24 research outputs found

    Modeling Iron and Light Controls on the Summer Phaeocystis antarctica Bloom in the Amundsen Sea Polynya

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    Of all the Antarctic coastal polynyas, the Amundsen Sea Polynya is the most productive per unit area. Observations from the 2010–2011 Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) revealed that both light and iron can limit the growth of phytoplankton (Phaeocystis antarctica), but how these controls manifest over the bloom season is poorly understood, especially with respect to their climate sensitivity. Using a 1‐D biogeochemical model, we examine the influence of light and iron limitation on the phytoplankton bloom and vertical carbon flux at 12 stations representing different bloom stages within the polynya. Model parameters are determined by Bayesian optimization and assimilation of ASPIRE observations. The model‐data fit is most sensitive to phytoplankton physiological parameters, which among all model parameters are best constrained by the optimization. We find that the 1‐D model captures the basic elements of the bloom observed during ASPIRE, despite some discrepancies between modeled and observed dissolved iron distributions. With this model, we explore the way iron availability, in combination with light availability, controlled the rise, peak, and decline of the bloom at the 12 stations. Modeled light limitation by self‐shading is very strong, but iron is drawn down as the bloom rises, becoming limiting in combination with light as the bloom declines. These model results mechanistically confirm the importance of climate‐sensitive controls like stratification and meltwater on phytoplankton bloom development and carbon export in this region

    A carbon budget for the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica: Estimating net community production and export in a highly productive polar ecosystem

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    Polynyas, or recurring areas of seasonally open water surrounded by sea ice, are foci for energy and material transfer between the atmosphere and the polar ocean. They are also climate sensitive, with both sea ice extent and glacial melt influencing their productivity. The Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP) is the greenest polynya in the Southern Ocean, with summertime chlorophyll a concentrations exceeding 20 ÎŒg L−1. During the Amundsen Sea Polynya International Research Expedition (ASPIRE) in austral summer 2010–11, we aimed to determine the fate of this high algal productivity. We collected water column profiles for total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nutrients, particulate and dissolved organic matter, chlorophyll a, mesozooplankton, and microbial biomass to make a carbon budget for this ecosystem. We also measured primary and secondary production, community respiration rates, vertical particle flux and fecal pellet production and grazing. With observations arranged along a gradient of increasing integrated dissolved inorganic nitrogen drawdown (ΔDIN; 0.027–0.74 mol N m−2), changes in DIC in the upper water column (ranging from 0.2 to 4.7 mol C m−2) and gas exchange (0–1.7 mol C m−2) were combined to estimate early season net community production (sNCP; 0.2–5.9 mol C m−2) and then compared to organic matter inventories to estimate export. From a phytoplankton bloom dominated by Phaeocystis antarctica, a high fraction (up to ∌60%) of sNCP was exported to sub-euphotic depths. Microbial respiration remineralized much of this export in the mid waters. Comparisons to short-term (2–3 days) drifting traps and a year-long moored sediment trap capturing the downward flux confirmed that a relatively high fraction (3–6%) of the export from ∌100 m made it through the mid waters to depth. We discuss the climate-sensitive nature of these carbon fluxes, in light of the changing sea ice cover and melting ice sheets in the region

    Modeling the Seasonal Cycle of Iron and Carbon Fluxes in the Amundsen Sea Polynya, Antarctica

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    The Amundsen Sea Polynya (ASP) is distinguished by having the highest net primary production per unit area in the coastal Antarctic. Recent studies have related this high productivity to the presence of fast-melting ice shelves, but the mechanisms involved are not well understood. In this study we describe the first numerical model of the ASP to represent explicitly the ocean-ice interactions, nitrogen and iron cycles, and the coastal circulation at high resolution. The study focuses on the seasonal cycle of iron and carbon, and the results are broadly consistent with field observations collected during the summer of 2010–2011. The simulated biogeochemical cycle is strongly controlled by light availability(dictated by sea ice, phytoplankton self-shading, and variable sunlight). The micronutrient iron exhibits strong seasonality, where scavenging by biogenic particles and remineralization play large compensating roles. Lateral fluxes of iron are also important to the iron budget, and our results confirm the key role played by inputs of dissolved iron from the buoyancy-driven circulation of melting ice shelf cavities (the“meltwater pump”). The model suggests that westward flowing coastal circulation plays two important roles: it provides additional iron to the ASP and it collects particulate organic matter generated by the bloom and transports it to the west of the ASP. As a result, maps of vertical particulate organic matter fluxes show highest fluxes in shelf regions located west of the productive central ASP. Overall, these model results improve our mechanistic understanding of the ASP bloom, while suggesting testable hypotheses for future field efforts

    In situ phytoplankton distributions in the Amundsen Sea Polynya measured by autonomous gliders

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    The Amundsen Sea Polynya is characterized by large phytoplankton blooms, which makes this region disproportionately important relative to its size for the biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean. In situ data on phytoplankton are limited, which is problematic given recent reports of sustained change in the Amundsen Sea. During two field expeditions to the Amundsen Sea during austral summer 2010-2011 and 2014, we collected physical and bio-optical data from ships and autonomous underwater gliders. Gliders documented large phytoplankton blooms associated with Antarctic Surface Waters with low salinity surface water and shallow upper mixed layers (\u3c 50 m). High biomass was not always associated with a specific water mass, suggesting the importance of upper mixed depth and light in influencing phytoplankton biomass. Spectral optical backscatter and ship pigment data suggested that the composition of phytoplankton was spatially heterogeneous, with the large blooms dominated by Phaeocystis and non-bloom waters dominated by diatoms. Phytoplankton growth rates estimated from field data (\u3c = 0.10 day(-1)) were at the lower end of the range measured during ship-based incubations, reflecting both in situ nutrient and light limitations. In the bloom waters, phytoplankton biomass was high throughout the 50-m thick upper mixed layer. Those biomass levels, along with the presence of colored dissolved organic matter and detritus, resulted in a euphotic zone that was often \u3c 10 m deep. The net result was that the majority of phytoplankton were light-limited, suggesting that mixing rates within the upper mixed layer were critical to determining the overall productivity; however, regional productivity will ultimately be controlled by water column stability and the depth of the upper mixed layer, which may be enhanced with continued ice melt in the Amundsen Sea Polynya

    Transcriptome response of high- and low-light-adapted Prochlorococcus strains to changing iron availability

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    Prochlorococcus contributes significantly to ocean primary productivity. The link between primary productivity and iron in specific ocean regions is well established and iron-limitation of Prochlorococcus cell division rates in these regions has been demonstrated. However, the extent of ecotypic variation in iron metabolism among Prochlorococcus and the molecular basis for differences is not understood. Here, we examine the growth and transcriptional response of Prochlorococcus strains, MED4 and MIT9313, to changing iron concentrations. During steady-state, MIT9313 sustains growth at an order-of-magnitude lower iron concentration than MED4. To explore this difference, we measured the whole-genome transcriptional response of each strain to abrupt iron starvation and rescue. Only four of the 1159 orthologs of MED4 and MIT9313 were differentially-expressed in response to iron in both strains. However, in each strain, the expression of over a hundred additional genes changed, many of which are in labile genomic regions, suggesting a role for lateral gene transfer in establishing diversity of iron metabolism among Prochlorococcus. Furthermore, we found that MED4 lacks three genes near the iron-deficiency induced gene (idiA) that are present and induced by iron stress in MIT9313. These genes are interesting targets for studying the adaptation of natural Prochlorococcus assemblages to local iron conditions as they show more diversity than other genomic regions in environmental metagenomic databases.Gordon and Betty Moore FoundationNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Biological Oceanography)United States. Office of Naval Research (ONR Young Investigator Award)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Chemical Oceanography)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Environmental Genomics grants

    The Water Column – Concentration and Load

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    Hafnium and neodymium isotope variations in NE Atlantic seawater

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    The 176Hf/177Hf ratio of seawater is measured directly with 143Nd/144Nd in a composite vertical profile in the NE Atlantic. The value of ΔHf of intermediate and deep water exhibits little variation and averages +1.0 ± 0.8; surface water shows a wider range,-5.7 to +3.3. While intermediate and deep water samples plot on, or close to, the seawater Hf-Nd isotope array, defined by ferromanganese deposits, near-surface seawater samples plot between the seawater and terrestrial rock ΔHf-ΔNd arrays. It is likely that the shallow water variability in ΔHf arises from a short residence time of Hf in surface water and isotopically heterogeneous inputs. The difference between surface and intermediate-deep water ΔHf may be maintained by the release of surface scavenged Hf at depth from a subset of sinking particles; the composition of ΔNd at middepths reflects overlying surface water and water advected along isopycnals from areas where they outcrop in winter. Uniform ΔHf values below 1000 m suggest the residence time of Hf may be longer than that of Nd. The radiogenic isotopic composition of seawater Hf relative to Nd and terrestrial rocks suggests that minerals with high Lu/Hf ratios may be preferentially weathered, providing a source of radiogenic Hf to the oceans. © 2009 by the American Geophysical Union

    Habitat-specific size structure variation in periwinkle populations (Littorina littorea) caused by biotic factors

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    International audienceShell size distribution patterns of marine gastropod populations may vary considerably across different environments. We investigated the size and density structure of genetically continuous periwinkle populations () on an exposed rocky and a sheltered sedimentary environment on two nearby islands in the south-eastern North Sea (German Bight). On the sedimentary shore, periwinkle density (917 ± 722 individuals m) was about three times higher than on the rocky shore (296 ± 168 individuals m). Mean (9.8 ± 3.9 mm) and maximum (22 mm) shell size of on the sedimentary shore were smaller than on the rocky shore (21.5 ± 4.2 and 32 mm, respectively), where only few small snails were found. Additionally, periwinkle shells were thicker and stronger on the rocky than on the sedimentary shore. To ascertain mechanisms responsible for differences in population structures, we examined periwinkles in both environments for growth rate, predation pressure, infection with a shell boring polychaete () and parasitic infestation by trematodes. A crosswise transplantation experiment revealed better growth conditions on the sedimentary than on the rocky shore. However, crab abundance and prevalence of parasites and in adult snails were higher on the sedimentary shore. Previous investigations showed that crabs prefer large periwinkles infested with . Thus, we suggest that parasites and shell boring in conjunction with an increased crab predation pressure are responsible for low abundances of large periwinkles on the sedimentary shore while high wave exposure may explain low densities of juvenile on the rocky shore. We conclude that biotic factors may strongly contribute to observed differences in size structure of the populations studied on rocky and sedimentary shores