8 research outputs found

    The Study of Improving Teaching Strategy to Develop Children’ s Value in Social Studies of Secondary School Based on Analyzing “Holt Social Studies Curriculum Grade 9 Comparative Political System”

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    Developing a Lesson Plan for a Learning of Pollution Focused on Scientific Inquiry: Based on developing a Tentative Lesson Plan of a Secondary Social Studies “Morinaga Arsenic Milk Poisoning Incident”

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    本研究は,科学的探求の論理に基づき中学校社会科公民的分野において実践可能な公害学 習の単元開発を行おうとするものである。本研究で公害学習の単元開発に取り組む目的は, 以下の二点である。 1.地球規模の環境問題などが取り上げられることが多くなってきている一方で,近年,公 害が取り上げられる機会が減ってきている。しかし,薬害や食品公害が後を絶たないように, 決して公害がなくなっているわけではなく,時代や社会の状況を踏まえた公害学習の単元開 発は依然として求められていること。 2.かつての公害学習では,公害の原因は資本主義経済における企業の行動に関する理論で 説明されることが多かった。しかし,企業だけではなく行政などを含む社会全体の構造の中 で公害発生の要因を捉えさせる必要があること。  以上の目的のため,本研究では森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件を取り上げて単元開発を行った。 この事件を取り上げることで,公害発生の原因追究だけではなく,その拡大や解決の遅れな どの面からも公害問題を追究させることができた。また,被害が大きく社会的反響も大きか ったにもかかわらず,学校教育の中でこれまで取り上げられることが少なかった森永ヒ素ミ ルク中毒事件の初めての本格的な教材化ということも本研究の意義の一つである

    Perilipin 5, a Lipid Droplet-binding Protein, Protects Heart from Oxidative Burden by Sequestering Fatty Acid from Excessive Oxidation

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are ubiquitous organelles storing neutral lipids, including triacylglycerol (TAG) and cholesterol ester. The properties of LDs vary greatly among tissues, and LD-binding proteins, the perilipin family in particular, play critical roles in determining such diversity. Overaccumulation of TAG in LDs of non-adipose tissues may cause lipotoxicity, leading to diseases such as diabetes and cardiomyopathy. However, the physiological significance of non-adipose LDs in a normal state is poorly understood. To address this issue, we generated and characterized mice deficient in perilipin 5 (Plin5), a member of the perilipin family particularly abundant in the heart. The mutant mice lacked detectable LDs, containing significantly less TAG in the heart. Particulate structures containing another LD-binding protein, Plin2, but negative for lipid staining, remained in mutant mice hearts. LDs were recovered by perfusing the heart with an inhibitor of lipase. Cultured cardiomyocytes from Plin5-null mice more actively oxidized fatty acid than those of wild-type mice. Production of reactive oxygen species was increased in the mutant mice hearts, leading to a greater decline in heart function with age. This was, however, reduced by the administration of N-acetylcysteine, a precursor of an antioxidant, glutathione. Thus, we conclude that Plin5 is essential for maintaining LDs at detectable sizes in the heart, by antagonizing lipase(s). LDs in turn prevent excess reactive oxygen species production by sequestering fatty acid from oxidation and hence suppress oxidative burden to the heart