1,344 research outputs found

    Методика розробки інформаційно-технічного способу оптимізації проведення аварійно-рятувальних робіт, пов’язаних з надзвичайними ситуаціями в зоні міської інфраструктури

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    The paper analyzes the current state of technogenic and natural security in cities and urban-type settlements in Ukraine, identifies the main contradictions in the organization of actions of emergency and rescue units. The assumption about the possibility of influencing the effectiveness of the actions of rescue units of modern information and communication technologies, namely, QR-coding technology, is substantiated. A scheme for organizing informational QR-support in the zone of possible emergency is proposed. On the basis of the latter, the ways of implementation and the structure of an information technology method for optimizing rescue operations in the area of urban infrastructure are determinedВ работе проанализировано современное состояние техногенной и природной безопасности в городах и поселках городского типа в Украине, определены основные противоречия в организации действий аварийно-спасательных подразделений. Обоснованно предположение о возможности влияния на эффективность действий аварийно-спасательных подразделений современных информационно-коммуникативных технологий, а именно технологии QR-кодирования. Предложена схема организации информационной QR-поддержки в зоне возможного возникновения чрезвычайной ситуации. На базе последней определены пути реализации и структура информационно-технического способа оптимизации проведения аварийно-спасательных работ в зоне размещения городской инфраструктурыУ роботі проаналізовано сучасний стан техногенної та природної безпеки у містах і селищах міського типу в Україні, визначені основні протиріччя в організації дій аварійно-рятувальних підрозділів. Обґрунтовано припущення про можливість впливу на ефективність дій аварійно-рятувальних підрозділів сучасних інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, а саме технології QR-кодування. Запропоновано схема організації інформаційної QR-підтримки в зоні можливого виникнення надзвичайної ситуації. На базі останньої визначено шляхи реалізації та структуру інформаційно-технічного способу оптимізації проведення аварійно-рятувальних робіт в зоні розміщення міської інфраструктур

    Fabrication and characterization of a large-area metal nano-grid wave plate

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    We introduce a fast and cost-effective technique to fabricate large-area periodically nanopatterned metal samples and apply this technique to create reflective nano-grid wave plates for optical wavelengths. The technique makes use of azo-polymer-based interference lithography and a special imprint method that enables creating large-area metal nanopatterns with high vertical walls. We fabricate and experimentally test a gold nano-grid wave plate that operates as reflective λ/4 -plate for λ = 604 nm and λ/2 -plate for λ = 997 nm.Peer reviewe

    Водохозяйственная инфраструктура Казахстана в трансформационном периоде: модели управления, тарифная политика, направления водосбережения.

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    The book deals with methodological bases of formation and development of the water infrastructure of the agroindustrial complex of Central and Northern Kazakhstan. Functions of the water management infrastructure in the reproduction process, its theoretical concept, classification. Are natural economic conditions: the resource potential, the problems of development of the sphere of water management, tariff policy, the impact of water management on agricultural production. Discusses the water use efficiency, transaction costs in water management. Examines the international experience of reforming the tariff policy in the field of water supply, models of water management, areas of conservation. Analysis of innovative ideas in the sphere of supply of agricultural sector are evaluated the problems of the industry, formation of innovative environment, development of the water cluster, the infrastructure, the mechanism of water management, the municipality in the field of water use, water use efficiency of the second con-stituent entities of agricultural sector. Justify innovations in the tariff for services in water delivery taking into account the specifics of the tariff system of water supply in agriculture, proposals for the development of water infrastructure of pipelines and canals, improvement of the national water policy

    Foresight in Strategic Planning and Technology Foresight in Kazakhstan: making Decisions about Long-term Investment in Science, International Experience.

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    Development of the national science, technology and innovation (STI) strategy is a complicated process associated with a high level of uncertainty. Establishment of efficient framework for STI policy planning in Kazakhstan is an essential element of the sustainable policy planning system. From a perspective of future management, foresight provides a basis for decision-making process by identifying key areas for a long-term investments and assessing long-term perspectives of science, technology, economy and society. Foresight allows setting up future priorities by focusing on different aspects of anticipated changes. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of foresight in the decision-making process and to elaborate recommendations on effective integration of national foresight results into the process of STI policy planning in Kazakhstan

    Foresight in Strategic Planning and Technology Foresight in Kazakhstan: making Decisions about Long-term Investment in Science, International Experience.

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    Development of the national science, technology and innovation (STI) strategy is a complicated process associated with a high level of uncertainty. Establishment of efficient framework for STI policy planning in Kazakhstan is an essential element of the sustainable policy planning system. From a perspective of future management, foresight provides a basis for decision-making process by identifying key areas for a long-term investments and assessing long-term perspectives of science, technology, economy and society. Foresight allows setting up future priorities by focusing on different aspects of anticipated changes. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of foresight in the decision-making process and to elaborate recommendations on effective integration of national foresight results into the process of STI policy planning in Kazakhstan

    Водохозяйственная инфраструктура Казахстана в трансформационном периоде: модели управления, тарифная политика, направления водосбережения.

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    The book deals with methodological bases of formation and development of the water infrastructure of the agroindustrial complex of Central and Northern Kazakhstan. Functions of the water management infrastructure in the reproduction process, its theoretical concept, classification. Are natural economic conditions: the resource potential, the problems of development of the sphere of water management, tariff policy, the impact of water management on agricultural production. Discusses the water use efficiency, transaction costs in water management. Examines the international experience of reforming the tariff policy in the field of water supply, models of water management, areas of conservation. Analysis of innovative ideas in the sphere of supply of agricultural sector are evaluated the problems of the industry, formation of innovative environment, development of the water cluster, the infrastructure, the mechanism of water management, the municipality in the field of water use, water use efficiency of the second con-stituent entities of agricultural sector. Justify innovations in the tariff for services in water delivery taking into account the specifics of the tariff system of water supply in agriculture, proposals for the development of water infrastructure of pipelines and canals, improvement of the national water policy

    Improvement of the Membrane - less Electrolysis Technology for Hydrogen and Oxygen Generation

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    To provide the most efficient electrolysis process of hydrogen and oxygen generation and the electrode twain design there were studied the following:-    The process of high pressure hydrogen and oxygen cyclic generation in the membrane less electrolysis systems.-          The permissible ranges of voltage variation on the electrodes were determined depending on the electrochemical reactions taking place on the active electrode.-          There was studied the process of hydrolysis and oxidation of the active electrode hypoferrite at the corresponding half-cycles of hydrogen and oxygen release.-          There was studied the effect of variation of the distance between the active and passive electrodes onto the electrolysis process efficiency

    Energy Effective Membrane-less Technology for High Pressure Hydrogen Electro-chemical Generation

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    Water electrolysis process for hydrogen generation is widely used in various branches of industry. But it has disadvantages like important energy consumption and utilization of separate membranes, which limit the generated gases pressure.This article describes the hydrogen and oxygen generation technology excluding the separating ion-exchange membranes and providing high gases pressure due to applying the variable valence metal chemically active electrodes as well as due to separating in time and space the electrolytic processes of water decomposition for gases liberation.The electrolyzer based on this technology surpasses all of the known analogues by the level of technical decisions, simplicity of mounting and servicing, reliability and safety

    New map of tsunami-hazard for the south Kuril Islands

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    The tsunami-zoning map (possible tsunami heights of a frequency of 1 event within 50 and 100 years) for the coast of the South Kuril Islands have been updated (former map have been developed in 2006). The update is based on the development of the tsunami-activity model, mainly due to the increase of the number of basic coastal locations (from 18 to 62) for which the parameters of the recurrence function were estimated, as well as on the modernization of the numerical model. Serious progress in simulations was achieved in setting the initial conditions, using the seismic tsunami source model. Field surveys on the coast to search for traces of historical and paleotsunami, as well as qualitative documentation of the Tohoku tsunami manifestations allowed to clarify the model of tsunami-activity in Southern Kuril Islands. The sufficiently large amount of data in this case (which is generally untypical for the tsunami) allowed authors, to apply the statistical approach for evaluation of the tsunami hazard distribution along the coast. Estimates of tsunami heights were spread from the basic coastal locations to adjacent parts of the coast using detailed simulation of all significant tsunamis and calculating wave heights at the shoreline. The detailed maps of tsunami-hazard at scale 1:100,000 have been made for the settlements of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, Kurilsk, Malokurilskoe, and Krabozavodskoe