335 research outputs found

    An Ice-Core Proxy for Antarctic Circumpolar Zonal Wind Intensity

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    Using US National Centers for Environmental Prediction/US National Center for Atmospheric Research re-analysis data, we investigate the relationships between crustal ion (nssCa(2+)) concentrations from three West Antarctic ice cores, namely, Siple Dome (SD), ITASE00-1 (IT001) and ITASE01-5 (IT015), and primary components of the climate system, namely, air pressure/geopotential height, zonal (u) and meridional (v) wind strength. Linear correlation analyses between nssCa(2+) concentrations and both air-pressure and wind fields for the period of overlap between records indicate that the SD nssCa(2+) variation is positively correlated with spring circumpolar zonal wind, while IT001 nssCa(2+) has a positive correlation with circumpolar zonal wind throughout the year (r \u3e 0.3, p \u3c 0.01). Intensified Southern Westerlies circulation is conducive to transport of more crustal aerosols to both sites. Further correlation analyses between nssCa(2+) concentrations from SD and IT001 and atmospheric circulation suggest that the high inland plateau (represented by core IT001) is largely influenced by transport from the upper troposphere. IT015 nssCa(2+) is negatively correlated with westerly wind in October and November, suggesting that stronger westerly circulation may weaken the transport of crustal species to IT015. Correlations of nssCa(2+) from the three ice cores with the Antarctic Oscillation index are consistent with results developed from the wind-field investigation. In addition, calibration between nssCa(2+) concentration and the multivariate El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index shows that crustal species transport to IT001 is enhanced during strong ENSO events

    Chemical Composition of Fresh Snow on Xixabangma Peak, Central Himalaya, During the Summer Monsoon Season

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    The physical and chemical analysis of ice cores recovered from glaciers in the Himalaya provide some of the best records of past climate change in the region (e.g. Qin and others, 2000; Thompson and others, 2000; Kang and others, 2001, 2002). In order to better understand the climatic and environmental records preserved in snow and ice, studies have investigated the precipitation chemistry in the high Himalaya, notably that the northern slopes of the central Himalaya (Mayewski and others, 1986; Jenkins and others 1987) and the southern slopes of the central Himalaya (Shrestha and others, 1997; Marinoni and others, 2001)

    Monsoon and Dust Signals Recorded in Dasuopu Glacier, Tibetan Plateau

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    During summer 1997, a 15m firn core was recovered from Dasuopu glacier (28°23\u27N, 85° 44\u27 E; 7000 m a.s.l.) on the northwest margin of Xixabangma Feng in the central Himalaya. Oxygen isotope values and concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+, SO42- and NO3- were measured over the 10 years of snow accumulation captured in the firn core. The seasonal variations of δ18O values and major-ion concentrations in the Dasuopu core indicated that summer monsoon and dust signals are clearly recorded in Dasuopu glacier. Annual variations in the δ18O values are controlled by the amount effect, with more negative (i.e. lighter) δ18O values representing summer monsoon precipitation characteristic of tropical regions. Higher concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and SO42- reflect the influx of mineral aerosols from the vast arid and semi-arid desert regions to the north and west during the spring dust-storm period. High spring concentrations of NH4+ and NO3- appear to reflect changes in regional biogenic-source strength