586 research outputs found

    Coherent Excitation of the 6S1/2 to 5D3/2 Electric Quadrupole Transition in 138Ba+

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    The electric dipole-forbidden, quadrupole 6S1/2 5D3/2 transition in Ba+ near 2051 nm, with a natural linewidth of 13 mHz, is attractive for potential observation of parity non-conservation, and also as a clock transition for a barium ion optical frequency standard. This transition also offers a direct means of populating the metastable 5D3/2 state to measure the nuclear magnetic octupole moment in the odd barium isotopes. Light from a diode-pumped, solid state Tm,Ho:YLF laser operating at 2051 nm is used to coherently drive this transition between resolved Zeeman levels in a single trapped 138Ba+ ion. The frequency of the laser is stabilized to a high finesse Fabry Perot cavity at 1025 nm after being frequency doubled. Rabi oscillations on this transition indicate a laser-ion coherence time of 3 ms, most likely limited by ambient magnetic field fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Paperless policy: digital filing system benefits to DoD contracting organizations

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    MBA Professional ReportThe year 2000 was the cutoff date for the Department of Defense (DoD) to have paperless processes in place. Since then, advances in computer technology have led to such paperless contracting processes as the DoD wide Standard Procurement System (SPS), Wide Area Work Flow, and other department specific major weapon procurement information systems. Although great strides were made by the DoD to implement paperless contracting processes, there still exists substantial room for improvement. Despite the use of all of the paperless system processes, now, seven years beyond the paperless cutoff date, many organizations still use a paper based filing system. This thesis will explore the policy and benefits of implementing a paperless contracting filing system using a software program such as Adobe Acrobat, provide a brief assessment of current Air Force and Navy/Marine contract filing systems, and include a real-world case study of the implementation of a paperless policy change at the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB).http://archive.org/details/paperlesspolicyd1094510172Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Gold as an inflation hedge?

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    This paper attempts to reconcile an apparent contradiction between short-run and long-run movements in the price of gold. The theoretical model suggests a set of conditions under which the price of gold rises over time at the general rate of inflation and hence be an effective hedge against inflation. The model also demonstrates that short-run changes in the gold lease rate, the real interest rate, convenience yield, default risk, the covariance of gold returns with other assets and the dollar/world exchange rate can disturb this equilibrium relationship and generate short-run price volatility. Using monthly gold price data (1976-1999), and cointegration regression techniques, an empirical analysis confirms the central hypotheses of the theoretical model

    The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey IV: Data Reduction Procedures for Surface Brightness Fluctuation Measurements with the Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Virgo Cluster Survey is a large program to image 100 early-type Virgo galaxies using the F475W and F850LP bandpasses of the Wide Field Channel of the ACS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The scientific goals of this survey include an exploration of the three-dimensional structure of the Virgo Cluster and a critical examination of the usefulness of the globular cluster luminosity function as a distance indicator. Both of these issues require accurate distances for the full sample of 100 program galaxies. In this paper, we describe our data reduction procedures and examine the feasibility of accurate distance measurements using the method of surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) applied to the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey F850LP imaging. The ACS exhibits significant geometrical distortions due to its off-axis location in the HST focal plane; correcting for these distortions by resampling the pixel values onto an undistorted frame results in pixel correlations that depend on the nature of the interpolation kernel used for the resampling. This poses a major challenge for the SBF technique, which normally assumes a flat power spectrum for the noise. We investigate a number of different interpolation kernels and show through an analysis of simulated galaxy images having realistic noise properties that it is possible, depending on the kernel, to measure SBF distances using distortion-corrected ACS images without introducing significant additional error from the resampling. We conclude by showing examples of real image power spectra from our survey.Comment: ApJS, in press, complete version of the paper at the link: http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~pcote/acs/publications.htm

    The Embryonic Transcriptome Of The Red-Eared Slider Turtle (Trachemys Scripta)

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    The bony shell of the turtle is an evolutionary novelty not found in any other group of animals, however, research into its formation has suggested that it has evolved through modification of conserved developmental mechanisms. Although these mechanisms have been extensively characterized in model organisms, the tools for characterizing them in non-model organisms such as turtles have been limited by a lack of genomic resources. We have used a next generation sequencing approach to generate and assemble a transcriptome from stage 14 and 17 Trachemys scripta embryos, stages during which important events in shell development are known to take place. The transcriptome consists of 231,876 sequences with an N-50 of 1,166 bp. GO terms and EC codes were assigned to the 61,643 unique predicted proteins identified in the transcriptome sequences. All major GO categories and metabolic pathways are represented in the transcriptome. Transcriptome sequences were used to amplify several cDNA fragments designed for use as RNA in situ probes. One of these, BMP5, was hybridized to a T. scripta embryo and exhibits both conserved and novel expression patterns. The transcriptome sequences should be of broad use for understanding the evolution and development of the turtle shell and for annotating any future T. scripta genome sequences

    Effects of linker flexibility on phase behavior and structure of linked colloidal gels

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    Colloidal nanocrystal gels can be assembled using a difunctional "linker" molecule to mediate bonding between nanocrystals. The conditions for gelation and the structure of the gel are controlled macroscopically by the linker concentration and microscopically by the linker's molecular characteristics. Here, we demonstrate using a toy model for a colloid-linker mixture that linker flexibility plays a key role in determining both phase behavior and structure of the mixture. We fix the linker length and systematically vary its bending stiffness to span the flexible, semiflexible, and rigid regimes. At fixed linker concentration, flexible-linker and rigid-linker mixtures phase separate at low colloid volume fractions in agreement with predictions of first-order thermodynamic perturbation theory, but the semiflexible-linker mixtures do not. We correlate and attribute this qualitatively different behavior to undesirable "loop" linking motifs that are predicted to be more prevalent for linkers with end-to-end distances commensurate with the locations of chemical bonding sites on the colloids. Linker flexibility also influences the spacing between linked colloids, suggesting strategies to design gels with desired phase behavior, structure, and by extension, structure-dependent properties.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, supplementary materia

    Outcomes of surgery and postoperative radiation therapy in managing medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Background and Objectives We evaluated the outcomes of surgery with or without postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) in the management of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Methods From two tertiary cancer centers, 297 consecutive patients with MTC treated with PORT (n = 46) between 1990 and 2016 or surgery alone (n = 251) between 2000 and 2016 were reviewed. Results Ten-year cumulative incidences of locoregional and distant failure were 30.2% and 24.9% in the surgery cohort, and 16.9% and 55.2% in the PORT cohort. In the surgery alone cohort, T4 disease, extrathyroidal extension, N1 disease, extranodal extension (ENE), and residual disease after surgery were associated with local failure. The PORT cohort had significantly higher proportions of patients with T4 disease, N1 disease, ENE, and residual disease. Conclusions High-risk clinical features can help identify patients with MTC at high-risk for local failure after surgery alone. Patients with high-risk clinical features had effective locoregional control after PORT

    How well do global ocean biogeochemistry models simulate dissolved iron distributions?

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    Numerical models of ocean biogeochemistry are relied upon to make projections about the impact of climate change on marine resources and test hypotheses regarding the drivers of past changes in climate and ecosystems. In large areas of the ocean, iron availability regulates the functioning of marine ecosystems and hence the ocean carbon cycle. Accordingly, our ability to quantify the drivers and impacts of fluctuations in ocean ecosystems and carbon cycling in space and time relies on first achieving an appropriate representation of the modern marine iron cycle in models. When the iron distributions from 13 global ocean biogeochemistry models are compared against the latest oceanic sections from the GEOTRACES program, we find that all models struggle to reproduce many aspects of the observed spatial patterns. Models that reflect the emerging evidence for multiple iron sources or subtleties of its internal cycling perform much better in capturing observed features than their simpler contemporaries, particularly in the ocean interior. We show that the substantial uncertainty in the input fluxes of iron results in a very wide range of residence times across models, which has implications for the response of ecosystems and global carbon cycling to perturbations. Given this large uncertainty, iron fertilization experiments based on any single current generation model should be interpreted with caution. Improvements to how such models represent iron scavenging and also biological cycling are needed to raise confidence in their projections of global biogeochemical change in the ocean

    Outcomes of multimodal therapy in a large series of patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer

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    Background The role of radiotherapy (RT) in the treatment of patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) for local tumor control is critical because mortality often is secondary to complications of tumor volume rather than metastatic disease. Herein, the authors report the long-term outcomes of RT for patients with ATC. Methods A total of 104 patients with histologically confirmed ATC were identified who presented to the study institution between 1984 and 2017 and who received curative-intent or postoperative RT. Locoregional progression-free survival (LPFS), overall survival (OS), and distant metastasis-free survival were assessed. Results The median age of the patients was 63.5 years. The median follow-up was 5.9 months (interquartile range, 2.7-17.0 months) for the entire cohort and 10.6 months (interquartile range, 5.3-40.0 months) for surviving patients. Thirty-one patients (29.8%) had metastatic disease prior to the initiation of RT. Concurrent chemoradiation was administered in 99 patients (95.2%) and 53 patients (51.0%) received trimodal therapy. Systemic therapy included doxorubicin (73.7%), paclitaxel with or without pazopanib (24.3%), and other systemic agents (2.0%). The 1-year OS and LPFS rates were 34.4% and 74.4%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, RT >= 60 Gy was associated with improved LPFS (hazard ratio [HR], 0.135; P = .001) and improved OS (HR, 0.487; P = .004), and trimodal therapy was associated with improved LPFS (HR, 0.060; P = .017). The most commonly observed acute grade 3 adverse events included dermatitis (20%) and mucositis (13%), with no grade 4 subacute or late adverse events noted (adverse events were graded according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events [version 4.0]). Conclusions RT appears to demonstrate a dose-dependent, persistent LPFS and OS benefit in patients with locally advanced ATC with an acceptable toxicity profile. Aggressive RT should be strongly considered for the treatment of patients with ATC as part of a trimodal treatment approach
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