252 research outputs found

    A Review on Numerical Simulation and Comparison of Carbide and HSS Tool Wear Rate while Drilling with Difficult To Cut Super Alloy Titanium Based on Archard Model

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    A Carbide and HSS tool wear rate simulation using Archardˊs wear model is proposed, finite element modelling is done using commercial finite element software ABAQUS/explicit. ABAQUS interface was used to simulate the contact pressure. For measuring wear depth of tool's drilling operation is performed experimentally then wear depth is measured on profilprojecter. Comparing the wear rate, based on Archad model

    Nanocrystalline Manganese Substituted Nickel Ferrite Thick Films as PPM Level H2S Gas Sensors

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    A simple sol-gel auto combustion technique is introduced for the synthesis of nanocrystalline manganese substituted nickel ferrite dry powders. These dry powders were mechano-chemically mixed with organic binders to prepare thixotropic pastes. Thixotropic pastes of as prepared ferrite powders were formulated and screen printed on glass substrates to form thick films, followed by firing at 450oC. The crystal structure, phase, surface morphology and topography of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction study, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, etc. The gas sensing behavior of the samples were characterized by exposing the films to various inflammable and toxic gases like LPG, NH3, CO2, ethanol, H2S and Cl2. It was found that the sensors made from the composition containing x=1.0, exhibits highly selective and most sensitive towards 20 ppm of H2S gas at 3500C. The effect of operating temperature, gas concentration, type of gases, etc. on gas response were studied and discussed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15082

    Study of Properties of Al LM-25/SIC fabricated by using Stir Casting Method and Wear Analysis by RSM

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    Aluminum MMC’s are widely used in various applications because of their higher mechanical and physical properties when compared with their base Al alloy. This paper focuses on the change in mechanical properties of various Al/SiC composites fabricated by using stir casting method. Effect of SiC reinforcement in different Al alloys on mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, wear test, percentage elongation, residual stress measurements are discussed in detail. For this purpose various reinforcement of SiC with 0,4,8 percent weight and different particle sizes are considered along with Al alloys. Variations in process parameters of stir casting are also made and taken into consideration

    Serum zinc and copper levels: a marker of disease activity in senile cataract patients

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    Background: The present study was aimed to study alterations in levels of zinc and copper in senile cataract patients.Methods: 25 senile cataract patients in age group of 50 to 80 years and 25 control group were included in the study. Serum zinc and copper levels were determined by colorimetric method.Results: Significantly increased levels of serum zinc in cataract patients (199.8±24.32 µg/dl) were found as compared to controls (85.80±3.6 µg/dl) (p<0.0001). Serum copper concentration in cataract patients (249.5±34.59 µg/dl) were significantly (<0.0001) increased when compared to controls (125.7±4.66 µg/dl).Conclusions: Copper and zinc are involved in the pathogenesis of cataracts by different mechanisms such as damaging lipid membranes and lens capsule, crosslinking and in solubilization of lens proteins, leakage of beta and gamma crystalline into the aqueous humour through the production of hydroxyl radicals and peroxyl radicals. So, abnormal elevation of serum copper and zinc can be used as a marker in the opacification of the lens cortex in age-related human cataract

    Estimation of Road Roughness Condition and Ghat Complexity Analysis Using Smartphone Sensors

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    Our system works on producing the result sets which shows the road conditions and ghat complexity during traveling. We all use the map but it does not show potholes and bumps in the road. Our system analyzes the data through the sensors of mobile phone such as sensors like accelerometer, orientation sensor, and magnetometer to analyze the ghat complexity and roads quality we use the GPS system of an android phone

    Immunohistochemical and Molecular Detection of pH1N1 in NecropsiedPulmonary Tissues of Fatal Cases with Indeterminate Conventional Testing

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    The rapid emergence of a novel influenza A/H1N1 virus designated pH1N1 2009 caused one of the fastest pandemics of the twentieth century. The rapid development of an accurate detection test for this pandemic virus using reverse transcription-real time polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) helped in timely diagnosis. In India this pandemic peaked between August to October 2009. The r-RT PCR for pH1N1 2009 was the main diagnostic test used on throat/nasopharyngeal swabs in all cases. While in majority of the cases this test provided reliable confirmation of the virus, it gave negative or indeterminate results in a subset of cases meeting the standard case definition for the pandemic infection and negative for seasonal flu. In the present study we examined 4 such fatal cases where microscopic pathology of the lung was consistent with viral bronchopneumonia for the presence of pH1N1 2009 using r-RT PCR on nucleic acid extracted from the paraffin sections that showed presence of viral antigens by immunohistochemistry. In all 4 cases pH1N1 sequences could be identified. These findings therefore emphasize the important role of microscopic pathology techniques in conjunction with molecular tools in the diagnostic confirmation of novel agents during a public health emergency

    Development and validation of novel ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for estimation of antileishmanial drug buparvaquone

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    A novel, simple, accurate, precise, economical and reliable ultraviolet spectrophotometric method has been developed for the estimation of buparvaquone in bulk and in pharmaceutical dosage form. The drug shows maximum absorption at 251 nm by using acetonitrile as solvent. The method was validated as stated in International Council for Harmonisation Q2 (R1) guidelines. It obeys Beer's law in the concentration range of 2-20 µg/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.998. The drug shows great accuracy close to 100 %. The method was found to be robust and precise as the relative standard deviation are less than 2 %. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation were found to be 0.60 µg/ml and 1.83 µg/ml respectively. From the results of specificity, the drug was found to be more degraded under alkaline, oxidative and photolytic conditions. The proposed method can be employed for the reliable quantification of buparvaquone in bulk and routine analysis of pharmaceutical formulations

    Two distinct extracellular RNA signatures released by a single cell type identified by microarray and next-generation sequencing.

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    Cells secrete extracellular RNA (exRNA) to their surrounding environment and exRNA has been found in many body fluids such as blood, breast milk and cerebrospinal fluid. However, there are conflicting results regarding the nature of exRNA. Here, we have separated 2 distinct exRNA profiles released by mast cells, here termed high-density (HD) and low-density (LD) exRNA. The exRNA in both fractions was characterized by microarray and next-generation sequencing. Both exRNA fractions contained mRNA and miRNA, and the mRNAs in the LD exRNA correlated closely with the cellular mRNA, whereas the HD mRNA did not. Furthermore, the HD exRNA was enriched in lincRNA, antisense RNA, vault RNA, snoRNA, and snRNA with little or no evidence of full-length 18S and 28S rRNA. The LD exRNA was enriched in mitochondrial rRNA, mitochondrial tRNA, tRNA, piRNA, Y RNA, and full-length 18S and 28S rRNA. The proteomes of the HD and LD exRNA-containing fractions were determined with LC-MS/MS and analyzed with Gene Ontology term finder, which showed that both proteomes were associated with the term extracellular vesicles and electron microscopy suggests that at least a part of the exRNA is associated with exosome-like extracellular vesicles. Additionally, the proteins in the HD fractions tended to be associated with the nucleus and ribosomes, whereas the LD fraction proteome tended to be associated with the mitochondrion.We show that the 2 exRNA signatures released by a single cell type can be separated by floatation on a density gradient. These results show that cells can release multiple types of exRNA with substantial differences in RNA species content. This is important for any future studies determining the nature and function of exRNA released from different cells under different conditions.112212Ysciescopu