98 research outputs found

    SENP3-mediated host defense response contains HBV replication and restores protein synthesis

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    Certain organs are capable of containing the replication of various types of viruses. In the liver, infection of Hepatitis B virus (HBV), the etiological factor of Hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), often remains asymptomatic and leads to a chronic carrier state. Here we investigated how hepatocytes contain HBV replication and promote their own survival by orchestrating a translational defense mechanism via the stress-sensitive SUMO-2/3-specific peptidase SENP3. We found that SENP3 expression level decreased in HBV-infected hepatocytes in various models including HepG2-NTCP cell lines and a humanized mouse model. Downregulation of SENP3 reduced HBV replication and boosted host protein translation. We also discovered that IQGAP2, a Ras GTPase-activating-like protein, is a key substrate for SENP3-mediated de-SUMOylation. Downregulation of SENP3 in HBV infected cells facilitated IQGAP2 SUMOylation and degradation, which leads to suppression of HBV gene expression and restoration of global translation of host genes via modulation of AKT phosphorylation. Thus, The SENP3-IQGAP2 de-SUMOylation axis is a host defense mechanism of hepatocytes that restores host protein translation and suppresses HBV gene expression

    Post-translational regulation enables robust p53 regulation

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    The tumor suppressor protein p53 plays important roles in DNA damage repair, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Due to its critical functions, the level of p53 is tightly regulated by a negative feedback mechanism to increase its tolerance towards fluctuations and disturbances. Interestingly, the p53 level is controlled by post-translational regulation rather than transcriptional regulation in this feedback mechanism

    Mycobacterial infection aggravates Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric preneoplastic pathology by redirection of de novo induced Treg cells.

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    The two human pathogens Helicobacter pylori and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) co-exist in many geographical areas of the world. Here, using a co-infection model of H. pylori and the Mtb relative M. bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), we show that both bacteria affect the colonization and immune control of the respective other pathogen. Co-occurring M. bovis boosts gastric Th1 responses and H. pylori control and aggravates gastric immunopathology. H. pylori in the stomach compromises immune control of M. bovis in the liver and spleen. Prior antibiotic H. pylori eradication or M. bovis-specific immunization reverses the effects of H. pylori. Mechanistically, the mutual effects can be attributed to the redirection of regulatory T cells (Treg cells) to sites of M. bovis infection. Reversal of Treg cell redirection by CXCR3 blockade restores M. bovis control. In conclusion, the simultaneous presence of both pathogens exacerbates the problems associated with each individual infection alone and should possibly be factored into treatment decisions

    Chromatin Remodeling of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis is Mediated by an HGF‐PU.1‐DPP4 Axis

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) metastasizes mainly to the liver, which accounts for the majority of CRC-related deaths. Here it is shown that metastatic cells undergo specific chromatin remodeling in the liver. Hepatic growth factor (HGF) induces phosphorylation of PU.1, a pioneer factor, which in turn binds and opens chromatin regions of downstream effector genes. PU.1 increases histone acetylation at the DPP4 locus. Precise epigenetic silencing by CRISPR/dCas9KRAB or CRISPR/dCas9HDAC revealed that individual PU.1-remodeled regulatory elements collectively modulate DPP4 expression and liver metastasis growth. Genetic silencing or pharmacological inhibition of each factor along this chromatin remodeling axis strongly suppressed liver metastasis. Therefore, microenvironment-induced epimutation is an important mechanism for metastatic tumor cells to grow in their new niche. This study presents a potential strategy to target chromatin remodeling in metastatic cancer and the promise of repurposing drugs to treat metastasis

    miR-1269 promotes metastasis and forms a positive feedback loop with TGF-ÎČ

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    As patient survival drops precipitously from early-stage cancers to late-stage and metastatic cancers, microRNAs that promote relapse and metastasis can serve as prognostic and predictive markers as well as therapeutic targets for chemoprevention. Here we show that miR-1269a promotes colorectal cancer (CRC) metastasis and forms a positive feedback loop with TGF-ÎČ signalling. miR-1269a is upregulated in late-stage CRCs, and long-term monitoring of 100 stage II CRC patients revealed that miR-1269a expression in their surgically removed primary tumours is strongly associated with risk of CRC relapse and metastasis. Consistent with clinical observations, miR-1269a significantly increases the ability of CRC cells to invade and metastasize in vivo. TGF-ÎČ activates miR-1269 via Sox4, while miR-1269a enhances TGF-ÎČ signalling by targeting Smad7 and HOXD10, hence forming a positive feedback loop. Our findings suggest that miR-1269a is a potential marker to inform adjuvant chemotherapy decisions for CRC patients and a potential therapeutic target to deter metastasis

    Adaptive Models for Gene Networks

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    Biological systems are often treated as time-invariant by computational models that use fixed parameter values. In this study, we demonstrate that the behavior of the p53-MDM2 gene network in individual cells can be tracked using adaptive filtering algorithms and the resulting time-variant models can approximate experimental measurements more accurately than time-invariant models. Adaptive models with time-variant parameters can help reduce modeling complexity and can more realistically represent biological systems

    Frequency Domain Analysis Reveals External Periodic Fluctuations Can Generate Sustained p53 Oscillation

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    p53 is a well-known tumor suppressor protein that regulates many pathways, such as ones involved in cell cycle and apoptosis. The p53 levels are known to oscillate without damping after DNA damage, which has been a focus of many recent studies. A negative feedback loop involving p53 and MDM2 has been reported to be responsible for this oscillatory behavior, but questions remain as how the dynamics of this loop alter in order to initiate and maintain the sustained or undamped p53 oscillation. Our frequency domain analysis suggests that the sustained p53 oscillation is not completely dictated by the negative feedback loop; instead, it is likely to be also modulated by periodic DNA repair-related fluctuations that are triggered by DNA damage. According to our analysis, the p53-MDM2 feedback mechanism exhibits adaptability in different cellular contexts. It normally filters noise and fluctuations exerted on p53, but upon DNA damage, it stops performing the filtering function so that DNA repair-related oscillatory signals can modulate the p53 oscillation. Furthermore, it is shown that the p53-MDM2 feedback loop increases its damping ratio allowing p53 to oscillate at a frequency more synchronized with the other cellular efforts to repair the damaged DNA, while suppressing its inherent oscillation-generating capability. Our analysis suggests that the overexpression of MDM2, observed in many types of cancer, can disrupt the operation of this adaptive mechanism by making it less responsive to the modulating signals after DNA damage occurs

    Chromatin Remodeling in Patient-Derived Colorectal Cancer Models

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    Patient-Derived Organoids (PDO) and Xenografts (PDX) are the current gold standards for patient-derived models of cancer (PDMC). Nevertheless, how patient tumor cells evolve in these models and the impact on drug response remains unclear. Herein, the transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility landscapes of matched colorectal cancer (CRC) PDO, PDX, PDO-derived PDX (PDOX), and original patient tumors (PT) are compared. Two major remodeling axes are discovered. The first axis delineates PDMC from PT, and the second axis distinguishes PDX and PDO. PDOX are more similar to PDX than PDO, indicating the growth environment is a driving force for chromatin adaptation. Transcription factors (TF) that differentially bind to open chromatins between matched PDO and PDOX are identified. Among them, KLF14 and EGR2 footprints are enriched in PDOX relative to matched PDO, and silencing of KLF14 or EGR2 promoted tumor growth. Furthermore, EPHA4, a shared downstream target gene of KLF14 and EGR2, altered tumor sensitivity to MEK inhibitor treatment. Altogether, patient-derived CRC cells undergo both common and distinct chromatin remodeling in PDO and PDX/PDOX, driven largely by their respective microenvironments, which results in differences in growth and drug sensitivity and needs to be taken into consideration when interpreting their ability to predict clinical outcome
