29 research outputs found

    Exploring Intersecting Program Elements in Longer-Term Concurrent Disorder Services for Adults: A Qualitative Evaluation

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    Previous research highlights multiple factors that impact the attainment of client-identified recovery goals in substance misuse treatment programs. However, fewer studies examine how programs meet the broad range of needs expressed by clients through their intersecting elements of service delivery. This study seeks to develop an understanding of intersecting program and recovery elements in relation to an overall framework for programming, focusing on how overlapping elements of treatment ventured to support clients in multiple areas of their recovery. Qualitative interviews were conducted with clients (n=41) in three longer term substance use treatment programs, and data from interviews were analysed using analytic induction and constant comparison strategies to surface emergent themes. Data analysis yielded six main findings. These included: Education; Goal Setting; Routine and Stability; Spiritual Development; Exercise; and Transitional Planning. Respondents indicated that programs must focus on bolstering the development of each element across multiple treatment domains (such as group therapy and counselling) to best support clients in achieving recovery outcomes

    Perspectives of Employed People Experiencing Homelessness of Self and Being Homeless: Challenging Socially Constructed Perceptions and Stereotypes

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    In a study that sought to identify the multiple factors resulting in homelessness from the perspective of 65 individuals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada who were both employed and homeless, we found that participants\u27 perceptions of being homeless emerged as a major theme which impacts their entry to and exit from homelessness. Four sub-themes related to these perceptions were identified: (1) perceptions of self and situation; (2) impact of being homeless on self-reflection; (3) aspects of hope to consider; and (4) perspectives on having a permanent residence. Analytically, these findings help challenge present stereotypes about homelessness and usefully inform social service delivery organizations

    Aligning Perspectives of Subjective Well-Being: Comparing Spouse and Colleague Perceptions of Social Worker Happiness

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    Social workers experience higher rates of burnout and attrition when compared to other health related occupational groups. Previous research on the well being of social workers has tended to focus on the social workers themselves. But the development of well-being is dynamic and is fostered through relationships and interactions with others. In the case of social workers, these relationships include workplace, professional, and personal life interactions. This research sought to better understand the level of congruence between a social worker’s perspective of well-being and perspectives held by significant people in their workplace and at home. Utilizing qualitative methods we interviewed colleagues and spouses (n=10) of social workers that were found to have high levels of work-related subjective well-being. The findings support previous conclusions on the positive subjective well-being (SWB) of practicing social workers, but also indicate a lack of a deeper understanding of the nuances that contribute to social worker SWB. These findings are particularly useful for social workers trying to enhance their SWB, and have direct applicability in education and professional development settings that seek to enhance social worker self-care

    Trauma-Informed Organizational Dynamics and Client Outcomes in Concurrent Disorder Treatment

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    Purpose:To test an empirical model of the effects of a trauma-informed organizational environment on service user outcomes in the context of concurrent disorder treatment. Methods: Service users (n = 172) were surveyed while in treatment to determine the effects of trauma-informed organizational dynamics (i.e., safety, trust, choice, collaboration, and empowerment) on service user intrapersonal development outcomes (i.e., self-awareness, outlook, coping ability, self-worth, and self-determination) and improvements with concurrent disorder behaviors. After testing for validity and reliability of latent factors, data were analyzed using multivariate analysis. Results: As a concise analytical model, the trauma-informed organizational environment was found to significantly positively predict all service user intrapersonal outcomes as well as a reduction in concurrent disorder behaviors. Conclusions: This study informs developments in the design and implementation of trauma-informed practice frameworks for concurrent disorder treatment and emphasizes the importance of adapting organizational environments to support improved client outcomes

    Identifying Social Service Needs of Muslims Living in a Post 9/11 Era: The Role of Community-Based Organizations

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    In this qualitative study the investigators sought to better understand the ways in which service provider organizations (n=19) working with Muslim service providers have adapted to the changing social and political contexts in a post-9/11 era in New York City, and how this changing environment has affected the types of services that Muslims need. Service providers described two general ways in which services were adapted: 1) they have sought to address limits in service delivery programs that were a result of emerging sociopolitical dynamics (such as increasing discrimination) through adaptations to existing programs or through the development of new initiatives, programs, and organizations; and 2) they have adapted programs and services to meet the emerging sociocultural demands (such as changing attitudes towards help-seeking, and presenting problems of services users) of the Muslim population. The study illustrated the role of service provider organizations in adapting existing services, or creating new services, in response to a changing sociopolitical context. Social work education must focus attention on how social workers can adapt and create organizations that are responsive to the changing needs of service users. More curriculum content is necessary on the intra- and inter-organizational context of direct social work practice, with particular attention to innovation and adaptation within and between human service organizations

    Exploring Intersecting Program Elements in Longer-Term Concurrent Disorder Services for Adults: A Qualitative Evaluation

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    Previous research highlights multiple factors that impact the attainment of client-identified recovery goals in substance misuse treatment programs. However, fewer studies examine how programs meet the broad range of needs expressed by clients through their intersecting elements of service delivery. This study seeks to develop an understanding of intersecting program and recovery elements in relation to an overall framework for programming, focusing on how overlapping elements of treatment ventured to support clients in multiple areas of their recovery. Qualitative interviews were conducted with clients (n=41) in three longer term substance use treatment programs, and data from interviews were analysed using analytic induction and constant comparison strategies to surface emergent themes. Data analysis yielded six main findings. These included: Education; Goal Setting; Routine and Stability; Spiritual Development; Exercise; and Transitional Planning. Respondents indicated that programs must focus on bolstering the development of each element across multiple treatment domains (such as group therapy and counselling) to best support clients in achieving recovery outcomes

    Intersecting personal identity and professional role: Impact on social worker subjective well-being

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    Reproduced with written permission from the author and publisher. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Within undergraduate social work education, personal life characteristics are viewed predominantly in relation to their implications for social worker professional role identity. But personal life factors should also be considered in relation to occupational health and well- being. To better understand this relationship in social work specifically, data from interviews with social workers who reported low to medium levels of overall work and profession satisfaction were analyzed. Respondents noted that personal life factors such as interpersonal relationships and intrapersonal functioning affected their overall subjective well- being, and they highlighted several intersecting factors between their personal lives and professional roles that contribute to overall well- being. The findings have implications for social work education in regard to issues of self- care and the development of inter- and intrapersonal skills to maintain positive occupational health.The authors appreciate the funding received from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to undertake this project

    Challenging ‘ableism’ and teaching about disability in a social work classroom: A training module for generalist social workers working with people disabled by the social environment

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    This is the final PDF of an article published by Critical Social Work in 2008.Social work programs in Canada teach emerging generalist practitioners about the consequences of oppression in the lives of the clients they work with. More emphasis within social work education could be placed on practical ways of contextualizing forms of oppression as each relates specifically to practice. The following provides a description of the oppression of ‘ableism’, and offers an applied training module to help prepare generalist social workers (i.e. current students or direct practitioners) to work with issues of disability as they emerge in their direct practice with clients. The training module helps to facilitate learning specific to the leading theoretical discussions and the social context of disability within society. Through these discussions students might then become more aware of their role as practitioners in challenging the oppression of ‘ableism’, rather than maintain outdated modes of service delivery and intervention with those people disabled by the social environment

    Factors Shaping Public Perceptions of Market-based Activities Undertaken by Canadian Nonprofits

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    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Charitable nonprofits are engaging at increasing rates in market-based activities. This study examined Canadian public perception of nonprofits’ market-based activities. Latent variables for trust, financial accountability, transparency, direct and general familiarity, understanding of nonprofit roles in service delivery and advocacy, and orientation towards market-based activities were created using a secondary dataset of nationally representative Canadians (n = 3853). Results show that positive perceptions of market-based activities of nonprofits are influenced by familiarity of nonprofits, accepting their advocacy role, and perceiving them as being accountable. Those with stronger views of nonprofits as providers of direct service had unfavorable perceptions of the nonprofit’s market-based activities. The findings have implications for nonprofit managers who engage in market-based activities and want to promote a positive orientation to these endeavors to engage consumers and investors

    Conceptualizing optimum homeless shelter service delivery: The interconnection between programming, community, and the built environment

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    Extensive research draws attention to the causes and consequences of homelessness. Missing from this literature is a holistic assessment of the conditions and characteristics of optimum shelter service delivery. This exploratory study reports results from a qualitative study conducted mid 2006 through early 2008 consisting of 1:1 key informant interviews with 50 expert practitioners in North America and the United Kingdom who are employed in, and/or experts on, homelessness services or urban planning and design. Findings show that success in service delivery is largely defined by an overlap of several characteristics associated with three major themes. The first theme, systemic characteristics of a shelter, includes such characteristics as shelter programs, shelter management, and shelter attention to client dignity and safety. The second theme, community relationships, includes perceptions of the homeless and of public safety, the challenges of NIMBYism, and positive community involvement. Th e third theme, the built environment, includes shelter congruency, shelter size, shelter location and accessibility, and a shelter’s community impact. Th e analysis of findings provides evidence of particularly important precedents that could lead to potential improvements in service delivery, and to inform future research agendas.We would like to extend our appreciation to the funders, the City of Calgary Crime Prevention Investment Strategy and Torode Realty