274 research outputs found

    Double Colonization: A Postcolonial Feminist Study Of Sia Figiel’s Where We Once Belonged

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    The article deals with analyzing female characters in the WHERE WE ONCE BELONGED by Sia Figiel. The novel is important for students who study postcolonialism and feminism as it gives an insight for gender and race issues.  The aim of this article is to show how females in a male-dominated societies are persecuted. Furthermore, females are regarded as inferior according to Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism.  The Samoan culture was once colonized by the British. Therefore, the legacy of colonialism and its effects remains there, even after the national independence. It first gives some clarifications about the publishing of the novel and the writer. Then, it comes to the discussion about the colonialism in the novels with its connections to the main characters and how the colonizers were, and also how it affected their lives. In the next part, it explains double colonization. It talks about how almost all of the postcolonial writings were occupied by how women were muted. Then, it recalls how the female characters were suppressed and oppressed by the males and the English dominant power. It shows how they were double-colonized, not having even the freedom to show it.The article deals with analyzing female characters in the WHERE WE ONCE BELONGED by Sia Figiel. The novel is important for students who study postcolonialism and feminism as it gives an insight for gender and race issues.  The aim of this article is to show how females in a male-dominated societies are persecuted. Furthermore, females are regarded as inferior according to Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism.  The Samoan culture was once colonized by the British. Therefore, the legacy of colonialism and its effects remains there, even after the national independence. It first gives some clarifications about the publishing of the novel and the writer. Then, it comes to the discussion about the colonialism in the novels with its connections to the main characters and how the colonizers were, and also how it affected their lives. In the next part, it explains double colonization. It talks about how almost all of the postcolonial writings were occupied by how women were muted. Then, it recalls how the female characters were suppressed and oppressed by the males and the English dominant power. It shows how they were double-colonized, not having even the freedom to show it

    Determinants of Tax Incentives and the Effect of Corporate Tax Rate on the Foreign Direct Investment

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    Corporate tax incentives are granted by governments to encourage foreign direct investment FDI. While the tax policy in Iraq varies for both domestic and foreign investments, the Iraqi government offers tax holidays between 3 to 10 years to attract foreign investors to do their desirable investments. The objective of this research is to analyze how Iraqi's corporate tax rate affects FDI, and study the comparison between Iraqi and KRG tax policies. The data are annual observations of the Iraqi tax rate which is the net percentage of profit, and FDI net percentage of GDP. The time-series data from 2005 to 2019 were employed. Three distinct sorts of tests are engaged in this research, the first stage unit root test is conducted to determine the stationary of the data, secondly, Johansen co-integration test was used to find co-integration between variables, and finally, the Granger Causation test is used to determine causality among variables over the period. The finding result shows that the tax rate and FDI are co-integrated and have a long-run relationship. Particularly, foreign direct investment is impacted by changes in the tax rate, while fluctuation in the number of FDI has not any influence on the tax rate

    Double Colonization: A Postcolonial Feminist Study Of Sia Figiel’s Where We Once Belonged

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    The article deals with analyzing female characters in the WHERE WE ONCE BELONGED by Sia Figiel. The novel is important for students who study postcolonialism and feminism as it gives an insight for gender and race issues.  The aim of this article is to show how females in a male-dominated societies are persecuted. Furthermore, females are regarded as inferior according to Edward Said’s theory of Orientalism.  The Samoan culture was once colonized by the British. Therefore, the legacy of colonialism and its effects remains there, even after the national independence. It first gives some clarifications about the publishing of the novel and the writer. Then, it comes to the discussion about the colonialism in the novels with its connections to the main characters and how the colonizers were, and also how it affected their lives. In the next part, it explains double colonization. It talks about how almost all of the postcolonial writings were occupied by how women were muted. Then, it recalls how the female characters were suppressed and oppressed by the males and the English dominant power. It shows how they were double-colonized, not having even the freedom to show it

    Aislamiento de cepas de traustoquitridios en la zona costera de Puerto Montt, Chile y evaluación de la producción de ácido docosahexaenoico (C22:6n-3, DHA)

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    Cuarenta y seis cepas que presentaron las característicasmorfológicas descritas para traustoquitridios fueron aisladasdesde muestras colectadas en cinco localidades de la zona costera de Puerto Montt, Chile, utilizando la técnica de polen de pino. Las 16 cepas que mostraron el perfil característico de tres bandas cuando el ADN fue amplificado con un conjunto de tres cebadores (FA1RA1, FA2RA2 y FA3RA3) diseñados para estos microorganismos(17), fueron cultivadas en medio líquido para evaluar la producción de ácido docosahexaenoico (C22:6n-3, DHA). El cultivo se realizó en matraces de Erlenmeyer agitados y la composición del medio basal fue: glucosa 10 g/L, extracto de levadura 4 g/L, en agua de mar diluida al 70%. Sólo 6 cepasprodujeron lípidos en los que se detectó DHA; los mayorescontenidos de DHA en los ácidos grasos totales y de DHA en la biomasa fueron 46,4% (cepa G4) y 36,2 mg/g (cepa M12-X1), respectivamente. El análisis de filogenia molecular basado en el alineamiento de la secuencia del gen que codifica para el ARN de la subunidad pequeña ribosomal (18S rRNA) confirmó que las tres cepas nativas que producen DHA pertenecen al phylum Labyrinthulomycota. Pruebas preliminares demostraron que es posible incrementar la concentración de biomasa (83%), el contenido de DHA en la biomasa (153%) y la concentración de DHA (71%) a través de la inclusión de glutamato monosódico en el medio de cultivo basal.

    Cloud computing activities: South African normal tax source determination

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    The location-independent nature of cloud-based transactions results in many source-related difficulties for normal tax purposes. This study considered the source determination for each of the possible classifications of cloud-based income (lease, service and royalty income, and/or income from know-how) by performing a doctrinal study based on South African and international literature. This study identified and formulated the challenges in applying traditional source tests in the context of cloud-based transactions. These challenges stem from the potential absence of physical presence of the provider in the country of consumption, in contrast to traditional source tests where physical presence indicate a tax presence; as well as the location-independent nature of cloud-based transactions from the perspective of both the provider and the consumer. The findings of the study suggest that the source determination for cloud-based transactions could be based on the source of the payment or residency of the payer, rather than the physical location

    Community development through the ward committee structures in the Northern areas of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate community development through the ward committee structures in the Northern Areas of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. Community development through the ward committees is the key principle in the democratisation process, as well as the promotion of good governance. Community development is an opportunity for both local government and the community to strengthen the democracy that is being enjoyed; and simultaneously to promote accountability. In terms of the Local Government: Municipal Systems, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000), the role of local communities in the particular interests of their municipality must take place, among other things, by the ward councillor – as well as all other suitable procedures, mechanisms and processes set up by the municipality. Ward committees have the power to advise the ward councillor; and as municipal structures, they must ensure that there is always community participation in the sphere of local government. Community participation gives communities the opportunities to express their views, as well as giving them a sense of ownership. The objectives of the study were: - To determine the roles and responsibilities of the ward councillors in terms of the new developmental mandate (the need to encourage the involvement of communities and organisations in local government matters). - To investigate the relations between ward councillors and their ward committees, and between the offices of ward councillors and the general public. - To examine the extent to which ward councillors in the northern areas of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality understand the policy and administrative procedures and processes in the municipality, when addressing issues that affect the community. In order to achieve these objectives, it was necessary to review literature on community participation. An empirical search was conducted in wards 10 and 11 in the Northern Areas of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. Recommendations were provided which could assist the municipality to effectively make use of the ward committees and the ward councillors. If implemented, these recommendations could also enhance community development through the ward committee structures. Thus, the relationship between the ward committees and the ward councillor should be harmonious; and subsequently, they should also strengthen trust between them. Then the flow of communication will improve

    Large scale retrenchments: an overview of Section 189 A

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    This treatise sets out and evaluates recent developments in the area of large-scale retrenchments in South Africa. Dismissals are considered to be a source of great controversy, but more so large scale retrenchments. It was with this in mind that the various role players sought an amendment in 2002 so as to address the concerns by both employers and employees. The applicable legislation, namely section 189A of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, was enacted to ensure the smooth operation of this genre of retrenchments. In this treatise, section 189A will be evaluated. Section 189A stipulates what procedure should be utilized, for dismissals necessitated by operational requirements. The inclusion of this provision was an attempt to address the concerns of both employers and employees. Chapter 1 provides us with an overview with regard to why change with regard to retrenchment legislation was necessary. In Chapter 2 the definition of operational requirements will be unpacked as well as what definition the courts have attached to the term "operational requirements‟, and more importantly the issue relating to substantive fairness. Chapter 3 examines when the applicable provision is triggered, whether or not an employer can stagger retrenchments, the facilitation process, and the regulations pertaining to facilitations. The facilitation process itself and the consultation aspect of the facilitation process are recounted. The meaning of „consultation‟ is evaluated, and it should be noted that section 189 and section 189A are interrelated when topics of consultation are considered. Chapter 4 addresses the instance when no facilitator is appointed and the mechanisms of section 189A(7) and (8); further discussions relating to subsection 13, and 19 will furthermore be evaluated with reference to case law. Chapter 5 sets out the various viewpoints on whether or not section 189A has been successful, and the chapter questions the effectiveness of the provision to provide a realistic view of large-scale retrenchments and whether the enactment thereof was an effective mechanism protecting the rights of employees faced with possible unemployment. The implementation of the training lay off system will be looked at and the statistics of the CCMA will be used as a measure to determine the effectiveness of section 189A. Chapter 6 concludes the thesis, by highlighting lessons learnt from case law for both employees and employers

    An Analysis of Exports and Imports and Their Effect on the Economic Growth in Iraq

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    The Iraqi economy faces more challenges than opportunities, especially in recent years due to the civil war, while basic reforms for merging the private and public sector have commenced. This paper examines the causal relationship between exports, imports, and Iraq’s economic growth. The data are annual time series for the period 1980-2017. Thereafter, the data are stationary in different levels. Johansen cointegration is applied to figure out the long-run association among the variables. Moreover, Granger causality test has been used to direct the causality among variables. This paper finds that in the long run, exports and imports on gross domestic product are co-integrated and variables have a long-run association. The Granger causality result shows that exports affect economic growth, while imports also have a positive impact on Iraq’s economic growth. On the contrary, the relationship between exports and imports show that any increase in the volume of exports will increase the volume of imports. However, the converse is not true as the volume of imports does not influence exports in Iraq

    Nivel de rendimiento productivo y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Financiera Compartamos de la región Lambayeque, Chiclayo 2018

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el nivel de rendimiento productivo y satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la Financiera Compartamos de la región Lambayeque, se usó la metodología, tipo de investigación descriptiva y correlacional, con enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño experimental, se aplicó la encuesta como técnica, mediante un cuestionario a 25 colaboradores quienes fueron la población de estudio. Como resultados son que el nivel de rendimiento productivo, los trabajadores se consideran son eficientes porque alcanzan sus obligaciones diarias; tienen efectividad en un 56% y para el 36% es regular; pero también el 8% admite que es mala, son eficaces en un 56% y de manera regular en un 36%, se tiene satisfacción con el desempeño de tareas es un 60% como buena, de manera regular 36%, las condiciones físicas para el 40% tiene satisfacción buena, regular para el 44% y el 16% expresa su malestar e insatisfacción, las relaciones sociales que se tiene entre colaboradores un 96% está satisfecho por el compañerismo y apoyo mutuo Se concluye que se logró determinar que existe relación entre el nivel de rendimiento productivo y la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la Financiera Compartamos de acuerdo a la prueba del Chi-cuadrado fue de 041, determinando que el nivel de relación es positiva moderada. Por lo tanto, se determina que si se toman acciones en la satisfacción laboral se tendrá incidencia en el rendimiento productivo del colaborador de la Financiera Compartamos.Tesi


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    Este artigo é resultado de um projeto de pesquisa, ensino e extensão desenvolvido no âmbito do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Extensão- PIBEX, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará –IFPA Campus Belém. A ideia de desenvolvimento do referido projeto surgiu a partir do interesse em compreender de que forma a Geografia e a Educação Ambiental escolar podiam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de debates sobre os problemas ambientais observados no bairro de Águas Lindas em Belém e Ananindeua-PA. O mesmo desenvolveu-se a partir de observações da paisagem, trabalhos de campo com entrevistas semi-estruturadas e estruturadas, levantamento bibliográfico, produção de material didático, e diálogo das experiências com a comunidade escolar. Para a compreensão das questões do bairro, reiteramos o papel social da escola, por isso enfatizamos a crescente necessidade de que o debate seja feito na escola, sobretudo a partir de um olhar interdisciplinar, e que tais discussões gerem conhecimentos, atitudes e mudanças de comportamento, bem como o fortalecimento da cidadania