11 research outputs found

    Identifying the Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating a Separate Foundation for Development at the University of Kentucky

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    Statement of Issue The question of whether or not the University of Kentucky should create a legally independent, institutionally related foundation to receive, hold, invest, and administer the private gift support of the University has been an ongoing debate between UK administrators for many years. This study seeks to identify the potential advantages and disadvantages of creating such a foundation by: (1) conducting a qualitative analysis consisting of personal interviews with officials from the University of Kentucky, the University of Louisville, Western Kentucky University, and Murray State University; and (2) conducting a quantitative regression analysis to determine whether or not there is a significant statistical relationship between the presence of such a foundation and (a) total dollars raised, and (b) endowment investment performance. Key Findings from Qualitative Analysis Without a separate foundation, UK is able protect private gift funds from state budget cuts. Without a separate foundation, UK is able to legally offer and protect donor confidentiality. UK is no less flexible in its ability to invest private gift funds than other state universities that manage their endowments through separate foundations. A separate foundation would allow UK to bypass time-consuming state regulations associated with accepting and selling real property donations. Although such occurrences are rare, separate foundations pose the risk of creating accountability problems for public universities. Key Findings from Quantitative Analysis No significant statistical relationship exists between the Presence or Absence of a Separate Foundation and the dependent variable Total Dollars Raised—3-Year Average at public research/doctoral universities. No significant statistical relationship exists between the Presence or Absence of a Separate Foundation and the dependent variable Percent Increase/Decrease in Total Endowment from 2002-2003 at public research/doctoral universities. Conclusion The absence of a separate foundation at UK is not related to its fundraising performance as measured by 1) total dollars raised and 2) percent growth in endowment. UK has most of the flexibility that separate foundations have in receiving, investing, and administering private gift support. Only one potential advantage was identified regarding the creation of a separate foundation at UK: the ability to accept and sell real property gifts more expeditiously. Because this advantage involves bypassing state laws that are grounded in the need for oversight of public resources, it raises numerous practical and ethical concerns. I therefore recommend that UK abstain from creating a separate foundation

    The Untenable Stricture: Pre-Mitigation Measurement Serves To Deny Protection Under the Americans With Disabilities Act

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    In order to secure equality and these inalienable rights, the people of the United States have established a constitution, amendments thereto, and supporting legislation. Congress sought to insure disabled individuals equality in the workplace through the enactment of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( Rehabilitation Act ), specifically, section 504 ( section 504 ) and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ). Congress intended that these Acts create opportunities for the disabled and reduce the discrimination, whether expressed or not, faced by an isolated group of individuals in the population. This Comment questions some courts\u27 interpretation and application of these statutes. In particular, it questions the lack of harmony among courts in defining and measuring disabilities and limitations under the ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act


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    Partindo das recentes discussões sobre o Boom latino-americano, este ensaio examina a poética barroca do escritor brasileiro Osman Lins, a fim de delinear um novo arcabouço para o exame da política e do impasse da literatura no Brasil durante os anos 1960 e 1970. Em minha análise do intensamente experimental “Retábulo de Santa Joana Carolina” (1966), lanço luz sobre os meios pelos quais Lins combina múltiplos regimes de signos como o teatro, as artes visuais e a cantiga medieval, para se defrontar com a violência estrutural de exploração e subalternidade no Nordeste brasileiro. Consequentemente, analiso como a poética barroca de Lins negocia a violência e a autoridade por meio de conjuntos enunciativos que são antirrepresentacionais e antiliterários. Concluo mostrando como a subalternidade no Brasil é imaginada pela literatura de modo alternativo - não tanto como objeto da ideologia, mas como uma figura de tensão para uma nova palavra poética e política

    The Untenable Stricture: Pre-Mitigation Measurement Serves To Deny Protection Under the Americans With Disabilities Act

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    In order to secure equality and these inalienable rights, the people of the United States have established a constitution, amendments thereto, and supporting legislation. Congress sought to insure disabled individuals equality in the workplace through the enactment of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ( Rehabilitation Act ), specifically, section 504 ( section 504 ) and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ). Congress intended that these Acts create opportunities for the disabled and reduce the discrimination, whether expressed or not, faced by an isolated group of individuals in the population. This Comment questions some courts\u27 interpretation and application of these statutes. In particular, it questions the lack of harmony among courts in defining and measuring disabilities and limitations under the ADA and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Nostalgia y memoria: texto, acto, artificio

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    Extraction and Quantification of Solutes in Solidified Agar Culture Media

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