47 research outputs found

    The Environmental Plasticity of Diverse Body Color Caused by Extremely Long Photoperiods and High Temperature in Saccharosydne procerus (Homoptera: Delphacidae)

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    Melanization reflects not only body color variation but also environmental plasticity. It is a strategy that helps insects adapt to environmental change. Different color morphs may have distinct life history traits, e.g., development time, growth rate, and body weight. The green slender planthopper Saccharosydne procerus (Matsumura) is the main pest of water bamboo (Zizania latifolia). This insect has two color morphs. The present study explored the influence of photoperiod and its interaction with temperature in nymph stage on adult melanism. Additionally, the longevity, fecundity, mating rate, and hatching rate of S. procerus were examined to determine whether the fitness of the insect was influenced by melanism under different temperature and photoperiod. The results showed that a greater number of melanic morphs occurred if the photoperiod was extremely long. A two-factor ANOVA showed that temperature and photoperiod both have a significant influence on melanism. The percentages of variation explained by these factors were 45.53% and 48.71%, respectively. Moreover, melanic morphs had greater advantages than non-melanic morphs under an environmental regime of high temperatures and a long photoperiod, whereas non-melanic morphs were better adapted to cold temperatures and a short photoperiod. These results cannot be explained by the thermal melanism hypothesis. Thus, it may be unavailable to seek to explain melanism in terms of only one hypothesis

    CDR: Conservative Doubly Robust Learning for Debiased Recommendation

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    In recommendation systems (RS), user behavior data is observational rather than experimental, resulting in widespread bias in the data. Consequently, tackling bias has emerged as a major challenge in the field of recommendation systems. Recently, Doubly Robust Learning (DR) has gained significant attention due to its remarkable performance and robust properties. However, our experimental findings indicate that existing DR methods are severely impacted by the presence of so-called Poisonous Imputation, where the imputation significantly deviates from the truth and becomes counterproductive. To address this issue, this work proposes Conservative Doubly Robust strategy (CDR) which filters imputations by scrutinizing their mean and variance. Theoretical analyses show that CDR offers reduced variance and improved tail bounds.In addition, our experimental investigations illustrate that CDR significantly enhances performance and can indeed reduce the frequency of poisonous imputation

    Robust Sequence Networked Submodular Maximization

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    In this paper, we study the \underline{R}obust \underline{o}ptimization for \underline{se}quence \underline{Net}worked \underline{s}ubmodular maximization (RoseNets) problem. We interweave the robust optimization with the sequence networked submodular maximization. The elements are connected by a directed acyclic graph and the objective function is not submodular on the elements but on the edges in the graph. Under such networked submodular scenario, the impact of removing an element from a sequence depends both on its position in the sequence and in the network. This makes the existing robust algorithms inapplicable. In this paper, we take the first step to study the RoseNets problem. We design a robust greedy algorithm, which is robust against the removal of an arbitrary subset of the selected elements. The approximation ratio of the algorithm depends both on the number of the removed elements and the network topology. We further conduct experiments on real applications of recommendation and link prediction. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, aaai2023 conference accepte

    Fast Adaptively Weighted Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Implicit Feedback

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    Recommendation from implicit feedback is a highly challenging task due to the lack of the reliable observed negative data. A popular and effective approach for implicit recommendation is to treat unobserved data as negative but downweight their confidence. Naturally, how to assign confidence weights and how to handle the large number of the unobserved data are two key problems for implicit recommendation models. However, existing methods either pursuit fast learning by manually assigning simple confidence weights, which lacks flexibility and may create empirical bias in evaluating user's preference; or adaptively infer personalized confidence weights but suffer from low efficiency. To achieve both adaptive weights assignment and efficient model learning, we propose a fast adaptively weighted matrix factorization (FAWMF) based on variational auto-encoder. The personalized data confidence weights are adaptively assigned with a parameterized neural network (function) and the network can be inferred from the data. Further, to support fast and stable learning of FAWMF, a new specific batch-based learning algorithm fBGD has been developed, which trains on all feedback data but its complexity is linear to the number of observed data. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FAWMF and its learning algorithm fBGD

    Distributionally Robust Graph-based Recommendation System

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    With the capacity to capture high-order collaborative signals, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as powerful methods in Recommender Systems (RS). However, their efficacy often hinges on the assumption that training and testing data share the same distribution (a.k.a. IID assumption), and exhibits significant declines under distribution shifts. Distribution shifts commonly arises in RS, often attributed to the dynamic nature of user preferences or ubiquitous biases during data collection in RS. Despite its significance, researches on GNN-based recommendation against distribution shift are still sparse. To bridge this gap, we propose Distributionally Robust GNN (DR-GNN) that incorporates Distributional Robust Optimization (DRO) into the GNN-based recommendation. DR-GNN addresses two core challenges: 1) To enable DRO to cater to graph data intertwined with GNN, we reinterpret GNN as a graph smoothing regularizer, thereby facilitating the nuanced application of DRO; 2) Given the typically sparse nature of recommendation data, which might impede robust optimization, we introduce slight perturbations in the training distribution to expand its support. Notably, while DR-GNN involves complex optimization, it can be implemented easily and efficiently. Our extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of DR-GNN against three typical distribution shifts. The code is available at https://github.com/WANGBohaO-jpg/DR-GNN.Comment: Accepted by WWW202

    A Bi2Te3-Filled Nickel Foam Film with Exceptional Flexibility and Thermoelectric Performance

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    The past decades have witnessed surging demand for wearable electronics, for which thermoelectrics (TEs) are considered a promising self-charging technology, as they are capable of converting skin heat into electricity directly. Bi2Te3 is the most-used TE material at room temperature, due to a high zT of ~1. However, it is different to integrate Bi2Te3 for wearable TEs owing to its intrinsic rigidity. Bi2Te3 could be flexible when made thin enough, but this implies a small electrical and thermal load, thus severely restricting the power output. Herein, we developed a Bi2Te3/nickel foam (NiFoam) composite film through solvothermal deposition of Bi2Te3 nanoplates into porous NiFoam. Due to the mesh structure and ductility of Ni Foam, the film, with a thickness of 160 μm, exhibited a high figure of merit for flexibility, 0.016, connoting higher output. Moreover, the film also revealed a high tensile strength of 12.7 ± 0.04 MPa and a maximum elongation rate of 28.8%. In addition, due to the film’s high electrical conductivity and enhanced Seebeck coefficient, an outstanding power factor of 850 μW m−1 K−2 was achieved, which is among the highest ever reported. A module fabricated with five such n-type legs integrated electrically in series and thermally in parallel showed an output power of 22.8 nW at a temperature gap of 30 K. This work offered a cost-effective avenue for making highly flexible TE films for power supply of wearable electronics by intercalating TE nanoplates into porous and meshed-structure materials

    Longitudinal changes in clock drawing test (CDT) performance before and after cognitive decline.

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    BACKGROUND: Many scoring systems exist for clock drawing task variants. However, none of them are reliable in evaluating longitudinal changes of cognitive function. The purpose of this study is to create a simple yet optimal scoring procedure to evaluate cognitive decline using a clinic-based sample. METHODS: Clock-drawings from 121 participants (76 individuals with no dementia and later did not develop dementia after a mean 41.2-month follow-up, 45 individuals with no dementia became demented after a mean 42.3-month follow-up) were analyzed using t-test to determine a new and simplified CDT scoring system. The new scoring method was then compared with other commonly used systems. RESULTS: In the converters, there were only 7 items that are significantly different between the initial visits and the second visits. We propose a new scoring system that includes the seven critical items: numbers are equally spaced (12-3-6-9) (p = 0.031), the other eight numbers are marked (p = 0.022), numbers are clockwise (p = 0.002), all numbers are correct (p = 0.030), distance between numbers is constant (p = 0.016), clock has two hands (p = 0.000), arrows are drawn (p = 0.003). Compared with other traditionally used scoring methods, this based change clock drawing test (BCCDT) has one of the most balanced sensitivities/specificities with a clinic-based sample. CONCLUSIONS: The new CDT scoring system provides further evidence in support of a simple and reliable clock-drawing scoring system in follow-up studies to evaluate cognitive decline, which can be used in assessing the efficacy of medicine

    Precise Control of Glioma Cell Apoptosis Induced by Micro-Plasma-Activated Water (μ-PAW)

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    To verify the existence of plasma with the potential to kill tumor cells, this paper designed a novel helium (He) micro-plasma jet array device and detected the concentration of typical long-lived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) with oxidative activity generated by it. The paper described a new He micro-plasma jet array device consisting of nine flexible quartz capillaries with an inner diameter of 75 μm arranged in a 3 × 3 array. Sterilized ultrapure water (up water) was first treated with the He micro-plasma jet array device to activate it to form enriched RONS micro-plasma-activated water (μ-PAW), and then μ-PAW was added to the cell culture medium (with cells) to observe the proliferation of human glioma cells. The concentration of long-lived RONS, such as nitrate (NO3−), was detected according to Beer–Lambert’s law in combination with UV spectrophotometry as well as a color development method. The MTT Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit combined with the Hoechst Staining Kit were used to assess the proliferation status of the cells. The results showed that the range of RONS concentration variation could be controlled in the order of micromoles (µmol), while plasma-induced tumor cell death is apoptosis that does not affect the surrounding environment

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Explanation of Single Crystal Cu(100)/Cu(111) in Different Corrosion Stages

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    Copper and its alloys are used widely in marine environments, and anisotropic corrosion influences the corrosion kinetics of copper. Corrosion of copper in an electrolyte containing Cl− is described as a dissolution–deposition process, which is a prolonged process. Therefore, it is laborious to clarify the corrosion anisotropy in different stages. In this paper, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) following elapsed open circuit potential (OCP) test with 0 h (0H), 24 h (24H) and 10 days (10D) was adopted. To exclude interruptions such as grain boundary and neighbor effect, single crystal (SC) Cu(100) and Cu(111) were employed. After 10D OCP, cross-sectional slices were cut and picked up by a focused ion beam (FIB). The results showed that the deposited oxide was Cu2O and Cu(100)/Cu(111) experienced different corrosion behaviors. In general, Cu(100) showed more excellent corrosion resistance. Combined with equivalent electrical circuit (EEC) diagrams, the corrosion mechanism of Cu(100)/Cu(111) in different stages was proposed. In the initial stage, a smaller capacitive loop of Cu(111) suggested preferential adsorption of Cl− on air-formed oxide film on Cu(111). Deposited oxide and exposed bare metals also played an important role in corrosion resistance. Rectangle indentations and pyramidal structures formed on Cu(100)/Cu(111), respectively. Finally, a perfect interface on Cu(100) explained the tremendous capacitive loop and higher impedance (14,274 Ω·cm2). Moreover, defects in the oxides on Cu(111) provided channels for the penetration of electrolyte, leading to a lower impedance (9423 Ω·cm2) after 10D corrosion