66 research outputs found

    State of the digital age: modeling of institutional transformations

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    The state is a complex social entity that plays a system-forming role in society. This is reflected in the implementation of many functions inherent in the state as a social institution. Their combination implies a directed influence on the elements that interact in a certain situation, in order to achieve goals in the most effective ways. Such goals seem significant in the context of a certain set of socially useful aspects of life. The implementation of public administration in such conditions actualizes its social orientation, which is based on a scientific approach using modern information and communication digital technologies. This approach should be based on social modeling, which is a specific way of knowing the corresponding aspect of being. Its specificity lies not only in the formalization of knowledge about social structures and processes, but also in the reflection of controlled and spontaneous processes, the awareness of the necessary actions and the will to carry them out in the interacting subjects – actors and building by them of a logically related model of behavior. At the same time, a feature of cognition is the maximum approximation of the formed image to a real process or phenomenon. This is achieved by taking into account the largest number of factors in their relationship with each other, as well as goals of creating the model and the results expected from its implementation. Within the framework of social modeling, there are objective ways to form a behavioral image that allow you to predict the direction and content specifics of the development of many social processes. The article considers the main areas of application of social modeling in public administration: assessment of the effectiveness of management bodies in the monitoring mode, development of strategic decisions, their translation into technological formats, digital representations of strategies and technologies

    Features of social management of Russian regional processes in the modern digital era

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    Human interaction is an orderly process that is focused on achieving a specific goal. This is the most desirable order in any aspect of everyday life, including social life. To increase its effectiveness, the systematic regulation should be carried out, which is represented by a set of sequential interdependent actions. This is social management – a multidimensional phenomenon, interpreted as specific type of human activity, carried out in the context of internal and external conditions, in order to achieve maximum order in the social system. Developing in the conditions of a specific geographical area, it acquires specific characteristics. Their interconnected totality is expressed not only in the specificity of a particular society culture, but also in individual norms and rules, regulating contacts in various spheres of social interaction (including in the model of administrative-territorial division based on them, applied styles and technologies of management). This is an independent basis for the formation of a set of objective indicators of the social management performance, the totality of which is a system. This is contained in various targeted state social programs, implemented also at the regional level of the organisation of public order. Their implementation in real conditions forms institutional and non-institutional socio-economic prerequisites for the emergence and development of transformations in various spheres of public life. This determines the new requirements for the organisation of the social system as a whole and its components. The implementation of social management, taking into account such a context, seems to be a systemic multifaceted process that has practical orientation


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    Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа энергетики СССР и России по некоторым показателям энергоэффективности, воздействию на экономику, устойчивое развитие. Приведены данные об Энергетических правилах (ЭП), законодательстве стран ЕС, ориентированных на конечного потребителя энергии и повышение энергоэффективности. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию российского энергетического законодательства.The results of a comparative analysis of the energy industry of the USSR and Russia on some indicators of energy efficiency, impact on the economy, sustainable development are presented. The data on the Energy Rules (EP), the legislation of the EU countries, focused on the final consumer of energy and improving energy efficiency. The proposals on improving the Russian energy legislation are formulated

    Extension of previous fusions to the Sacro-Pelvis vs. Primary spino-pelvic fusions in the setting of adult deformity: A Comparison of health related quality of life measures and complications [abstract]

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    Comparative Medicine - OneHealth and Comparative Medicine Poster SessionSummary: Clinical and radiographic evaluation of revision extension of previous long thoracolumbar fusion to the sacro-pelvis compared to primary lumbosacral fusion indicates that although the two patient populations are heterogeneous, clinical outcomes and complication rates of salvage procedures where a prior spinal fusion procedure is extended to the sacropelvis compare favorably to primary sacro-pelvic fusion for adult spinal deformity. Introduction: Patients previously treated with thoracolumbar fusion for spinal deformity may develop degenerative changes below the fusion requiring revision fusion to the sacro-pelvis. Little data exists on the characteristics of patients treated with revision extension to sacro-pelvis compared to primary lumbosacral fusion. We evaluated the differences between patients undergoing revision extension of fusion vs. primary fusion to the sacro-pelvis, minimum 2-year follow-up. Methods: The revision group (REVISION) included multicenter retrospective evaluation of 44 of 54 consecutive patients (1995-2006) that had a previous long fusion ending from L3-5, revised by extension fusion to the sacro-pelvis for symptomatic degeneration. The primary group (PRIMARY) included 20 of 20 consecutive patients prospectively enrolled (2000-2006) at a single center database that received primary long arthrodesis to the sacro-pelvis for adult deformity. Clinical and radiographic evaluation included demographics, coronal and sagittal measures, postoperative SRS-22 scores, and perioperative complications. Results: Mean patient age was 52 years (range 21-81 years). Mean follow up was 43 months (range 23-135 months). PRIMARY had greater median age (59 vs. 49 years; p<0.01) and longer follow up (44 vs. 31 months, p<0.05) than REVISION. PRIMARY had larger preoperative thoracolumbar curve (median TL; 48° vs. 36°; p<0.01) and less sagittal imbalance (median SVA; 0.0. vs. 5.0 cm; p<0.05) than REVISION. Postoperative SVA was similar for PRIMARY and REVISION (median 0.9 vs. 2.6 cm, respectively; p=0.25). REVISION had better postoperative SRS-22 scores (median 3.80 vs. 3.12, p<0.01) and fewer patients with minimum one complication [11 (25%) vs. 11 (55%), p<0.05] than PRIMARY (Table 1) Conclusion: Significant differences were demonstrated between patients undergoing primary vs. revision extension to the sacro-pelvis. PRIMARY were older, and had larger TL curves, whereas REVISION had greater sagittal imbalance. While PRIMARY had more complications, multiple factors could account for this other than surgery type, including differences in age or number of levels fused. The retrospective nature of the study may have also underrepresented minor complications. Although the groups were heterogeneous, radiographic, SRS-22 and complications analysis indicate clinical outcomes of salvage procedures where a prior spinal fusion procedure is extended to the sacropelvis compare favorably to primary sacro-pelvic fusion for adult spinal deformity

    From Emergence to Eradication: The Epidemiology of Poliomyelitis Deconstructed

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    Poliomyelitis has appeared in epidemic form, become endemic on a global scale, and been reduced to near-elimination, all within the span of documented medical history. Epidemics of the disease appeared in the late 19th century in many European countries and North America, following which polio became a global disease with annual epidemics. During the period of its epidemicity, 1900–1950, the age distribution of poliomyelitis cases increased gradually. Beginning in 1955, the creation of poliovirus vaccines led to a stepwise reduction in poliomyelitis, culminating in the unpredicted elimination of wild polioviruses in the United States by 1972. Global expansion of polio immunization resulted in a reduction of paralytic disease from an estimated annual prevaccine level of at least 600,000 cases to fewer than 1,000 cases in 2000. Indigenous wild type 2 poliovirus was eradicated in 1999, but unbroken localized circulation of poliovirus types 1 and 3 continues in 4 countries in Asia and Africa. Current challenges to the final eradication of paralytic poliomyelitis include the continued transmission of wild polioviruses in endemic reservoirs, reinfection of polio-free areas, outbreaks due to circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses, and persistent excretion of vaccine-derived poliovirus by a few vaccinees with B-cell immunodeficiencies. Beyond the current efforts to eradicate the last remaining wild polioviruses, global eradication efforts must safely navigate through an unprecedented series of endgame challenges to assure the permanent cessation of all human poliovirus infections

    Social modelling as a public administration component

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    The dynamics of social processes in post-Soviet Russia has actualized the importance of the population's assessment of the authorities' performance. In this context, the stabilization of the situation in society, achieved through targeted resolution of the problems relevant to the population under their control, seems to be an essential aspect. Such activity, being a multidimensional phenomenon, is based, among other things, on a multifaceted knowledge of the situation in a certain area of public life. Social modelling is one way of understanding it. Its application to the data analysis on the population's attitude to the activities of public authorities at various levels allowed not only to identify its problematic aspects. It was also the foundation for determining the basic elements of the model of power depending on the hierarchical level - functionality, for the federal level (President of the Russian Federation) - representativeness. At the same time, the activities of the governors are much better evaluated than those of the two chambers of the Parliament of the Russian Federation. The population is least aware of its contents and results


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    The personnel potential is the major social and economic, cultural and scientific and technical parameter of a level of development of any society and the enterprise. It characterizes itself(himself) opportunities of able-bodied population, including borrowed in economic activities, to create in unit of time an internal total product and services of the country. In clause long-term operational experience FGUP "Ural Carriage-Building Plant" in sphere of preparation, retraining and vocational guidance of the staff reveals