226 research outputs found

    Quantifying the image quality and dose reduction of respiratory triggered 4D cone-beam computed tomography with patient-measured breathing.

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    Respiratory triggered four dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (RT 4D CBCT) is a novel technique that uses a patient's respiratory signal to drive the image acquisition with the goal of imaging dose reduction without degrading image quality. This work investigates image quality and dose using patient-measured respiratory signals for RT 4D CBCT simulations. Studies were performed that simulate a 4D CBCT image acquisition using both the novel RT 4D CBCT technique and a conventional 4D CBCT technique. A set containing 111 free breathing lung cancer patient respiratory signal files was used to create 111 pairs of RT 4D CBCT and conventional 4D CBCT image sets from realistic simulations of a 4D CBCT system using a Rando phantom and the digital phantom, XCAT. Each of these image sets were compared to a ground truth dataset from which a mean absolute pixel difference (MAPD) metric was calculated to quantify the degradation of image quality. The number of projections used in each simulation was counted and was assumed as a surrogate for imaging dose. Based on 111 breathing traces, when comparing RT 4D CBCT with conventional 4D CBCT, the average image quality was reduced by 7.6% (Rando study) and 11.1% (XCAT study). However, the average imaging dose reduction was 53% based on needing fewer projections (617 on average) than conventional 4D CBCT (1320 projections). The simulation studies have demonstrated that the RT 4D CBCT method can potentially offer a 53% saving in imaging dose on average compared to conventional 4D CBCT in simulation studies using a wide range of patient-measured breathing traces with a minimal impact on image quality

    A comparison of gantry-mounted x-ray-based real-time target tracking methods.

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    PURPOSE: Most modern radiotherapy machines are built with a 2D kV imaging system. Combining this imaging system with a 2D-3D inference method would allow for a ready-made option for real-time 3D tumor tracking. This work investigates and compares the accuracy of four existing 2D-3D inference methods using both motion traces inferred from external surrogates and measured internally from implanted beacons. METHOD: Tumor motion data from 160 fractions (46 thoracic/abdominal patients) of Synchrony traces (inferred traces), and 28 fractions (7 lung patients) of Calypso traces (internal traces) from the LIGHT SABR trial (NCT02514512) were used in this study. The motion traces were used as the ground truth. The ground truth trajectories were used in silico to generate 2D positions projected on the kV detector. These 2D traces were then passed to the 2D-3D inference methods: interdimensional correlation, Gaussian probability density function (PDF), arbitrary-shape PDF, and the Kalman filter. The inferred 3D positions were compared with the ground truth to determine tracking errors. The relationships between tracking error and motion magnitude, interdimensional correlation, and breathing periodicity index (BPI) were also investigated. RESULTS: Larger tracking errors were observed from the Calypso traces, with RMS and 95th percentile 3D errors of 0.84-1.25 mm and 1.72-2.64 mm, compared to 0.45-0.68 mm and 0.74-1.13 mm from the Synchrony traces. The Gaussian PDF method was found to be the most accurate, followed by the Kalman filter, the interdimensional correlation method, and the arbitrary-shape PDF method. Tracking error was found to strongly and positively correlate with motion magnitude for both the Synchrony and Calypso traces and for all four methods. Interdimensional correlation and BPI were found to negatively correlate with tracking error only for the Synchrony traces. The Synchrony traces exhibited higher interdimensional correlation than the Calypso traces especially in the anterior-posterior direction. CONCLUSION: Inferred traces often exhibit higher interdimensional correlation, which are not true representation of thoracic/abdominal motion and may underestimate kV-based tracking errors. The use of internal traces acquired from systems such as Calypso is advised for future kV-based tracking studies. The Gaussian PDF method is the most accurate 2D-3D inference method for tracking thoracic/abdominal targets. Motion magnitude has significant impact on 2D-3D inference error, and should be considered when estimating kV-based tracking error

    Hydrogen adsorption capacity of adatoms on double carbon vacancies of graphene: A trend study from first principles

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    Structural stability and hydrogen adsorption capacity are two key quantities in evaluating the potential of metal-adatom decorated graphene for hydrogen storage and related devices. We have carried out extensive density functional theory calculations for the adsorption of hydrogen molecules on 12 different adatom (Ag, Au, Ca, Li, Mg, Pd, Pt, Sc, Sr, Ti, Y, and Zr) decorated graphene surfaces where the adatoms are found to be stabilized on double carbon vacancies, thus overcoming the "clustering problem" that occurs for adatoms on pristine graphene. Ca and Sr are predicted to bind the greatest number, namely six, of H2 molecules. We find an interesting correlation between the hydrogen capacity and the change of charge distribution with increasing H2 adsorption, where Ca, Li, Mg, Sc, Ti, Y, Sr, and Zr adatoms are partial electron donors and Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt are partial electron acceptors. The "18-electron rule" for predicting maximum hydrogen capacity is found not to be a reliable indicator for these systems. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Hip fracture risk assessment: Artificial neural network outperforms conditional logistic regression in an age- and sex-matched case control study

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    Copyright @ 2013 Tseng et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background - Osteoporotic hip fractures with a significant morbidity and excess mortality among the elderly have imposed huge health and economic burdens on societies worldwide. In this age- and sex-matched case control study, we examined the risk factors of hip fractures and assessed the fracture risk by conditional logistic regression (CLR) and ensemble artificial neural network (ANN). The performances of these two classifiers were compared. Methods - The study population consisted of 217 pairs (149 women and 68 men) of fractures and controls with an age older than 60 years. All the participants were interviewed with the same standardized questionnaire including questions on 66 risk factors in 12 categories. Univariate CLR analysis was initially conducted to examine the unadjusted odds ratio of all potential risk factors. The significant risk factors were then tested by multivariate analyses. For fracture risk assessment, the participants were randomly divided into modeling and testing datasets for 10-fold cross validation analyses. The predicting models built by CLR and ANN in modeling datasets were applied to testing datasets for generalization study. The performances, including discrimination and calibration, were compared with non-parametric Wilcoxon tests. Results - In univariate CLR analyses, 16 variables achieved significant level, and six of them remained significant in multivariate analyses, including low T score, low BMI, low MMSE score, milk intake, walking difficulty, and significant fall at home. For discrimination, ANN outperformed CLR in both 16- and 6-variable analyses in modeling and testing datasets (p?<?0.005). For calibration, ANN outperformed CLR only in 16-variable analyses in modeling and testing datasets (p?=?0.013 and 0.047, respectively). Conclusions - The risk factors of hip fracture are more personal than environmental. With adequate model construction, ANN may outperform CLR in both discrimination and calibration. ANN seems to have not been developed to its full potential and efforts should be made to improve its performance.National Health Research Institutes in Taiwa

    Cone-beam CT reconstruction with gravity-induced motion.

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    Fixed-gantry cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), where the imaging hardware is fixed while the subject is continuously rotated 360° in the horizontal position, has implications for building compact and affordable fixed-gantry linear accelerators (linacs). Fixed-gantry imaging with a rotating subject presents a challenging image reconstruction problem where the gravity-induced motion is coupled to the subject's rotation angle. This study is the first to investigate the feasibility of fixed-gantry CBCT using imaging data of three live rabbits in an ethics-approved study. A novel data-driven motion correction method that combines partial-view reconstruction and motion compensation was developed to overcome this challenge. Fixed-gantry CBCT scans of three live rabbits were acquired on a standard radiotherapy system with the imaging beam fixed and the rabbits continuously rotated using an in-house programmable rotation cradle. The reconstructed images of the thoracic region were validated against conventional CBCT scans acquired at different cradle rotation angles. Results showed that gravity-induced motion caused severe motion blur in all of the cases if unaccounted for. The proposed motion correction method yielded clinically usable image quality with  <1 mm gravity-induced motion blur for rabbits that were securely immobilized on the rotation cradle. Shapes of the anatomic structures were correctly reconstructed with  <0.5 mm accuracy. Translational motion accounted for the majority of gravity-induced motion. The motion-corrected reconstruction represented the time-averaged location of the thoracic region over a 360° rotation. The feasibility of fixed-gantry CBCT has been demonstrated. Future work involves the validation of imaging accuracy for human subjects, which will be useful for emerging compact fixed-gantry radiotherapy systems

    Cardiac Potassium Channels: Physiological Insights for Targeted Therapy.

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    The development of novel drugs specifically directed at the ion channels underlying particular features of cardiac action potential (AP) initiation, recovery, and refractoriness would contribute to an optimized approach to antiarrhythmic therapy that minimizes potential cardiac and extracardiac toxicity. Of these, K(+) channels contribute numerous and diverse currents with specific actions on different phases in the time course of AP repolarization. These features and their site-specific distribution make particular K(+) channel types attractive therapeutic targets for the development of pharmacological agents attempting antiarrhythmic therapy in conditions such as atrial fibrillation. However, progress in the development of such temporally and spatially selective antiarrhythmic drugs against particular ion channels has been relatively limited, particularly in view of our incomplete understanding of the complex physiological roles and interactions of the various ionic currents. This review summarizes the physiological properties of the main cardiac potassium channels and the way in which they modulate cardiac electrical activity and then critiques a number of available potential antiarrhythmic drugs directed at them

    Exogenous interleukin-6, interleukin-13, and interferon-gamma provoke pulmonary abnormality with mild edema in enterovirus 71-infected mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neonatal mice developed neurological disease and pulmonary dysfunction after an infection with a mouse-adapted human Enterovirus 71 (EV71) strain MP4. However, the hallmark of severe human EV71 infection, pulmonary edema (PE), was not evident.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To test whether EV71-induced PE required a proinflammatory cytokine response, exogenous pro-inflammatory cytokines were administered to EV71-infected mice during the late stage of infection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After intracranial infection of EV71/MP4, 7-day-old mice developed hind-limb paralysis, pulmonary dysfunction, and emphysema. A transient increase was observed in serum IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, and IFN-γ, but not noradrenaline. At day 3 post infection, treatment with IL-6, IL-13, and IFN-γ provoked mild PE and severe emphysema that were accompanied by pulmonary dysfunction in EV71-infected, but not herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)-infected control mice. Adult mice did not develop PE after an intracerebral microinjection of EV71 into the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). While viral antigen accumulated in the ventral medulla and the NTS of intracerebrally injected mice, neuronal loss was observed in the ventral medulla only.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Exogenous IL-6, IL-13, and IFN-γ treatment could induce mild PE and exacerbate pulmonary abnormality of EV71-infected mice. However, other factors such as over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system may also be required for the development of classic PE symptoms.</p

    A potential role for muscle in glucose homeostasis: in vivo kinetic studies in glycogen storage disease type 1a and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase deficiency

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    A potential role for muscle in glucose homeostasis was recently suggested based on characterization of extrahepatic and extrarenal glucose-6-phosphatase (glucose-6-phosphatase-beta). To study the role of extrahepatic tissue in glucose homeostasis during fasting glucose kinetics were studied in two patients with a deficient hepatic and renal glycogenolysis and/or gluconeogenesis. Endogenous glucose production (EGP), glycogenolysis (GGL), and gluconeogenesis (GNG) were quantified with stable isotopes in a patient with glycogen storage disease type 1a (GSD-1a) and a patient with fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) deficiency. The [6,6-H-2(2)]glucose dilution method in combination with the deuterated water method was used during individualized fasting tests. Both patients became hypoglycemic after 2.5 and 14.5 h fasting, respectively. At that time, the patient with GSD-1a had EGP 3.84 mu mol/kg per min (30% of normal EGP after an overnight fast), GGL 3.09 mu mol/kg per min, and GNG 0.75 mu mol/kg per min. The patient with FBPase deficiency had EGP 8.53 mu mol/kg per min (62% of normal EGP after an overnight fast), GGL 6.89 mu mol/kg per min GGL, and GNG 1.64 mu mol/kg per min. EGP was severely hampered in both patients, resulting in hypoglycemia. However, despite defective hepatic and renal GNG in both disorders and defective hepatic GGL in GSD-1a, both patients were still able to produce glucose via both pathways. As all necessary enzymes of these pathways have now been functionally detected in muscle, a contribution of muscle to EGP during fasting via both GGL as well as GNG is suggeste

    A CBCT study of the gravity-induced movement in rotating rabbits.

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    Fixed-beam radiotherapy systems with subjects rotating about a longitudinal (horizontal) axis are subject to gravity-induced motion. Limited reports on the degree of this motion, and any deformation, has been reported previously. The purpose of this study is to quantify the degree of anatomical motion caused by rotating a subject around a longitudinal axis, using cone-beam CT (CBCT). In the current study, a purpose-made longitudinal rotating was aligned to a Varian TrueBeam kV imaging system. CBCT images of three live rabbits were acquired at fixed rotational offsets of the cradle. Rigid and deformable image registrations back to the original position were used to quantify the motion experienced by the subjects under rotation. In the rotation offset CBCTs, the mean magnitude of rigid translations was 5.7  ±  2.7 mm across all rabbits and all rotations. The translation motion was reproducible between multiple rotations within 2.1 mm, 1.1 mm, and 2.8 mm difference for rabbit 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The magnitude of the mean and absolute maximum deformation vectors were 0.2  ±  0.1 mm and 5.4  ±  2.0 mm respectively, indicating small residual deformations after rigid registration. In the non-rotated rabbit 4DCBCT, respiratory diaphragm motion up to 5 mm was observed, and the variation in respiratory motion as measured from a series of 4DCBCT scans acquired at each rotation position was small. The principle motion of the rotated subjects was rigid translational motion. The deformation of the anatomy under rotation was found to be similar in scale to normal respiratory motion. This indicates imaging and treatment of rotated subjects with fixed-beam systems can use rigid registration as the primary mode of motion estimation. While the scaling of deformation from rabbits to humans is uncertain, these proof-of-principle results indicate promise for fixed-beam treatment systems

    Elevated miR-499 Levels Blunt the Cardiac Stress Response

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    The heart responds to myriad stresses by well-described transcriptional responses that involve long-term changes in gene expression as well as more immediate, transient adaptations. MicroRNAs quantitatively regulate mRNAs and thus may affect the cardiac transcriptional output and cardiac function. Here we investigate miR-499, a microRNA embedded within a ventricular-specific myosin heavy chain gene, which is expressed in heart and skeletal muscle.We assessed miR-499 expression in human tissue to confirm its potential relevance to human cardiac gene regulation. Using a transgenic mouse model, we found that elevated miR-499 levels caused cellular hypertrophy and cardiac dysfunction in a dose-dependent manner. Global gene expression profiling revealed altered levels of the immediate early stress response genes (Egr1, Egr2 and Fos), ß-myosin heavy chain (Myh7), and skeletal muscle actin (Acta1). We verified the effect of miR-499 on the immediate early response genes by miR-499 gain- and loss-of-function in vitro. Consistent with a role for miR-499 in blunting the response to cardiac stress, asymptomatic miR-499-expressing mice had an impaired response to pressure overload and accentuated cardiac dysfunction.Elevated miR-499 levels affect cardiac gene expression and predispose to cardiac stress-induced dysfunction. miR-499 may titrate the cardiac response to stress in part by regulating the immediate early gene response