological analyses of the node cilia and by fluid dynamic model experiments. We found that the cilia stand, not perpendicular to the node surface, but tilted posteriorly. We further confirmed that such posterior tilt can produce leftward flow in model experiments. These results strongly suggest that L-R asymmetry is not the descendant of pre-existing L-R asymmetry within each cell but is generated de novo by combining three sources of spatial information: antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes, and the chirality of ciliary movement

    Lattice-patterned collagen fibers and their dynamics in axolotl skin regeneration

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    The morphology of collagen-producing cells and the structure of produced collagen in the dermis have not been well-described. This lack of insights has been a serious obstacle in the evaluation of skin regeneration. We succeeded in visualizing collagen-producing cells and produced collagen using the axolotl skin, which is highly transparent. The visualized dermal collagen had a lattice-like structure. The collagen-producing fibroblasts consistently possessed the lattice-patterned filopodia along with the lattice-patterned collagen network. The dynamics of this lattice-like structure were also verified in the skin regeneration process of axolotls, and it was found that the correct lattice-like structure was not reorganized after simple skin wounding but was reorganized in the presence of nerves. These findings are not only fundamental insights in dermatology but also valuable insights into the mechanism of skin regeneration

    Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality

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    Sasaki, K., Shiba, K., Nakamura, A. et al. Calaxin is required for cilia-driven determination of vertebrate laterality. Commun Biol 2, 226 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-019-0462-

    Colocalization Analysis of Lipo-Deoxyribozyme Consisting of DNA and Protic Catalysts in a Vesicle-Based Protocellular Membrane Investigated by Confocal Microscopy

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    The linkage between the self-reproduction of compartments and the replication of DNA in a compartment is a crucial requirement for cellular life. In our giant vesicle (GV)-based model protocell, this linkage is achieved through the action of a supramolecular catalyst composed of membrane-intruded DNA and amphiphilic acid catalysts (C@DNA) in a GV membrane. In this study, we examined colocalization analysis for the formation of the supramolecular catalyst using a confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscope with high sensitivity and resolution. Red fluorescence spots emitted from DNA tagged with Texas Red (Texas Red-DNA) were observed in a GV membrane stained with phospholipid tagged with BODIPY (BODIPY-HPC). To our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of DNA embedded in a GV-based model protocellular membrane containing cationic lipids. Colocalization analysis based on a histogram of frequencies of “normalized mean deviation product” revealed that the frequencies of positively correlated [lipophilic catalyst tagged with BODIPY (BODIPY-C) and Texas Red-DNA] were significantly higher than those of [BODIPY-HPC and Texas Red-DNA]. This result demonstrates the spontaneous formation of C@DNA in the GV membrane, which serves as a lipo-deoxyribozyme for producing membrane lipids from its precursor

    Influence of cellular shape on sliding behavior of ciliates

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    Some types of ciliates accumulate on solid/fluid interfaces. This behavior is advantageous to survival in nature due to the presence of sufficient nutrition and stable environments. Recently, the accumulating mechanisms of Tetrahymena pyriformis at the interface were investigated. The synergy of the ellipsoidal shape of the cell body and the mechanosensing feature of the cilia allow for cells to slide on interfaces, and the sliding behavior leads to cell accumulation on the interfaces. Here, to examine the generality of the sliding behavior of ciliates, we characterized the behavior of Paramecium caudatum, which is a commonly studied ciliate. Our experimental and numerical results confirmed that P. caudatum also slid on the solid/fluid interface by using the same mechanism as T. pyriformis. In addition, we evaluated the effects of cellular ellipticity on their behaviors near the wall with a phase diagram produced via numerical simulation