7 research outputs found

    Comparing the New and Old Fabrics of Isfahan City Regarding Ecological Criteria

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    The emergence of new neighborhoodsin historical cities like Isfahan has been due to rapid population growth regardless of the context circumstances and in an attempt to meet the need for housing. On the other hand, old neighborhoods could not often form suitable environments for life because of incapability to meet the needs and wishes of the residents.Contrary to this situation, new ideas and theories are emerging in the urban world in which the main objective is improving the quality of urban environments. One of the basic concerns of modern urban planning in the world is returning to the nature and reducing the problems caused by automation and endless attack to the natural environment of human life. Hence in this study, we tried to further study and analyze one of the outlined characteristics of these ideas known as "Ecological city"and identify and separate the physical characteristics of an ecological city and also compare the physical criteria of new and old districts of the city in terms of closeness to these criteria. The main objectives of this study can be summarized as: 1. recognizingthe physical criteria of the ecologicalcity 2.studying the status of ancient and contemporary urban fabrics in compliance with these criteria. To investigate, twostudy sampleswere selected from Isfahan neighborhoods; one from traditional districts (Charkhab) and the other from contemporary districts (Mardavij). Then, these two areas were analyzed based on physical characteristics using Analytical Hierarchy Process and the results of this analysis were shown by GIS. The results of this analysis indicated superiority of the traditional fabrics to the contemporary one. This represents the human-oriented and sustainable urbanism of the country's pastwhich is neglected and forgotten today.The necessity of analysis of the past urbanism and contemporizing its criteria and indicators concerned with what is known today as the modern urbanism science can be considered as the most important result of this study

    Earthquake risk in urban street network : an example from region 6 of Tehran, Iran

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Purpose – Zone 6 of Tehran, with a populations of 220,000 people (3.6 per cent of the city population) and 20 km2 area (3 per cent of the city area), is one of the main municipal zones of Tehran. Major land-uses, like ministries, embassies, universities, general hospitals and medical centers, big financial firms, and so on, manifest the high importance of this region on a local and national scale. Thus, it is necessary to pay close attention to issues concerning crisis management in this area. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, by using indexes such as access to medical centers, street inclusion, building and population density, land-use, peak ground acceleration and building quality, vulnerability degree of street networks in zone 6 against the earthquake is calculated through overlaying maps and data in combination with inversion hierarchical weight process method and geographic information systems. Findings – This article concludes that buildings alongside the streets with high population and building density, low building quality, far to rescue centers and high level of inclusion represent high rate of vulnerability, compared with other buildings. Also, by moving from north to south of the zone, the vulnerability increases. Likewise, highways and streets with substantial width and low building and population density hold little values of vulnerability. Thus, streets with high level of inclusion, building and population density present further vulnerability. Originality/value – It is expected that the results of this paper be used by the urban decision-makers. Due to high vulnerability of most parts of the urban textures of Tehran, similar researches will have importance for preparation for the future possible earthquakes

    The Necessity of Urban Management Development in Iran

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    This article deals with the necessity of development in Iranian cities. First, today’s Iranian cities problems and existing bottlenecks are indicated, then urbanization arenas and urban management, management aims in world today are investigated. The situation in which industrial countries municipalities overcame their problems, and the actions taken within their management arenas to step up the urbanization levels and solving cities problems are studied. Today’s Iranian urban problems are briefly discussed. Finally, this problem is compared to theoretical foundations of urban management principles and industrial countries municipalities methods of functioning the article concludes that urban management should be  especialized and developments be carried out, the necessity of development in urban management organizations to improve social and economic structure is elaborated; and proposals are put forward to improve their situation

    Redefinint el paisatge urbà pel que fa a la Filosofia de la Ciència i el Realisme Científic

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    El concepto de paisaje urbano se enfrenta a muchas complejidades y ambigüedades. Estas ambigüedades conducen a malentendidos entre las fuentes académicas y la sociedad profesional. Los términos "entorno" y "paisaje" también han cambiado desde su origen. El término de “imagen” y concepto de legibilidad lo hace más complejo. Hay algunas disciplinas que se refieren al concepto de paisaje urbano. Cada una de estas disciplinas se conoce a sí misma como responsable del paisaje urbano. Este artículo intenta revisar la literatura diversa de estos dos conceptos contando las complejidades de estos términos y luego presenta una nueva definición para ellos. Este artículo intenta revisar varias nociones sobre paisaje urbano e imagen a través del análisis de contenido y estudios bibliotecarios. El paisaje urbano de cada ciudad es el surgimiento de la realidad de esa ciudad. No se puede reducir a una cuestión objetiva, ni tampoco se le da forma subjetiva a la objetiva. El paisaje urbano ha sido juzgado por las filosofías de la ciencia dominantes en un tiempo específico. Esta investigación intenta ir más allá de las distintas definiciones de paisaje urbano que se han presentado en diferentes épocas. Además, proporciona un nuevo marco a través del “realismo científico”. Desde el punto de vista del realismo científico, la definición anterior reduce la antología del paisaje urbano a su epistemología. Acorde a este enfoque, se deben considerar mecanismos al presentar un nuevo marco. Este nuevo marco teórico podría sugerirse a razón del realismo crítico, la lectura de Lefebvre sobre el materializmo fenomenológico y utilizando su teoría de la producción del espacio y las fuerzas influyentes en la dimensión semiótica del paisaje urbano.El concepte de paisatge urbà s'enfronta a moltes complexitats i ambigüitats. Aquestes ambigüitats condueixen a malentesos entre les fonts acadèmiques i la societat professional. Els termes "entorn" i "paisatge" també han canviat des del seu origen. El terme de "imatge" i concepte de llegibilitat el fa més complex. Hi ha algunes disciplines que es refereixen a el concepte de paisatge urbà. Cadascuna d'aquestes disciplines es coneix a si mateixa com a responsable del paisatge urbà. Aquest article intenta revisar la literatura diversa d'aquests dos conceptes comptant les complexitats d'aquests termes i després presenta una nova definició per a ells. Aquest article intenta revisar diverses nocions sobre paisatge urbà i imatge a través de l'anàlisi de contingut i estudis bibliotecaris. El paisatge urbà de cada ciutat és el sorgiment de la realitat d'aquesta ciutat. No es pot reduir a una qüestió objectiva, ni tampoc se li dóna forma subjectiva a l'objectiva. El paisatge urbà ha estat jutjat per les filosofies de la ciència dominants en un temps específic. Aquesta investigació intenta anar més enllà de les diferents definicions de paisatge urbà que s'han presentat en diferents èpoques. Després d'això, proporciona un nou marc a través del "realisme científic". Des del punt de vista del realisme científic, la definició anterior redueix l'antologia del paisatge urbà a la seva epistemologia. D'acord amb aquest enfocament, s'han de considerar mecanismes al presentar un nou marc. D'acord amb el realisme crític i pel que fa a la lectura de Lefebvre del materialisme fenomenològic i utilitzant la seva teoria de la producció de l'espai i les forces influents en la dimensió semiòtica de l'paisatge urbà, podria suggerir-se un nou marc teòric.The concept of urban landscape faces many complexities and ambiguities. These ambiguities lead to misunderstandings between academic sources and professional society. The “scape” and “landscape” terms also have changed from their origin.  The term “image” and the concept of legibility makes it more complex. There are some disciplines referring to the concept of the urban landscape. Each of these disciplines knows itself as responsible for the urban landscape. This article tries to review the various literature of these two concepts counting the complexities of these terms and then presents a new definition for them. This article tries to review various notions about urban landscape and image through content analysis and library studies. The urban landscape of each city is the emergence of the reality of that city. It could not be reduced to an objective issue, neither is it subjective being shaped separately from an objective one. The urban landscape has been judged by dominant philosophies of science at a specific time. This research tries to go behind the various definition of an urban landscape which has been presented in a different time. After that, it provides a new framework through “scientific realism”. From the scientific realism point of view, the previous definition reduces the anthology of the urban landscape to its epistemology. According to this approach, mechanisms should be considered in presenting a new framework. According to critical realism and regarding Lefebvre’s reading of phenomenological materialism and by using Lefebvre’s production space theory and influential forces in the semiotic dimension of the urban landscape, a new theoretical framework could be suggested.Peer Reviewe

    The systematic review on safety in urban neighborhoods

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    Previous researches focused on the safety issue as a significant factor for neighborhood's quality. The aim of this research is to establish a comprehensive overview on literatures in terms of the significance of safety issue for urban neighborhoods and its influencing factors. To do so, 27 research articles associating to urban neighborhood's safety criteria are evoked and reviewed. Considering the existing inconsistencies of the results, the important factors influencing urban neighborhood's safety are revealed. Most of undertaken articles that were focused on statistical strategies were validated and reliable safety is standardized. Moreover, the possible moderation of effects are surely investigated and warranted

    The systematic review on physical activity in urban neighborhoods

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    Physical activity considers as factor to make the urban neighborhoods more vibrant and alive. Besides of the physical activity's advantages for urban neighborhoods in urbanization fields, the health advantages highlighted by many scholars as one other important advantage of existing physical activity in urban neighborhoods. Based on the significance of physical activity in urban neighborhoods, this review article aims on establishing the factors associating with physical activity improvement or failures in urban neighborhoods. To do so, 25 research articles associating with physical activity in urban neighborhoods were evoked and reviewed. Despite of the existing result's inconsistencies, the significant factors affecting physical activity in urban neighborhoods are revealed. Most of undertaken articles that were focused on statistical strategies were validated and reliable physical activity is standardized. Moreover, the possible moderation of effects are surely investigated and warranted