720 research outputs found

    On the Indo-European genitive suffix *-e/o

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    This brief paper presents data from Greek and Celtiberian to support the hypothesis presented in Shields 1991 that Indo-European possessed a genitive suffix in *-e/o. Conversely, the paper sheds new light on the etymology of some problematic genitive constructions in these dialects.Esta breve nota presenta datos del griego y el celtibérico en apoyo de la hipótesis, formulada en Shields 1991, de que el indoeuropeo tenía un sufijo de genitivo en *-e/o. Por otra parte, la nota arroja nueva luz sobre la etimología de algunas construcciones de genitivo problemáticas en esos dialectos

    William Cowper (1731-1800): studies in the poetry of an evangelical

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    Amoralists, inverted commas, and the puzzle of moral internalism : an essay in experimental metaethics

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    Abstract from short.pdf file.Dissertation supervisor: Dr. Philip Robbins.Includes vita.The central question addressed in this dissertation is whether one must have some degree of motivation to comply with their moral evaluation in order to count as genuinely making a sincere moral judgment. Those that view motivation as intrinsic to moral judgment (internalists) grant this condition on moral evaluation, while those that take motivation to be extrinsic to such judgments (externalists) deny this condition. The traditional dispute between internalists and externalists has centered around thought experiments devised to test the coherence of scenarios involving an agent that genuinely makes moral judgments while being entirely unmotivated by them-an individual called the amoralist. Recently, experimental methods have been employed to determine whether non-philosophers find amoralist scenarios coherent. This dissertation is concerned primarily with addressing two open questions regarding this recent experimental research: (1) what is this research really tracking in terms of folk psychology, and (2) what impact does this research have on the traditional philosophical dispute over moral internalism. I address (1) by presenting new research showing that amoralist scenarios seem more coherent in factive contexts (e.g., understands that X is wrong) but less coherent in non-factive contexts (e.g., believes that X is wrong). I call this the Factivity Effect, and I argue (via experiments) that it is likely a feature of our cognitive architecture concerning morality. I address (2) by arguing that empirical investigation of our shared concepts impacts metaethical questions-particularly the traditional dispute over moral internalism-in a way that is arguably unique to this branch of analytic philosophy. In short, moral psychology is vital for metaethics.Includes bibliographical references (pages 169-177)

    The indo-european third person plural verbal suffix

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    In this paper it is suggested that the original form of the Indo­ European third person plural verbal suffix was *-(e/o)N and that the nasal element which appears in this suffix was or ginally a deictic particle with 'there and then' signification

    The origin of the ie endingless locative

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    In this paper is presented a new hypothesis regarding the development of the so-called "endingless locative" construction of Indo-European. It is argued that locative formations in -ē, and * ī came to appear in the , o-stem nouns through the monophthongization of word-final *-oi and *-ei before word-initial consonants. These formations were analogically extended to the other stem-classes, with the suffix*-ē, frequently hypercharacterized by the locative particles *-i or *-u, becoming the primary marker of the locative function in the i- and u-stems. On the basis of such apparently "endingless" locative constructions, old consonant-stem nominative (-accusative) formations in were reinterpreted as locatives as well

    More on the origin of the Indo-European feminine gender : a reply to Ledo-Lemos

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    This brief paper has two related purposes. First, it represents a response to Ledo-Lemos' criticisms (2003) of the theory of the origin of the Indo-European feminine gender presented in Shields (1995 and elsewhere) - a theory based on the established typological principle that demonstratives (in this case, a demonstrative in *a) are key in the emergence of gender systems because of their dual role as anaphora and attributive modifiers. Second, this paper includes critical commentary about Ledo-Lemos' own hypothesis regarding the origin of this Indo-European grammatical category, grounded in the specialization of "relational adjectives." Objections to the latter involve his reliance on unmotivated analogical reanalysis and paradigmatic specialization

    Potassium Soil Test Correlation and Calibration for Burley Tobacco Grown on an Allegheny Loam Soil

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    Burley tobacco removes large amounts of potassium (K) from soil. A 2,600 pound/A cured leaf crop removes around 200 lbs K/A/yr, with about 110 lbs of that in the leaf and 90 lbs in the stalk. Because of such a heavy soil demand for K, growers are always concerned that application of fertilizer K be sufficient for top production. The University of Kentucky\u27s Soil Testing Laboratory (Division of Regulatory Services) provides a statewide soil testing service. The Mehlich-3 soil extractant is used by the UK lab, and soil test K values from use of this extractant (reported as lbs K/A) are categorized as follows for burley tobacco: Very High, over 450; High, 450-301; Medium, 300-201; Low, 200-91; Very Low, less than 91. The amount of potash fertilizer (K2O) recommended varies from 400 lbs/A for soil test K levels below 91 to 0 when soil test K levels are above 450


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    Tipología lingüística y la reconstrucción del acusativo plural indoeuropeo

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    In light of the fact that the traditional reconstruction of the Indo-European non-thematic accusative plural suffix *-ns, as the combination of the accusative desinence *-m and the plural ending *-s, violates a linguistic universal which stipulates: «If morphemes of both number and case are present and both follow or both precede the noun base, then the exponent of number almost always comes between the noun base and the exponent of case» (The Universals Archive of the Association for Linguistic Typology), this article explores a possible etymology of the suffix which is consonant with that universal. Specifically, a proposal based on what Adrados 1992 calls «the new image of Indo-European» is developed in which both elements of the suffix are construed as original deictic particles.1Teniendo en cuenta que la reconstrucción tradicional del sufijo *-ns del acusativo plural no temático del indoeuropeo, en tanto que combinación de la desinencia de acusativo *-m y la terminación de plural *-s, viola un universal lingüistico que estipula que «si están presentes morfemas tanto de número como de caso y ambos siguen o preceden al nombre base, el morfema que expresa el número casi siempre aparece entre el nombre base y el morfema que expresa el caso» (The Universals Archive de la Association for Linguistic Typology), este artículo indaga una posible etimología del sufijo acorde con ese universal. Específicamente, se plantea una propuesta, basada en lo que Adrados (1992) llama «la nueva imagen del indoeuropeo», en la que ambos elementos sufijales se reconstruyen como partículas deícticas originales