43 research outputs found

    1,3,5-Triaza-7-Phosphaadamantane (PTA) as a 31P NMR Probe for Organometallic Transition Metal Complexes in Solution

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    Due to the rigid structure of 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA), its 31P chemical shift solely depends on non-covalent interactions in which the molecule is involved. The maximum range of change caused by the most common of these, hydrogen bonding, is only 6 ppm, because the active site is one of the PTA nitrogen atoms. In contrast, when the PTA phosphorus atom is coordinated to a metal, the range of change exceeds 100 ppm. This feature can be used to support or reject specific structural models of organometallic transition metal complexes in solution by comparing the experimental and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculated values of this 31P chemical shift. This approach has been tested on a variety of the metals of groups 8–12 and molecular structures. General recommendations for appropriate basis sets are reported

    The Partner Does Matter: The Structure of Heteroaggregates of Acridine Orange in Water

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    Self-assembly of organic molecules in aqueous solutions is governed by a delicate entropy/enthalpy balance. Even small changes in their intermolecular interactions can cause critical changes in the structure of the aggregates and their spectral properties. The experimental results reported here demonstrate that protonated cations of acridine orange, acridine, and acridin-9-amine form stable J-heteroaggregates when in water. The structures of these aggregates are justified by the homonuclear H-1 cross-relaxation nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The absorption and fluorescence of these aggregates deviate characteristically from the known H-homoaggregates of the protonated cations of acridine orange. The latter makes acridine orange a handy optical sensor for soft matter studies

    Solid State NMR for Nonexperts: An Overview of Simple but General Practical Methods

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    There are varieties of methods available for the exploration of solids using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Some of these methods are quite sophisticated, others require specialized equipment. This review is addressed to those for whom NMR is not the main research method. It discusses simple methods that can be applied to solids with little or no adaptation to a specific system. Despite their technical simplicity and ease of use, these methods are powerful analytical tools that provide unique insights into the structure, dynamics, and noncovalent interactions in homo- and heterogeneous systems. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of porous materials and solids containing phosphorus. 31P NMR of organometallic compounds has been used as an example of how theoretical calculations can help in deeper analysis of experimental data

    Adduct Under Field – a Qualitative Approach to Account for Solvent Effect on Hydrogen Bonding

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    The location of a mobile proton in acid-base complexes in aprotic solvents can be predicted using a simplified Adduct under Field (AuF) approach, where solute-solvent effects on the geometry of hydrogen bond are simulated using a fictitious external electric field. The parameters of the field have been estimated using experimental data on acid-base complexes in CDF3/CDClF2. With some limitations, they can be applied to the chemically similar CHCl3 and CH2Cl2. The obtained data indicate that the solute-solvent effects are critically important regardless of the type of complexes. The temperature dependences of the strength and fluctuation rate of the field explain the behavior of experimentally measured parameters

    Modeling of the Response of Hydrogen Bond Properties on an External Electric Field: Geometry, NMR Chemical Shift, Spin-Spin Scalar Coupling

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    The response of the geometric and NMR properties of molecular systems to an external electric field has been studied theoretically in a wide field range. It has been shown that this adduct under field approach can be used to model the geometric and spectral changes experienced by molecular systems in polar media if the system in question has one and only one bond, the polarizability of which significantly exceeds the polarizability of other bonds. If this requirement is met, then it becomes possible to model even extreme cases, for example, proton dissociation in hydrogen halides. This requirement is fulfilled for many complexes with one hydrogen bond. For such complexes, this approach can be used to facilitate a detailed analysis of spectral changes associated with geometric changes in the hydrogen bond. For example, in hydrogen-bonded complexes of isocyanide C≡15N-1H⋯X, 1J(15N1H) depends exclusively on the N-H distance, while δ(15N) is also slightly influenced by the nature of X

    Modeling of Solute-Solvent Interactions Using an External Electric Field—From Tautomeric Equilibrium in Nonpolar Solvents to the Dissociation of Alkali Metal Halides

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    An implicit account of the solvent effect can be carried out using traditional static quantum chemistry calculations by applying an external electric field to the studied molecular system. This approach allows one to distinguish between the effects of the macroscopic reaction field of the solvent and specific solute–solvent interactions. In this study, we report on the dependence of the simulation results on the use of the polarizable continuum approximation and on the importance of the solvent effect in nonpolar solvents. The latter was demonstrated using experimental data on tautomeric equilibria between the pyridone and hydroxypyridine forms of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-pyridine in cyclohexane and chloroform

    NMR‐Spectroscopic Detection of an Elusive Protonated and Coinage Metalated Silicide [NHC Dipp Cu(η 4 ‐Si 9 )H] 2− in Solution

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    A simultaneously protonated and functionalized silicide cluster [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)H]2− was detected and characterized in liquid ammonia by NMR spectroscopy. Key NMR results were corroborated by theoretical calculations. 1H-NMR line-widths at variable temperatures revealed that proton hopping in the metalated complex [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)H]2− is less pronounced than in the non-complexed silicide [HSi9]3−. Besides [HSi9]3− and [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)H]2− also the unprotonated analogous cluster [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)]3− was detected in solution. In addition, a new 29Si-NMR signal was obtained in the course of 29Si-NMR studies that we assigned to [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)]3−. The isolation of crystals of (K[2.2.2]-crypt)2K0.48Rb3.52[NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)]2 prove the availability of the non-protonated NHCDippCu(η4-Si9) fragment in solution. To the best of our knowledge the detection of [NHCDippCu(η4-Si9)H]2− represents the first case of a protonated and coinage metalated group 14 Zintl cluster in solution so far

    Probing the Isolobal Relation between Cp′′′NiP₃ and White Phosphorus by Experimental Charge Density Analysis

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    An in-depth analysis of the description of bonding within Cp′′′Ni-cyclo-P3 (Cp′′′=1,2,4-tri-tert-butylcyclopentadienyl, [Ni]P3) employing X-ray diffraction based multipolar modeling, density functional theory (DFT) as well as an “experimental wavefunction” obtained from X-ray restrained wavefunction (XRW) fitting is presented. The results are compared to DFT calculations on white phosphorus – an isolobal analogue to [Ni]P3. A complementary bonding analysis shows insights into the reactivity of [Ni]P3. The isolobal principle is reflected in every aspect of our analysis and the employed methods seamlessly predict the differences in reactivity of [Ni]P3 and P4. Crystallographic modeling, solid-state NMR, and DFT calculations describe the dynamic behavior of the cyclo-P3 unit in the title molecule

    The Scope of the Applicability of Non‐relativistic DFT Calculations of NMR Chemical Shifts in Pyridine‐Metal Complexes for Applied Applications

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    Heavy metals are toxic, but it is impossible to stop using them. Considering the variety of molecular systems in which they can be present, the multicomponent nature and disorder of the structure of such systems, one of the most effective methods for studying them is NMR spectroscopy. This determines the need to calculate NMR chemical shifts for expected model systems. For elements beyond the third row of the periodic table, corrections for relativistic effects are necessary when calculating NMR parameters. Such corrections may be necessary even for light atoms due to the shielding effect of a neighboring heavy atom. This work examines the extent to which non-relativistic DFT calculations are able to reproduce experimental 15N and 113Cd NMR chemical shift tensors in pyridine-metal coordination complexes. It is shown that while for the calculation of 15N NMR chemical shift tensors there is no real need to consider relativistic corrections, for 113Cd, on the contrary, none of the tested calculation methods could reproduce the experimentally obtained tensor to any extent correctly

    Actual Symmetry of Symmetric Molecular Adducts in the Gas Phase, Solution and in the Solid State

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    This review discusses molecular adducts, whose composition allows a symmetric structure. Such adducts are popular model systems, as they are useful for analyzing the effect of structure on the property selected for study since they allow one to reduce the number of parameters. The main objectives of this discussion are to evaluate the influence of the surroundings on the symmetry of these adducts, steric hindrances within the adducts, competition between different noncovalent interactions responsible for stabilizing the adducts, and experimental methods that can be used to study the symmetry at different time scales. This review considers the following central binding units: hydrogen (proton), halogen (anion), metal (cation), water (hydrogen peroxide)