5,318 research outputs found

    Effect of tirofiban on cardiac function, cardiomyocytes and inflammatory reaction in patients with acute myocardial infarction during emergency percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of tirofiban on cardiac function, cardiomyocytes and inflammatory reaction in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients during emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).Methods: Ninety AMI patients who underwent PCI for two years in Hanchuan Hospital, Hanchuan People's Hospital/Wuhan University People's Hospital, Hanchuan, China, were involved in this retrospective studies. Two groups were used (46 patients per group). The study group was treated with tirofiban, while the control group was without tirofiban exposure. Changes in brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), left ventricular end systolic diameter (LVESD) and left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD) were determined using a biochemical analyzer, while the inflammatory cytokines i.e. interleukin -6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) and high sensitive C reactive protein (hs-CRP) were assayed with ELISA kits.Results: One week after operation, a significantly lower level of BNP and a significantly higher level of LVEF were seen in the study group than in controls (p < 0.05). After the operation, the study group had significantly lower levels of CK, CK-MB and cTnI than the control group (p < 0.01). Pre-operative IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels were comparable between both groups (p > 0.05), but their post-operative values were significantly lower in the study group than in the control group (p < 0.01).Conclusion: The use of tirofiban for AMI patients undergoing PCI significantly reduces BNP, increases LVEF, improves cardiac function, protects myocardial cells, reduces the level of inflammatory cytokines, and inhibits inflammatory reactions.Keywords: Percutaneous coronary intervention, Acute myocardial infarction, Tirofiban, Cardiac functio

    The Photometric Investigation of V921 Her using the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope of Chang'e-3 mission

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    The light curve of V921 Her in ultraviolet band observed by the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT) is analyzed by the Wilson-Devinney code. Our solutions conclude that V921 Her is an early type marginal contact binary system with an additional close-in component. The binary system is under poor thermal contact with a temperature difference of nearly 700K700K between the two components. The close-in component contributes about 19 %19\,\% of the total luminosity in the triple system. Combining the radial velocity study together with our photometric solutions, the mass of the primary star and secondary one are calculated to be M1=1.784(±0.055)M⊙M_1 = 1.784(\pm0.055)M_\odot, M2=0.403(±0.012)M⊙M_2 = 0.403(\pm0.012)M_\odot. The evolutionary scenario of V921 Her is discussed. All times of light minimum of V921 Her available in the bibliography are taken into account and the O−CO - C curve is analyzed for the first time. The most probable fitting results are discussed in the paper, which also confirm the existence of a third component (P3=10.2P_3=10.2 year) around the binary system. The period of V921 Her is also undergoing a continuously rapid increase at a rate of dP/dt=+2.79×10−7day⋅year−1dP/dt=+2.79\times{10^{-7}}day\cdot year^{-1}, which may due to mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one

    Systematic Digitized Treatment of Engineering Line-Diagrams

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    YesIn engineering design, there are many functional relationships which are difficult to express into a simple and exact mathematical formula. Instead they are documented within a form of line graphs (or plot charts or curve diagrams) in engineering handbooks or text books. Because the information in such a form cannot be used directly in the modern computer aided design (CAD) process, it is necessary to find a way to numerically represent the information. In this paper, a data processing system for numerical representation of line graphs in mechanical design is developed, which incorporates the process cycle from the initial data acquisition to the final output of required information. As well as containing the capability for curve fitting through Cubic spline and Neural network techniques, the system also adapts a novel methodology for use in this application: Grey Models. Grey theory have been used in various applications, normally involved with time-series data, and have the characteristic of being able to handle sparse data sets and data forecasting. Two case studies were then utilized to investigate the feasibility of Grey models for curve fitting. Furthermore, comparisons with the other two established techniques show that the accuracy was better than the Cubic spline function method, but slightly less accurate than the Neural network method. These results are highly encouraging and future work to fully investigate the capability of Grey theory, as well as exploiting its sparse data handling capabilities is recommended

    Global versus Localized Generative Adversarial Nets

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    In this paper, we present a novel localized Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) to learn on the manifold of real data. Compared with the classic GAN that {\em globally} parameterizes a manifold, the Localized GAN (LGAN) uses local coordinate charts to parameterize distinct local geometry of how data points can transform at different locations on the manifold. Specifically, around each point there exists a {\em local} generator that can produce data following diverse patterns of transformations on the manifold. The locality nature of LGAN enables local generators to adapt to and directly access the local geometry without need to invert the generator in a global GAN. Furthermore, it can prevent the manifold from being locally collapsed to a dimensionally deficient tangent subspace by imposing an orthonormality prior between tangents. This provides a geometric approach to alleviating mode collapse at least locally on the manifold by imposing independence between data transformations in different tangent directions. We will also demonstrate the LGAN can be applied to train a robust classifier that prefers locally consistent classification decisions on the manifold, and the resultant regularizer is closely related with the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Our experiments show that the proposed LGANs can not only produce diverse image transformations, but also deliver superior classification performances

    Dual-mode index modulation aided OFDM

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    Index modulation has become a promising technique in the context of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), whereby the specific activation of the frequency domain subcarriers is used for implicitly conveying extra information, hence improving the achievable throughput at a given bit error ratio (BER) performance. In this paper, a dual-mode OFDM technique (DM-OFDM) is proposed, which is combined with index modulation and enhances the attainable throughput of conventional index-modulation-based OFDM. Specifically, the subcarriers are divided into several subblocks, and in each subblock, all the subcarriers are partitioned into two groups, modulated by a pair of distinguishable modem-mode constellations, respectively. Hence the information bits are conveyed not only by the classic constellation symbols, but implicitly also by the specific activated subcarrier indices, representing the subcarriers’ constellation mode. At the receiver, a maximum likelihood (ML) detector and a reduced-complexity near optimal log-likelihood ratio (LLR) based detector are invoked for demodulation. The minimum distance between the different legitimate realizations of the OFDM subblocks is calculated for characterizing the performance of DM-OFDM. Then the associated theoretical analysis based on the pairwise error probability is carried out for estimating the BER of DM-OFDM. Furthermore, the simulation results confirm that at a given throughput DM-OFDM achieves a considerably better BER performance than other OFDM systems using index modulation, while imposing the same or lower computational complexity. The results also demonstrate that the performance of the proposed low-complexity detector is indistinguishable from that of the ML detector, provided that the system’s signal to noise ratio is sufficiently high
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