362 research outputs found

    Chromatic Ramsey number of acyclic hypergraphs

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    Suppose that TT is an acyclic rr-uniform hypergraph, with r≥2r\ge 2. We define the (tt-color) chromatic Ramsey number χ(T,t)\chi(T,t) as the smallest mm with the following property: if the edges of any mm-chromatic rr-uniform hypergraph are colored with tt colors in any manner, there is a monochromatic copy of TT. We observe that χ(T,t)\chi(T,t) is well defined and ⌈Rr(T,t)−1r−1⌉+1≤χ(T,t)≤∣E(T)∣t+1\left\lceil {R^r(T,t)-1\over r-1}\right \rceil +1 \le \chi(T,t)\le |E(T)|^t+1 where Rr(T,t)R^r(T,t) is the tt-color Ramsey number of HH. We give linear upper bounds for χ(T,t)\chi(T,t) when T is a matching or star, proving that for r≥2,k≥1,t≥1r\ge 2, k\ge 1, t\ge 1, χ(Mkr,t)≤(t−1)(k−1)+2k\chi(M_k^r,t)\le (t-1)(k-1)+2k and χ(Skr,t)≤t(k−1)+2\chi(S_k^r,t)\le t(k-1)+2 where MkrM_k^r and SkrS_k^r are, respectively, the rr-uniform matching and star with kk edges. The general bounds are improved for 33-uniform hypergraphs. We prove that χ(Mk3,2)=2k\chi(M_k^3,2)=2k, extending a special case of Alon-Frankl-Lov\'asz' theorem. We also prove that χ(S23,t)≤t+1\chi(S_2^3,t)\le t+1, which is sharp for t=2,3t=2,3. This is a corollary of a more general result. We define H[1]H^{[1]} as the 1-intersection graph of HH, whose vertices represent hyperedges and whose edges represent intersections of hyperedges in exactly one vertex. We prove that χ(H)≤χ(H[1])\chi(H)\le \chi(H^{[1]}) for any 33-uniform hypergraph HH (assuming χ(H[1])≥2\chi(H^{[1]})\ge 2). The proof uses the list coloring version of Brooks' theorem.Comment: 10 page

    Positroid cluster structures from relabeled plabic graphs

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    The Grassmannian is a disjoint union of open positroid varieties PvP_v, certain smooth irreducible subvarieties whose definition is motivated by total positivity. The coordinate ring of PvP_v is a cluster algebra, and each reduced plabic graph GG for PvP_v determines a cluster. We study the effect of relabeling the boundary vertices of GG by a permutation rr. Under suitable hypotheses on the permutation, we show that the relabeled graph GrG^r determines a cluster for a different open positroid variety PwP_w. As a key step of the proof, we show that PvP_v and PwP_w are isomorphic by a nontrivial twist isomorphism. Our constructions yield many cluster structures on each open positroid variety PwP_w, given by plabic graphs with appropriately relabeled boundary. We conjecture that the seeds in all of these cluster structures are related by a combination of mutations and Laurent monomial transformations involving frozen variables, and establish this conjecture for (open) Schubert and opposite Schubert varieties. As an application, we also show that for certain reduced plabic graphs GG, the "source" cluster and the "target" cluster are related by mutation and Laurent monomial rescalings.Comment: 45 pages, comments welcome! v2: minor change

    Saturation of Newton polytopes of type A and D cluster variables

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    We study Newton polytopes for cluster variables in cluster algebras A(Σ)\mathcal{A}(\Sigma) of types A and D. A famous property of cluster algebras is the Laurent phenomenon: each cluster variable can be written as a Laurent polynomial in the cluster variables of the initial seed Σ\Sigma. The cluster variable Newton polytopes are the Newton polytopes of these Laurent polynomials. We show that if Σ\Sigma has principal coefficients or boundary frozen variables, then all cluster variable Newton polytopes are saturated. We also characterize when these Newton polytopes are \emph{empty}; that is, when they have no non-vertex lattice points.Comment: 33 Pages, 21 Figures. Second version includes additional results for the cases of principal coefficients and no frozen variables, as well as characterizations of emptiness of Newton polytope

    The m=2 amplituhedron and the hypersimplex: signs, clusters, triangulations, Eulerian numbers

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    The hypersimplex Δk+1,n\Delta_{k+1,n} is the image of the positive Grassmannian Grk+1,n≥0Gr^{\geq 0}_{k+1,n} under the moment map. It is a polytope of dimension n−1n-1 in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Meanwhile, the amplituhedron An,k,2(Z)\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}(Z) is the projection of the positive Grassmannian Grk,n≥0Gr^{\geq 0}_{k,n} into Grk,k+2Gr_{k,k+2} under a map Z~\tilde{Z} induced by a matrix Z∈Matn,k+2>0Z\in \text{Mat}_{n,k+2}^{>0}. Introduced in the context of scattering amplitudes, it is not a polytope, and has dimension 2k2k. Nevertheless, there seem to be remarkable connections between these two objects via T-duality, as was first noted by Lukowski--Parisi--Williams (LPW). In this paper we use ideas from oriented matroid theory, total positivity, and the geometry of the hypersimplex and positroid polytopes to obtain a deeper understanding of the amplituhedron. We show that the inequalities cutting out positroid polytopes -- images of positroid cells of Grk+1,n≥0Gr^{\geq 0}_{k+1,n} under the moment map -- translate into sign conditions characterizing the T-dual Grasstopes -- images of positroid cells of Grk,n≥0Gr^{\geq 0}_{k,n} under Z~\tilde{Z}. Moreover, we subdivide the amplituhedron into chambers, just as the hypersimplex can be subdivided into simplices, with both chambers and simplices enumerated by the Eulerian numbers. We prove the main conjecture of (LPW): a collection of positroid polytopes is a triangulation of Δk+1,n\Delta_{k+1, n} if and only if the collection of T-dual Grasstopes is a triangulation of An,k,2(Z)\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}(Z) for all ZZ. Moreover, we prove Arkani-Hamed--Thomas--Trnka's conjectural sign-flip characterization of An,k,2(Z)\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}(Z), and Lukowski--Parisi--Spradlin--Volovich's conjectures on m=2m=2 cluster adjacency and on generalized triangles (images of 2k2k-dimensional positroid cells which map injectively into An,k,2(Z)\mathcal{A}_{n,k,2}(Z)). Finally, we introduce new cluster structures in the amplituhedron.Comment: 72 pages, many figures, comments welcome. v4: Minor edits v3: Strengthened results on triangulations and realizability of amplituhedron sign chambers. v2: Results added to Section 11.4, minor edit

    Braid variety cluster structures, I: 3D plabic graphs

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    We introduce 33-dimensional generalizations of Postnikov's plabic graphs and use them to establish cluster structures for type AA braid varieties. Our results include known cluster structures on open positroid varieties and double Bruhat cells, and establish new cluster structures for type AA open Richardson varieties
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