16,799 research outputs found

    Tooth-shaped plasmonic waveguide filters with nanometeric sizes

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    A novel nanometeric plasmonic filter in a tooth-shaped Metal-Insulator-Metal waveguide is proposed and demonstrated numerically. An analytic model based on the scattering matrix method is given. The result reveals that the single tooth-shaped filter has a wavelength filtering characteristic and an ultra-compact size in the length of a few hundred nanometers, compared to grating-like SPPs filters. Both analytic and simulation results show that the wavelength of the trough of the transmission has linear and nonlinear relationships with the tooth depth and the tooth width, respectively. The waveguide filter could be utilized to develop ultra-compact photonic filters for high integration.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    From Continuous Dynamics to Graph Neural Networks: Neural Diffusion and Beyond

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have demonstrated significant promise in modelling relational data and have been widely applied in various fields of interest. The key mechanism behind GNNs is the so-called message passing where information is being iteratively aggregated to central nodes from their neighbourhood. Such a scheme has been found to be intrinsically linked to a physical process known as heat diffusion, where the propagation of GNNs naturally corresponds to the evolution of heat density. Analogizing the process of message passing to the heat dynamics allows to fundamentally understand the power and pitfalls of GNNs and consequently informs better model design. Recently, there emerges a plethora of works that proposes GNNs inspired from the continuous dynamics formulation, in an attempt to mitigate the known limitations of GNNs, such as oversmoothing and oversquashing. In this survey, we provide the first systematic and comprehensive review of studies that leverage the continuous perspective of GNNs. To this end, we introduce foundational ingredients for adapting continuous dynamics to GNNs, along with a general framework for the design of graph neural dynamics. We then review and categorize existing works based on their driven mechanisms and underlying dynamics. We also summarize how the limitations of classic GNNs can be addressed under the continuous framework. We conclude by identifying multiple open research directions

    Exposition on over-squashing problem on GNNs: Current Methods, Benchmarks and Challenges

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    Graph-based message-passing neural networks (MPNNs) have achieved remarkable success in both node and graph-level learning tasks. However, several identified problems, including over-smoothing (OSM), limited expressive power, and over-squashing (OSQ), still limit the performance of MPNNs. In particular, OSQ serves as the latest identified problem, where MPNNs gradually lose their learning accuracy when long-range dependencies between graph nodes are required. In this work, we provide an exposition on the OSQ problem by summarizing different formulations of OSQ from current literature, as well as the three different categories of approaches for addressing the OSQ problem. In addition, we also discuss the alignment between OSQ and expressive power and the trade-off between OSQ and OSM. Furthermore, we summarize the empirical methods leveraged from existing works to verify the efficiency of OSQ mitigation approaches, with illustrations of their computational complexities. Lastly, we list some open questions that are of interest for further exploration of the OSQ problem along with potential directions from the best of our knowledge

    Nonlinear magnetotransport shaped by Fermi surface topology and convexity in WTe2

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    The nature of Fermi surface defines the physical properties of conductors and many physical phenomena can be traced to its shape. Although the recent discovery of a current-dependent nonlinear magnetoresistance in spin-polarized non-magnetic materials has attracted considerable attention in spintronics, correlations between this phenomenon and the underlying fermiology remain unexplored. Here, we report the observation of nonlinear magnetoresistance at room temperature in a semimetal WTe2, with an interesting temperature-driven inversion. Theoretical calculations reproduce the nonlinear transport measurements and allow us to attribute the inversion to temperature-induced changes in Fermi surface convexity. We also report a large anisotropy of nonlinear magnetoresistance in WTe2, due to its low symmetry of Fermi surfaces. The good agreement between experiments and theoretical modeling reveals the critical role of Fermi surface topology and convexity on the nonlinear magneto-response. These results lay a new path to explore ramifications of distinct fermiology for nonlinear transport in condensed-matter

    Kinetics, Kinematics, and Muscle Activity Patterns During Back Squat With Different Contributions of Elastic Resistance

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    Purpose: Performing back squats with elastic bands has been widely used in resistance training. Although research demonstrated greater training effects obtained from adding elastic bands to the back squat, little is known regarding the optimal elastic resistance and how it affects neuromuscular performance. This study aimed to compare the force, velocity, power, and muscle activity during back squats with different contributions of elastic resistance. Methods: Thirteen basketball players performed 3 repetitions of the back squat at 85% of 1-repetition maximum across 4 conditions: (1) total load from free weight and (2) 20%, (3) 30%, and (4) 40% of the total load from elastic band and the remaining load from free weight. The eccentric and concentric phases of the back squat were divided into upper, middle, and bottom phases. Results: In the eccentric phase, mean velocity progressively increased with increasing elastic resistance, and muscle activity of the vastus medialis and rectus femoris significantly increased with the largest elastic resistance in the upper phase (P ≤ .036). In the concentric phase, mean power (P ≤ .021) and rate of force development (P ≤ .002) significantly increased with increasing elastic resistance. Furthermore, muscle activity of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis significantly improved with the largest elastic resistance in the upper phases (P ≤ .021). Conclusion: Velocity, power, rate of force development, and selective muscle activity increased as the elastic resistance increased in different phases during the back-squat exercise

    Light double-gluon hybrid states with the exotic quantum numbers JPC=1+J^{PC} = 1^{-+} and 3+3^{-+}

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    We apply the QCD sum rule method to study the double-gluon hybrid states with the quark-gluon contents qˉqgg\bar q q gg (q=u/dq=u/d) and sˉsgg\bar s s gg. We construct twenty-eight double-gluon hybrid currents, eleven of which are found to be zero due to some internal symmetries between the two gluons fields. We concentrate on the non-vanishing currents with the exotic quantum numbers JPC=1+J^{PC} = 1^{-+} and 3+3^{-+}. Their masses are calculated to be Mqˉqgg;1+=4.350.30+0.26M_{|\bar q q gg;1^{-+}\rangle} = 4.35^{+0.26}_{-0.30} GeV, Msˉsgg;1+=4.490.30+0.25M_{|\bar s s gg;1^{-+}\rangle} = 4.49^{+0.25}_{-0.30} GeV, Mqˉqgg;3+=3.020.31+0.24M_{|\bar q q gg;3^{-+}\rangle} = 3.02^{+0.24}_{-0.31} GeV, and Msˉsgg;3+=3.160.28+0.22M_{|\bar s s gg;3^{-+}\rangle} = 3.16^{+0.22}_{-0.28} GeV. The decay behaviors of the JPC=3+J^{PC} = 3^{-+} states are studied, and we propose to search for them in the πa1(1260)/ρω/ϕϕ\pi a_1(1260)/\rho \omega/\phi \phi channels in future particle experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted by PR

    Pressure-induced spin reorientation transition in layered ferromagnetic insulator Cr2Ge2Te6

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    Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of Cr2Ge2Te6 (CGT), a layered ferromagnetic insulator, is investigated under an applied hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa. The easy axis direction of the magnetization is inferred from the AMR saturation feature in the presence and absence of the applied pressure. At zero applied pressure, the easy axis is along the c-direction or perpendicular to the layer. Upon application of a hydrostatic pressure>1 GPa, the uniaxial anisotropy switches to easy-plane anisotropy which drives the equilibrium magnetization from the c-axis to the ab-plane at zero magnetic field, which amounts to a giant magnetic anisotropy energy change (>100%). As the temperature is increased across the Curie temperature, the characteristic AMR effect gradually decreases and disappears. Our first-principles calculations confirm the giant magnetic anisotropy energy change with moderate pressure and assign its origin to the increased off-site spin-orbit interaction of Te atoms due to a shorter Cr-Te distance. Such a pressure-induced spin reorientation transition is very rare in three-dimensional ferromagnets, but it may be common to other layered ferromagnets with similar crystal structures to CGT, and therefore offers a unique way to control magnetic anisotropy