810 research outputs found

    Passivation controller design for turbo-generators based on generalised Hamiltonian system theory

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    A method of pre-feedback to formulate the generalised forced Hamiltonian system model for speed governor control systems is proposed. Furthermore, passivation controllers are designed based on the scheme of Hamiltonian structure for single machne infinite bus and multimachine power systems. In particular, in the case of multimachine systems, all the variables in the control law are only relevant to the state variables of the local generator, which means that a decentralised controller is achieved. Simulation results of a four-machine system show that the controller can enhance power system transient stability

    Responses of Helicoverpa armigera to tomato plants previously infected by ToMV or damaged by H-Armigera

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    We report the comparative inducing effects of a phytopathogen and a herbivorous arthropod on the performance of an herbivore. Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., was used as the test plant, and tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and corn earworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner, were used as the phytopathogen and herbivore, respectively. There were decreases in the efficiency of conversion of ingested food and efficiency of conversion of digested food when H. armigera was reared on tomato plants that had been previously inoculated with ToMV. However, virus inoculation did not affect feeding or oviposition preferences by H. armigera. In contrast, approximate digestibility, total consumption, relative growth rate, and relative consumption rate were lower for fourth-instar H. armigera that fed on plants previously damaged by the same herbivore. Feeding and oviposition were both deterred for H. armigera that fed on previously damaged plants. The duration of development of H. armigera was also prolonged under this treatment. Infection by ToMV and feeding damage by H. armigera increased the host plant's peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity, respectively, suggesting that the performance of H. armigera may be affected by the induced phytochemistry of the host plant. Overall, this study indicated that, in general, insect damage has a stronger effect than ToMV infection on plant chemistry and, subsequently, on the performance of H. armigera

    Genome-wide scan using DArT markers for selection footprints in six-rowed naked barley from the Tibetan Plateau

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    As one of the world’s earliest domesticated crops, barley is a model species for the study of evolution and domestication. Domestication is an evolutionary process whereby a population adapts, through selection; to new environments created by human cultivation. We describe the genome-scanning of molecular diversity to assess the evolution of barley in the Tibetan Plateau. We used 667 Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers to genotype 185 barley landraces and wild barley accessions from the Tibetan Plateau. Genetic diversity in wild barley was greater than in landraces at both genome and chromosome levels, except for chromosome 3H. Landraces and wild barley accessions were clearly differentiated genetically, but a limited degree of introgression was still evident. Significant differences in diversity between barley subspecies at the chromosome level were observed for genes known to be related to physiological and phenotypical traits, disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance, malting quality and agronomic traits. Selection on the genome of six-rowed naked barley has shown clear multiple targets related to both its specific end-use and the extreme environment in Tibet. Our data provide a platform to identify the genes and genetic mechanisms that underlie phenotypic changes, and provide lists of candidate domestication genes for modified breeding strategies

    Immunolocalization of chloride transporters to gill epithelia of euryhaline teleosts with opposite salinity-induced Na+/K+-ATPase responses

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    Opposite patterns of branchial Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) responses were found in euryhaline milkfish (Chanos chanos) and pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) upon salinity challenge. Because the electrochemical gradient established by NKA is thought to be the driving force for transcellular Cl- transport in fish gills, the aim of this study was to explore whether the differential patterns of NKA responses found in milkfish and pufferfish would lead to distinct distribution of Cl- transporters in their gill epithelial cells indicating different Cl- transport mechanisms. In this study, immunolocalization of various Cl- transport proteins, including Na+/K+/2Cl(-) cotransporter (NKCC), cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), anion exchanger 1 (AE1), and chloride channel 3 (ClC-3), were double stained with NKA, the basolateral marker of branchial mitochondrion-rich cells (MRCs), to reveal the localization of these transporter proteins in gill MRC of FW- or SW-acclimated milkfish and pufferfish. Confocal microscopic observations showed that the localization of these transport proteins in the gill MRCs of the two studied species were similar. However, the number of gill NKA-immunoreactive (IR) cells in milkfish and pufferfish exhibited to vary with environmental salinities. An increase in the number of NKA-IR cells should lead to the elevation of NKA activity in FW milkfish and SW pufferfish. Taken together, the opposite branchial NKA responses observed in milkfish and pufferfish upon salinity challenge could be attributed to alterations in the number of NKA-IR cells. Furthermore, the localization of these Cl- transporters in gill MRCs of the two studied species was identical. It depicted the two studied euryhaline species possess the similar Cl- transport mechanisms in gills

    Iron isotope compositions of coexisting sulfide and silicate minerals in Sudbury-type ores from the Jinchuan Ni-Cu- sulfide deposit: A perspective on possible core-mantle iron isotope fractionation

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    Many studies have shown that the average iron (Fe) isotope compositions of mantle-derived rocks, mantle peridotite and model mantle are close to those of chondrites. Therefore, it is considered that chondrite values represent the bulk Earth Fe isotope composition. However, this is a brave assumption because nearly 90% Fe of the earth is in the core, whose Fe isotope composition is unknown, but is required to construct bulk earth Fe isotope composition. We approach the problem by assuming that the earth’s core separation can be approximated in terms of the Sudbury-type Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization, where sulfide-saturated mafic magmas segregate into immiscible sulfide liquid and silicate liquid. Their density/buoyancy controlled stratification and solidification produced net-textured ores above massive ores and below disseminated ores. The coexisting sulfide minerals (pyrrhotite (Po) > pentlandite (Pn) > chalcopyrite (Cp)) and silicate minerals (olivine (Ol) > orthopyroxene (Opx) > clinopyroxene (Cpx)) are expected to hold messages on Fe isotope fractionation between the two liquids before their solidification. We studied the net-textured ores of the Sudbury-type Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit. The sulfide minerals show varying δ56Fe values (-1.37 ~ -0.74‰ (Po) < 0.09 ~ 0.56‰ (Cp) < 0.53 ~ 1.05‰ (Pn), but silicate minerals (Ol, Opx, Cpx) have δ56Fe values close to chondrites (δ56Fe = -0.01±0.01‰). The heavy δ56Fe value (0.52 ~ 0.60‰) of serpentines may reflect Fe isotopes exchange with the coexisting pyrrhotite with light δ56Fe. We ob- tained an equilibrium fractionation factor of Δ56Fesilicate-sulfide = ~ 0.51‰ between reconstructed silicate liquid (δ56Fe = ~ 0.21‰) and sulfide liquid (δ56Fe = ~ -0.30‰), or Δ56Fesilicate-sulfide = ~ 0.36‰ between the weighted mean bulk-silicate minerals (δ56Fe[0.70ol,0.25opx,0.05cpx] = 0.06‰) with weighted mean bulk- sulfide minerals (δ56Fe = ~ -0.30‰). Our study indicates that significant Fe isotope fractionation does take place between silicate and sulfide liquids during the Sudbury-type sulfide mineralization. We hypothesize that significant iron isotope fractionation must have taken place during core-mantle segregation, and the bulk earth may have lighter Fe isotope composition than chondrites although Fe isotope analysis on experimental sulfide-silicate liquids produced under the varying mantle depth conditions is needed to test our results. We advocate the importance of further research on the subject. Given the close Fe-Ni association in the magmatic mineralization and the majority of Earth’s Ni is also in the core, we infer that Ni isotope fractionation must also have taken place during the core separation that needs attention

    Andrographolide Inhibits PI3K/AKT-Dependent NOX2 and iNOS Expression Protecting Mice against Hypoxia/Ischemia-Induced Oxidative Brain Injury

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    This study aimed to explore the mechanisms by which andrographolide protects against hypoxia-induced oxidative/nitrosative brain injury provoked by cerebral ischemic/reperfusion (CI/R) injury in mice. Hypoxia in vitro was modeled using oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) followed by reoxygenation of BV-2 microglial cells. Our results showed that treatment of mice that have undergone CI/R injury with andrographolide (10-100 mu g/kg, i.v.) at 1 h after hypoxia ameliorated CI/R-induced oxidative/nitrosative stress, brain infarction, and neurological deficits in the mice, and enhanced their survival rate. CI/R induced a remarkable production in the mouse brains of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a significant increase in protein nitrosylation; this primarily resulted from enhanced expression of NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and the infiltration of CD11b cells due to activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1 alpha). All these changes were significantly diminished by andrographolide. In BV-2 cells, OGD induced ROS and nitric oxide production by upregulating NOX2 and iNOS via the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT-dependent NF-kappa B and HIF-1 alpha pathways, and these changes were suppressed by andrographolide and LY294002. Our results indicate that andrographolide reduces NOX2 and iNOS expression possibly by impairing PI3K/AKT-dependent NF-kappa B and HIF-1 alpha activation. This compromises microglial activation, which then, in turn, mediates andrographolide's protective effect in the CI/R mice

    Multiple sources of infection and potential endemic characteristics of the large outbreak of dengue in Guangdong in 2014

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    A large outbreak of dengue, with the most documented cases, occurred in Guangdong China in 2014. Epidemiological studies and phylogenetic analysis of the isolated dengue virus (DENV) showed this outbreak was attributed to multiple sources and caused by at least two genotypes of DENV-1 (Genotypes I and III) and two genotypes of DENV-2 (Cosmopolitan and Asian I Genotypes). A retrospective review and phylogenetic analysis of DENV isolated in Guangdong showed that DENV-1 Genotype I strains were reported continuously during 2004-2014, Genotype III strains were reported during 2009-2014 ; DENV-2 Cosmopolitan and Asian I Genotype strains were reported continuously during 2012-2014. At least 45,171 cases were reported in this outbreak, with 65.9% of the patients in the 21-55-year-old group. A trend toward a decrease in the daily newly emerged cases lagged by approximately 20 days compared with the mosquito density curve. Several epidemiological characteristics of this outbreak and the stably sustained serotypes and genotypes of DENV isolated in Guangdong suggest that Guangdong has been facing a threat of transforming from a dengue epidemic area to an endemic area. The high temperature, drenching rain, rapid urbanization, and pandemic of dengue in Southeast Asia may have contributed to this large outbreak of dengue
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