8 research outputs found

    Control of microimpurities emitted from polymer construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

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    The aim of this article is to improve the degree control of microimpurities emitted from polymeric construction materials into the environment. It is proposed to do this through the modification of the physicochemical nature of the original (source) sorbent and, as a consequence, the improvement of the sorption capacity and the extraction ratio of highly volatile toxic substances. The proposed concentrator columns can be widely used in the analysis of microimpurities of polar organic substances released into the environment from polymeric construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

    Control of microimpurities emitted from polymer construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

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    The aim of this article is to improve the degree control of microimpurities emitted from polymeric construction materials into the environment. It is proposed to do this through the modification of the physicochemical nature of the original (source) sorbent and, as a consequence, the improvement of the sorption capacity and the extraction ratio of highly volatile toxic substances. The proposed concentrator columns can be widely used in the analysis of microimpurities of polar organic substances released into the environment from polymeric construction materials based on polyvinyl chloride

    ПроточныЕ редокС батареИ — пЕрспЕктивныЕ элЕктрохимичЕскиЕ ИсточнИкИ энергИИ

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    У статті представлено огляд технології так званих проточних редокс батарей. Наведено принцип їх роботи, а також приклади їх практичного використання, переваги та недоліки. Обговорюється сучасний стан наукових досліджень, що стосуються проточних редокс батарей. Перелічено редокс пари та електродні матеріали, що використовуються в проточних редокс батареях. Запропоновано шляхи їх подальшого вдосконалення

    Aqua Aerobics in Physical Education as a Means of Increasing Physical Activity of Students

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    Исследовано влияние занятий аквааэробикой на организм занимающихся. Определено, что в результате реализации специальной программы занятий по физическому воспитанию, включающих средства аквааэробики, весьма положительно влияет на уровнь физической подготовленности студенток. Изучено и выяснено мнение студенческой молодежи о новой форме занятий в сравнении с уже применяющимися средствами физической активности.The lack of motion causes in humans a number of negative changes that reduce their efficiency and lead to an increase of various diseases. This problem is particularly relevant for the students, because the increase in mental activity and decreased physical activity leads to augmentation of various diseases. To provide the students with the necessary amount of movement in physical education classes should be directed not only to ensure the necessary amount of exercise, but also to be interesting. In this regard, there is an urgent need to find the new forms, means and methods of training, to increase motivation female contingent in physical culture and sports. However, the system of funds used for physical activity, for students often do not appeal to the young, has the nature of mandatory measures, and are not active that provide physical development as well as emotional relaxation. Aqua-aerobics is one of the new types of physical activity which has caused a considerable interest among the students. The main reasons for the availability are: steel varieties of dance and gymnastic combinations performed in water, affordable for a lot of the students who are not involved in sports at all and can not swim but interested in physical exercises performed in water with musical accompaniment, with no fatigue and with positive emotions. Water environment renders positive influence on the organism of occupying and creates certain terms for implementation of motions, slows the rate of their implementation, the terms of their execution are facilitated in one cases, in others – they become complicated. Things in the main group, carried out in the swimming pool with the use of aqua aerobics funds provided a natural growth of physical fitness on average by 8.9%. As a result of a special program for physical education classes, including aqua aerobics facilities, a very positive effect on the level of physical fitness of the students is determined. There were studies on the opinion of the students on the new forms of employment in comparison to those used by means of physical activity

    The theory of inverse boundary problems for analytic functions and its applications

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