1,368 research outputs found

    Reifying Religion While Lost in Translation: Mirza Mazhar Jan-i-Janan (d.1781) on the Hindus

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    This paper examines the life and thought of one of the leading Muslim revivalist thinkers in 18th century India, Mirza Mazhar Jan-i-Janan (1699-1781) in an effort to understand the relationship, if any, between the structures of knowledge that informed colonial conceptions of India’s religious topography and 18th century projects of intra-religious and cross-religious interpretation (such as that conducted by Jan-i Janan)? In addition, the project aims at informing the inquiry as to the extent to which the process of reification that led to the development of a unified notion of ‘Hinduism’ in the modern era already was underway in the works of 18th century figures such as Jan-i Janan

    Fond bozorini rivojlantirish orqali iqtisodiy taraqqiyotga erishish yo’llari

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    Maqolada fond bozori faoliyat qilishining o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, uning mamlakatning iqtisodiy o‘sish ko‘rsatkichlari bilan bog’liqligi o‘rganilgan, O‘zbekiston Respublikasida fond bozori holatining bir necha yillik ko’rsatkichlari tahlil qilingan, fond bozorining amal qilish mexanizmlarini takomillashtirishga qaratilgan tavsiyalar ishlab chiqilgan

    Physical Fitness and Physical Load Moderation

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    In this article, the physical of military servicers training, improving the physical loads given to them and the standards they perform, further developing the acquired knowledge and practical skill, and showing that military servicemen are given the right loads

    Intermediate integer programming representations using value disjunctions

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    We introduce a general technique to create an extended formulation of a mixed-integer program. We classify the integer variables into blocks, each of which generates a finite set of vector values. The extended formulation is constructed by creating a new binary variable for each generated value. Initial experiments show that the extended formulation can have a more compact complete description than the original formulation. We prove that, using this reformulation technique, the facet description decomposes into one ``linking polyhedron'' per block and the ``aggregated polyhedron''. Each of these polyhedra can be analyzed separately. For the case of identical coefficients in a block, we provide a complete description of the linking polyhedron and a polynomial-time separation algorithm. Applied to the knapsack with a fixed number of distinct coefficients, this theorem provides a complete description in an extended space with a polynomial number of variables.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Establishment History and Concept of Surrogate Motherhood

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    The article covers the concept of surrogate motherhood, the history of its emergence, formation and development, as well as the general principles and legal nature of the use of surrogate motherhood, the legislation of some countries of the world, and issues related to the topic of some researches carried out in this direction

    Physical Fitness and Physical Load Moderation

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    In this article, the physical of military servicers training, improving the physical loads given to them and the standards they perform, further developing the acquired knowledge and practical skill, and showing that military servicemen are given the right loads

    An Analysis of Tools for Online Anonymity

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the possible explanations for the slow adoption and development of online anonymity technology. The ability to remain anonymous while engaging in different activities, online is increasingly sought after by consumers with privacy concerns. Currently, the only way to maintain online anonymity is through the use of technology. This paper reviews and analyzes the tools currently available to consumers to maintain online anonymity. There are only four tools available to consumers to ensure online anonymity: anonymous remailers, rewebbers, The Onion Router (Tor) and the Invisible Internet Project (I2P). These tools provide the protection needed for an Internet user to remain anonymous but suffer from a lack of usability and adoption. Design/methodology/approach The authors have selected a few specific online anonymity technologies based on the following criteria: the technology satisfies our full anonymity definition, the technology is currently available for public use and the technology has been academically researched. Findings Few anonymity technologies are available for public use that offer the ability for full online anonymity, and these technologies are difficult for the average computer user to operate. Further research is still needed to help determine what the average user wants to see in an anonymity technology as well as ways to help users integrate the technology into their commodity software (such as Web browsers). Future online anonymity technologies should enable the user to decide when, how and with whom their information is shared if it is shared at all with ease and simplicity. Originality/value The authors identify, explain and analyze publicly available online anonymity technologies in terms of their usability. The authors identified ways as to how online anonymity technology can be improved to increase public adoption. The authors make pertinent recommendations on how the design and development of online anonymity technology can be improved in the future
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