19 research outputs found

    Consideration of the bioavailability of metal/metalloid species in freshwaters: experiences regarding the implementation of biotic ligand model-based approaches in risk assessment frameworks

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    After the scientific development of Biotic Ligand Models (BLMs) in recent decades these models are now considered suitable for implementation in regulatory risk assessment of metals in freshwater bodies. The approach has been developed over several years and has been described in many peer-reviewed publications. The original complex BLMs have been applied in prospective risk assessment reports for metals and metal compounds and are also recommended as suitable concepts for the evaluation of monitoring data in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. Currently, several user-friendly BLM-based bioavailability software tools are available for assessing the aquatic toxicity of a limited number of metals (mainly copper, nickel, and zinc). These tools need only a basic set of water parameters as input (e.g., pH, hardness, dissolved organic matter and dissolved metal concentration). Such tools seem appropriate to foster the implementation in routine water quality assessments. This work aims to review the existing bioavailability-based regulatory approaches and the application of available BLM-based bioavailability tools for this purpose. Advantages and possible drawbacks of these tools (e.g., feasibility, boundaries of validity) are discussed, and recommendations for further implementation are given

    Global occurrence, chemical properties, and ecological impacts of e-wastes (IUPAC technical report)

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    The waste stream of obsolete electronic equipment grows exponentially, creating a worldwide pollution and resource problem. Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) comprises a heterogeneous mix of glass, plastics (including flame retardants and other additives), metals (including rare earth elements) and metalloids. The e-waste issue is complex and multi-faceted. In examining the different aspects of e-waste, informal recycling in developing countries has been identified as a primary concern due to widespread illegal shipments, weak environmental as well as health and safety regulations, lack of technology and inadequate waste treatment structure. For example, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Pakistan and China have all been identified as hotspots for the disposal of e-waste. This article presents a critical examination on the chemical nature of e-waste and the resulting environmental impacts on, for example, microbial biodiversity, flora and fauna in e-waste recycling sites around the world. It highlights the different types of risk assessment approaches required when evaluating the ecological impact of e-waste. Additionally, it presents examples of chemistry playing a role in potential solutions. The information presented here will be informative to relevant stakeholders to devise integrated management strategies to tackle this global environmental concern

    Altered pesticide use on transgenic crops and the associated general impact from an environmental perspective

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    The large-scale commercial cultivation of transgenic crops has undergone a steady increase since their introduction 10 years ago. Most of these crops bear introduced traits that are of agronomic importance, such as herbicide or insect resistance. These traits are likely to impact upon the use of pesticides on these crops, as well as the pesticide market as a whole. Organizations like USDA-ERS and NCFAP monitor the changes in crop pest management associated with the adoption of transgenic crops. As part of an IUPAC project on this topic, recent data are reviewed regarding the alterations in pesticide use that have been observed in practice. Most results indicate a decrease in the amounts of active ingredients applied to transgenic crops compared with conventional crops. In addition, a generic environmental indicator - the environmental impact quotient (EIQ) - has been applied by these authors and others to estimate the environmental consequences of the altered pesticide use on transgenic crops. The results show that the predicted environmental impact decreases in transgenic crops. With the advent of new types of agronomic trait and crops that have been genetically modified, it is useful to take also their potential environmental impacts into account