161 research outputs found

    The occurrence of Echinococcus granulosus in dogs and cystic echinococcosis in cattle and sheep in Kosova

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis AbkĂŒrzungsverzeichnis Einleitung LiteraturĂŒbersicht Eigene Untersuchungen Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Anhang Danksagung Lebenslauf SelbstĂ€ndigkeitserklĂ€rungIm Zeitraum von MĂ€rz 2003 bis Februar 2004 wurden Untersuchungen ĂŒber das Vorkommen von Echinokokkose bei Hunden und zystischer Echinokokkose bei Rindern und Schafen, sowie Erhebungen ĂŒber chirurgisch behandelte Hydatidose- Patienten im Kosova durchgefĂŒhrt. Von den insgesamt 305 mit dem Flotations- Ovassayverfahren als Feldtest untersuchten Hunden waren 23 (7.5%) Ausscheider von Taeniiden-Eiern. Außer Taeniiden-Eier wurden auch Eier anderer Helminthen nachgewiesen, nĂ€mlich HakenwĂŒrmer 139 (45.5%), Trichuris vulpis 87 (28.5%), Toxocara canis 42 (13.7%), Toxascaris leonina 21 (6.8%) und Dipylidium caninum 8 (2.6%). 144 der 305 Kotproben von verschieden gehaltenen Hunden wurden mittels des CA-ELISA (Koproantigen-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) untersucht. In 6 Proben wurde das Koproantigen von E. granulosus nachgewiesen. Zur DNA-Gewinnung von Taeniiden-Eiern fĂŒr die PCR konnten mittels des Flotations-Siebverfahrens in 21 (6.9%) der 305 Proben Taeniiden-Eier isoliert werden. Eine HĂ€ufigkeit der kaninen Echinokokkose von 1.3% (4/305) konnte durch die weitere Untersuchung von Taeniiden-Eiern in der PCR mit Primern spezifisch fĂŒr E. granulosus- Schafstamm festgestellt werden. Die 4 mit dem E. granulosus- Schafstamm positiven Proben stammten je von einem Haushund, einem Streunerhund, einem Jagdhund und einem HĂŒtehund. Die HĂŒtehunde schieden am meisten mit bis zu 38% Taeniiden-Eier aus, gefolgt von den Streunerhunden mit 29%, Jagdhunden mit 19% und Haushunden mit 14%. Bei der semiquantitativen Auswertung der ausgeschiedenen Taeniiden-Eier zeigten 4 mit dem E. granulosus- Schafstamm positive Kotproben im Deckglas oder Kulturröhrchen gering-mittelgradig Eier (2 bis 10 Eier). Dagegen waren Hunde, die hochgradig (11-20 Eier) und massenhaft (>20 Eier) Taeniiden-Eier ausschieden, negativ fĂŒr E. granulosus- Schafstamm mittels der PCR. Die Untersuchungen von Taeniiden- Eiern auf E. multilocularis mittels der PCR verliefen negativ. Bei 87 (23.8%) von insgesamt 365 Schlachtrindern konnte ein Befall mit zystischer Echinokokkose festgestellt werden. Die Hydatiden wurden ausschließlich sowohl in der Leber als auch in der Lunge gefunden. In 80% der FĂ€lle konnten bis zu 10 Zysten gefunden werden. Die Zysten in der Lunge waren generell grĂ¶ĂŸer als in den Lebern. Es konnten keine fertilen Zysten mit Protoskolizes festgestellt werden. Von insgesamt 147 untersuchten Schlachtschafen konnten bei 68 (46.2%) Tieren Echinokokkenzysten nachgewiesen werden. Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage zeigen, dass das Schlachten der Tiere auf dem Land ohne tierĂ€rztliche Untersuchung eine große Rolle in der Epidemiologie der Echinokokkose spielt. Am hĂ€ufigsten erfolgte die Schlachtung der Rinder im Winter und die mit Hydatiden befallenen Organe wurden hauptsĂ€chlich an Hunden verfĂŒttert oder in den MĂŒll geworfen. In zentralen UniversitĂ€tskrankenhaus Prishtina, Abteilung chirurgisches Klinikum, wurden innerhalb der letzten 3 Jahre 163 Menschen an zystischer Echinokokkose operiert, wobei drei Viertel der operierten Patienten aus dem ruralen und ein Viertel aus dem urbanen Umfeld stammten.Surveys were carried out during the period March 2003 February 2004 to assess the occurrence of echinococcosis in dogs and cystic echinococcosis in cattle and sheep. Additionally, the incidence of surgically treated- hydatidosis patients was investigated. Shedding of taeniid eggs was found in 23 (7.5%) out of a total of 305 dogs, using the flotation-ovassay technique. Eggs from other helminths were detected as well: hookworms 139 (45.5%), Trichuris vulpis 87 (28.5%), Toxocara canis 42 (13.7%), Toxascaris leonina 21 (6.8%) and Dypilidium caninum 8 (2.6%). The CA-ELISA (Coproantigen-Enzyme- Linked Immunosorbent Assay) was used in a sample of 144 out of the total 305 faecal samples from dogs maintained under different managment systems. In six samples (1.96%) coproantigens of E. granulosus were detected. The flotation- sieving technique was applied to collect taeniid eggs for PCR; of the 305 samples 21 (6.9%) contained taeniid eggs. In these positive samples specific PCR primers for E. granulosus- sheep strain found 1.3% (4/305) positive with canine echinococcosis. The isolates originated from one stray dog, two animals used for hunting and sheepdogs, respectively, and the last case was a pet dog. Most of the eggs (38%) were shedded from the sheep dogs, followed by the stray dogs (29%), hunting dogs (19%) and pat dogs (14%). A semi-quantitative analysis of the shedded taeniid eggs showed low-moderate (2-10) egg counts of E. granulosus ( sheep strain ) under a cover slip or in culture tube. However, dogs shedding high (11-20) or very high numbers (>20) of eggs, were found negative when using the PCR for the E. granulosus- sheep strain . Specific primers for E. multilocularis did not react with the taeniid eggs. Out of a total of 365 slaughtered cattle 87 (23.8%) were infested with cystic echinococcosis. Only lungs and liver were infested. Up to 10 cysts could be detected in 80% of all cases. The cysts found in the lungs were generally larger than those from the livers. No cases of fertile cysts with protoscolices were detected. Echinococcosis cysts were found in 68 (46.2%) of 147 slaughtered sheep. The results indicate that the habit of domestic slaughtering of livestock without veterinary supervision can play a very important role in the epidemiology of echinococcosis. Slaughtering of cattle is generally performed during winter and the contaminated organs are either given to dogs or discarded. During the last three years 163 patients had to undergo clinical surgery for removal of cystic echinococcosis in the central university hospital of Prishtina. About 75% of these came from rural areas, the remainder were living in urban areas

    Bleeding Ulcers: Effect of low dose Aspirin - Our experience

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    Aspirin is among the most commonly used pharmaceutical products used for the management of fever, to relieve mild to moderate pain, to reduce swelling in inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, while a low dose aspirin is used to prevent blood clots. The latter effect reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. However, its use is associated with gastrointestinal and other complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of aspirin in bleeding ulcers. 122 patients were included in this prospective comparative study that were divided in two groups: the first group consisting of 60 patients that were treated with low dose Aspirin, and the second group consisting of 62 patients that were treated with low dose aspirin and pantoprazole (a proton pump inhibitor). All the patients had positive history for previous ulcer disease in whom bleeding ulcers were evaluated with endoscopic examinations during 12 months of treatment. The mean age of the patients with bleeding ulcers in the study was 60.4±14.3 years, of whom 68.8% were males and 31.2 % were females. In the aspirin only treated group, after 12 months of administration, bleeding ulcers were present in 11 patients (18.3 %) while in the group that were co-prescribed aspirin and pantoprazole were present only in 3 (4.8 %) patients. Findings from this study show that the prevalence of bleeding ulcers is significantly higher in the group treated with aspirin as monotherapy compared to the group that were co-prescribed aspirin and pantoprazole. Gastroprotection with proton pump inhibitors is essential in patients with positive history of gastrointestinal ulcers in the past that need long-term use of prophylactic low-dose aspirin

    Development and Improvement of the Quality of the Mobile Services at the Mobile Market in Macedonia

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    To determine the strategic direction for the development of electronic communications market in the part of mobile telecommunication services in Republic of Macedonia, the Agency for electronic communication has made an assessment of the regulatory progress and that has been made in recent years. The needs are in order to obtain a clear strategy for the development of the mobile telecommunication market in Macedonia, and primarily will create a clear picture in the: technical, financial, operational and competitive segments. Republic of Macedonia at this moment has 2 mobile operators with own network and the third mobile virtual operator. They are with excellent prospects in this direction and potential that enables low-cost services to the users. This shows that in Macedonia the telecommunication services are with high quality and the lower prices. They are currently among the lowest in the region and in Europe. The analysis in this paper are made according to the actual results achieved of the situation on the mobile market and some basic recommendations for their better development, better quality and better prices

    Suggestions and recommendations for fulfillment and implementation of the project for Broadband internet in Macedonia

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    Nowadays, broadband is defined on the basis of a number of parameters that can be offered through existing electronic communications networks (fixed or mobile networks) and the construction of some next generation of advanced electronic communications networks. This is extremely important for the quality of the received service, because with the existence of a quality electronic communication network, you will distribute a quality and fast data transfer to the end users, some of whom actually want it. Optical cable, among other types of cables, using the Operator and the access method known as fiber to the home , has a very good advantage for the end user, who uses the required service. On the other hand, wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Wi-Max and GSM / GPRS / UMTS / HSDPA, 4G and 5G are also new ways to access the Internet. This electronic communication infrastructure owned by a Public Operator for Electronic Communications Services (eg optical network or wireless 4G or 5G network) would be able to provide to the users significantly higher speed and security in data transmission, consistency at speeds, reduced error rates of real-time applications (video streaming, video communication, etc.). This paper provides suggestions and recommendations for fulfilling and implementing the broadband projest. It clarifies in which segments corrections should be made in the regulatory acts, with legal and by the laws. The real situation in the part of the broadband internet in our state is summarized in which direction the goals for improvement and fulfillment of the functioning of the broadband internet should move in the future


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    NĂ« ditĂ«t e sotme, telefonĂ«t e mençur janĂ« bĂ«rĂ« pjesĂ« e jetĂ«s pĂ«r secilin prej nesh. Koha tĂ« cilĂ«n e kalon njĂ« njeri nĂ« telefon Ă«shtĂ« rritur thuajse proporcionalisht me zvogĂ«limin e kohĂ«s tĂ« cilĂ«n njeriu e kalon nĂ« kompjuter, qĂ« do tĂ« thotĂ« se telefonĂ«t e mençur me te vertete kane pushtuar dhe po vazhdojne ta pushtojne tregun e teknologjise. Telefonet e menqur perdoren si punekryes te shum operacioneve qe na nevoiten siq jane telefonatat e ndryshme, mesazhet, komunikimi ne rrjetet sociale, por gjithashtu duke mos anashkaluar edhe luajtjen e lojrave. NĂ« kĂ«tĂ« temĂ« diplome do tĂ« trajtohet krijimi i njĂ« loje nĂ« gjuhĂ«n programuese “GML”, loje kjo qe do te mund te shkarkohet nga sitemet operative iOS dhe Android. Loja e krijuar, per koncept ka luften ne mes te anijes dhe alieneve. Anija qe lojtari do ta leviz per te sulmuar alienet, eshte e gatshme te leviz vetem majtas dhe djathtas. Loja eshte me te vertete atraktive, interesante dhe e thjeshte per tu luajtur. Per krijimin e kesaj loje eshte perdorur GameMaker:Studio (GMS), ndersa per psejen e diajnimit eshte perdorur adobe flash pro qe si format perdor swf

    Invalidity of Legal Action in the Albanian Legal System

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    This work is devoted to issues related to legislation on invalidity of legal actions, causes, consequences of invalidity and court districts practice issues related to the nullification of judicial acts. In this paper, major attention is given to the Civil College decisions and unifying decisions of the United Colleges of the High Court, as a highly professional and interpretative practice. This paper starts with a general explanation of the meaning of legal action and invalidity as a concept, of the forecasts built in the Civil Code, the classification of conditions for declaring an action null and void absolutely or relatively, the consequences of invalidity, cases of judicial practice, etc. The final section is a summary of the conclusions of the whole paper
