96 research outputs found

    First high-energy proton tomography of a mouse

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    LUCI onboard Lagrange, the Next Generation of EUV Space Weather Monitoring

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    LUCI (Lagrange eUv Coronal Imager) is a solar imager in the Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) that is being developed as part of the Lagrange mission, a mission designed to be positioned at the L5 Lagrangian point to monitor space weather from its source on the Sun, through the heliosphere, to the Earth. LUCI will use an off-axis two mirror design equipped with an EUV enhanced active pixel sensor. This type of detector has advantages that promise to be very beneficial for monitoring the source of space weather in the EUV. LUCI will also have a novel off-axis wide field-of-view, designed to observe the solar disk, the lower corona, and the extended solar atmosphere close to the Sun-Earth line. LUCI will provide solar coronal images at a 2-3 minute cadence in a pass-band centred on 19.5 nm. Observations made through this pass-band allow for the detection and monitoring of semi-static coronal structures such as coronal holes, prominences, and active regions; as well as transient phenomena such as solar flares, limb Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), EUV waves, and coronal dimmings. The LUCI data will complement EUV solar observations provided by instruments located along the Sun-Earth line such as PROBA2-SWAP, SUVI-GOES and SDO-AIA, as well as provide unique observations to improve space weather forecasts. Together with a suite of other remote-sensing and in-situ instruments onboard Lagrange, LUCI will provide science quality operational observations for space weather monitoring

    The mimetic politics of lone-wolf terrorism

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    Written at a time of crisis in the project of social and political modernity, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1864 novel Notes from Underground offers an intriguing parallel for the twenty-first century lone-wolf; it portrays an abject, outcast, spiteful unnamed anti-hero boiling with rage, bitter with resentment and on the verge of radicalisation. A Girardian reading of the poetic truths contained in Dostoevsky’s work is able to provide important keys to explain the contemporary transformation from ‘fourth-wave’ religious terrorism to ‘fifth-wave’ lone-wolf terrorism. Such a reading argues that it is mimetic rivalry – rather than much-trumpeted forms of religious violence or cultural differences – that fuels the triangular relation between governments, terrorists and civilian victims at heart of terrorist acts. This approach is further able to blend social inquiry with an account of the individual, in fact anthropological, conditions of lone-wolf terrorism by tracing the globalisation of resentment and the individualisation of violence to the hyper-mimeticism characterising the globalisation of late modernity. Finally, a mimetic reading of ‘fifth-wave’ terrorism accounts for the turbulence of a global politics in which victimhood and scapegoating no longer have the ability to stabilise social order and warns against a future where violence proliferates and escalates unchecked

    Prominence eruption observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 R⊙ by EUI/FSI aboard Solar Orbiter⋆

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    Aims. We report observations of a unique, large prominence eruption that was observed in the He II 304 Å passband of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager/Full Sun Imager telescope aboard Solar Orbiter on 15–16 February 2022. Methods. Observations from several vantage points – Solar Orbiter, the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and Earth-orbiting satellites – were used to measure the kinematics of the erupting prominence and the associated coronal mass ejection. Three-dimensional reconstruction was used to calculate the deprojected positions and speeds of different parts of the prominence. Observations in several passbands allowed us to analyse the radiative properties of the erupting prominence. Results. The leading parts of the erupting prominence and the leading edge of the corresponding coronal mass ejection propagate at speeds of around 1700 km s−1 and 2200 km s−1, respectively, while the trailing parts of the prominence are significantly slower (around 500 km s−1). Parts of the prominence are tracked up to heights of over 6 R⊙. The He II emission is probably produced via collisional excitation rather than scattering. Surprisingly, the brightness of a trailing feature increases with height. Conclusions. The reported prominence is the first observed in He II 304 Å emission at such a great height (above 6 R⊙)

    Summary of the DREAM8 Parameter Estimation Challenge: Toward Parameter Identification for Whole-Cell Models

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    Whole-cell models that explicitly represent all cellular components at the molecular level have the potential to predict phenotype from genotype. However, even for simple bacteria, whole-cell models will contain thousands of parameters, many of which are poorly characterized or unknown. New algorithms are needed to estimate these parameters and enable researchers to build increasingly comprehensive models. We organized the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM) 8 Whole-Cell Parameter Estimation Challenge to develop new parameter estimation algorithms for whole-cell models. We asked participants to identify a subset of parameters of a whole-cell model given the model’s structure and in silico “experimental” data. Here we describe the challenge, the best performing methods, and new insights into the identifiability of whole-cell models. We also describe several valuable lessons we learned toward improving future challenges. Going forward, we believe that collaborative efforts supported by inexpensive cloud computing have the potential to solve whole-cell model parameter estimation


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    The article describes the clinical cases of anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis of two patients. An analysis of the dynamics of neurologic symptoms, the results of neurovisualization and neurophysiological examinations was carried out. It was shown that in patients with AntiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis, neurological symptoms are similar in their manifestations with symptoms of virus encephalitis. At the same time, the mechanism of development and etiology of this form of autoimmune pathology is not understood. Also, no pathognomonic changes were detected for MRI of the brain, PET, EEG for Anti-N-methylD-aspartate receptor encephalitis. The authors conclude that the diversity of neurological symptoms in patients with antiN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis may be due not only to dysfunction of brain structures due to disruption of NMDA receptor activity, but also to a reversible disruption of functional interrelationships between different parts of the brain. В статье приводится описание клинического течения Анти-N-метил-D-аспарт рецепторного энцефалита у двух пациенток. Проведен анализ динамики неврологической симптоматики, результатов нейровизуализационных и нейрофизиологических обследований. Показано, что у пациентов с Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторным энцефалитом неврологическая симптоматика схожа по своим проявлениям с симптоматикой при инфекционных энцефалитах. В то же время механизм развития и этиология данной формы аутоиммунной патологии до конца не ясны. Также не выявлено патогномоничных только для Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторного энцефалита изменений на МРТ головного мозга, ПЭТ, ЭЭГ. Авторы делают вывод, что разнообразие неврологической симптоматики у пациентов с Анти-N-метил-D-аспартат рецепторным энцефалитом может быть обусловлено не только дисфункцией структур мозга в результате нарушения активности NMDA рецепторов, но и обратимым нарушением функциональных взаимосвязей между различными отделами мозга.