869 research outputs found

    Evolution of cranial shape in a continental‐scale evolutionary radiation of Australian lizards

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    A defining character of adaptive radiations is the evolution of a diversity of morphological forms that are associated with the use of different habitats, following the invasion of vacant niches. Island adaptive radiations have been thoroughly investigated but continental scale radiations are more poorly understood. Here, we use 52 species of Australian agamid lizards and their Asian relatives as a model group, and employ three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics to characterize cranial morphology and investigate whether variation in cranial shape reflects patterns expected from the ecological process of adaptive radiation. Phylogenetic affinity, evolutionary allometry, and ecological life habit all play major roles in the evolution of cranial shape in the sampled lizards. We find a significant association between cranial shapes and life habit. Our results are in line with the expectations of an adaptive radiation, and this is the first time detailed geometric morphometric analyses have been used to understand the selective forces that drove an adaptive radiation at a continental scale

    Ontogenetic allometry underlies trophic diversity in sea turtles (Chelonioidea)

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    Despite only comprising seven species, extant sea turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae) display great ecological diversity, with most species inhabiting a unique dietary niche as adults. This adult diversity is remarkable given that all species share the same dietary niche as juveniles. These ontogenetic shifts in diet, as well as a dramatic increase in body size, make sea turtles an excellent group to examine how morphological diversity arises by allometric processes and life habit specialisation. Using three-dimensional geometric morphometrics, we characterise ontogenetic allometry in the skulls of all seven species and evaluate variation in the context of phylogenetic history and diet. Among the sample, the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) has a seemingly average sea turtle skull shape and generalised diet, whereas the green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) show different extremes of snout shape associated with their modes of food gathering (grazing vs. grasping, respectively). Our ontogenetic findings corroborate previous suggestions that the skull of the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) is paedomorphic, having similar skull proportions to hatchlings of other sea turtle species and retaining a hatchling-like diet of relatively soft bodied organisms. The flatback sea turtle (Natator depressus) shows a similar but less extreme pattern. By contrast, the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) shows a peramorphic signal associated with increased jaw muscle volumes that allow predation on hard shelled prey. The Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) has a peramorphic skull shape compared to its sister species the olive ridley, and a diet that includes harder prey items such as crabs. We suggest that diet may be a significant factor in driving skull shape differences among species. Although the small number of species limits statistical power, differences among skull shape, size, and diet are consistent with the hypothesis that shifts in allometric trajectory facilitated diversification in skull shape as observed in an increasing number of vertebrate groups

    Semicircular canal shape diversity among modern lepidosaurs: life habit, size, allometry

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    Background: The shape of the semicircular canals of the inner ear of living squamate reptiles has been used to infer phylogenetic relationships, body size, and life habits. Often these inferences are made without controlling for the effects of the other ones. Here we examine the semicircular canals of 94 species of extant limbed lepidosaurs using three-dimensional landmark-based geometric morphometrics, and analyze them in phylogenetic context to evaluate the relative contributions of life habit, size, and phylogeny on canal shape. Result: Life habit is not a strong predictor of semicircular canal shape across this broad sample. Instead, phylogeny plays a major role in predicting shape, with strong phylogenetic signal in shape as well as size. Allometry has a limited role in canal shape, but inner ear size and body mass are strongly correlated. Conclusions: Our wide sampling across limbed squamates suggests that semicircular canal shape and size are predominantly a factor of phylogenetic relatedness. Given the small proportion of variance in semicircular canal shape explained by life habit, it is unlikely that unknown life habit could be deduced from semicircular canal shape alone. Overall, semicircular canal size is a good estimator of body length and even better for body mass in limbed squamates. Semiaquatic taxa tend to be larger and heavier than non-aquatic taxa, but once body size and phylogeny are accounted for, they are hard to distinguish from their non-aquatic relatives based on bony labyrinth shape and morphology

    Multilevel analysis of integration and disparity in the mammalian skull

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    Advance access publication 13 February 2023Biological variation is often considered in a scalable hierarchy, e.g., within the individual, within the populations, above the species level. Morphological integration, the concept of covariation among constituent parts of an organism, is also hierarchical; the degree to which these ‘modules’ covary is a matter of the scale of the study as well as underlying processes driving the covariation. Multilevel analyses of trait covariation are a valuable tool to infer the origins and historical persistence of morphological diversity. Here we investigate concordance in patterns of integration and modularity across three biological levels of variation: within a species, within two genera-level radiations, and among species at the family level. We demonstrate this approach using the skull of mammalian family Leporidae (rabbits and hares), which is morphologically diverse and has a rare-among-mammals functional signal of locomotion adaptation. We tested three alternative hypotheses of modularity; from the most supported we investigated disparity and integration of each module to infer which is most responsible for patterns of cranial variation across these levels, and whether variation is partitioned consistently across levels. We found a common pattern of modularity underlies leporid cranial diversity, though there is inconsistency across levels in each module’s disparity and integration. The face module contributes the most to disparity at all levels, which we propose is facilitating evolutionary diversity in this clade. Therefore, the distinctive facial tilt of leporids is an adaptation to locomotory behavior facilitated by a modular system that allows lineages to respond differently to selection pressures.Emma Sherratt and Brian Kraat

    A comparison of ecomorphology between introduced and native Australian dung beetles

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    Published: 27 April 2023Among the many catastrophic introductions of exotic species to Australia, the Australian Dung Beetle Project stands apart as a success story. From 1965 dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) were introduced for biological control purposes, and 23 species survived to become integrated into the environment with apparently little-to-no competition with native species. To understand this, we investigated ecomorphological diversity in the Australian dung beetle fauna, examining variation in functional traits among rolling and tunnelling species that are native to Australia and introduced. We found that introduced species are on average larger than native species of the same nidification strategy, but the size ranges overlap. Native and introduced tunnellers are convergent in body shape, while introduced rollers have distinct body shape compared with native species. Rollers and tunnellers also have distinct allometric patterns, where shape variation predicted by size aligns along two diverging allometric trajectories between nidification strategies. Our results suggest that ecomorphological differences do not explain the apparent lack of competition between tunnellers, but this may be the factor for rollers. Also, these results indicate body size and associated allometric scaling is an important aspect of the ecomorphology of dung beetles that should be considered in future studies.Alexander Harvey and Emma Sherrat

    The mathematical modelling of cell kinetics in corneal epithelial wound healing

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    This paper considers the comparison of experimental spatial and temporal data of mitotic rates measured during corneal epithelial wound healing (CEWH) of a rat model with the predictions of a computer modelling framework. We begin by briefly showing that previous models, used in the study of corneal epithelial wound healing speeds, are inadequate for the study of cell kinetics. We proceed to formulate a new modelling framework more suited to such a study. This framework is simulated in its simplest form, and the results from this motivate a new realisation of the modelling framework, including a caricature of age structuring. Finally, a model with a simple representation of juxtacrine signalling is considered. The final model captures many, though not all, of the trends of the experimental data. This paper thus lays a foundation for the modelling of the cell kinetics of corneal epithelial wound healing, and yields valuable insight regarding the important mechanisms a model should consider in order to reproduce the observed experimental trends
