9 research outputs found

    Marketing de Recrutamento - Uma Análise Bibliométrica

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to conduct a Bibliometric analysis of Recruitment Marketing.   Theoretical framework: Recruitment Marketing is a technique that has evolved recently to nurture candidates before they apply for a job. Understanding and applying recruitment marketing techniques is essential to retain a talent pool. Since Recruitment Marketing is a new strategy, there is still much to research and discover.   Design/methodology/approach: The current scenario of publications from 2000-2020 on Recruitment Marketing listed in the Clarivate Web of Science database was explored in this bibliometric study. To build a bibliometric map, descriptive and inferential statistical methods were utilized. Bibliometric analysis was performed using R-based software Biblioshiny.   Findings: The findings revealed that the topic is not well established in the literature but has scope for growth in the coming future. The results reported that only very few studies were undertaken in the area of recruitment marketing globally. USA and Australia are the countries which contributed articles in this area when compared to other countries. The most commonly used words are 'loyalty,' 'attraction,' and 'conceptual-model'. New developments in recruitment marketing have not been sufficiently studied and understood logically and concisely. This study utilized a conceptual framework to organize and analyze the field's various research streams and themes. These themes and subthemes have suggested research recommendations and crucial research areas.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Authors recommend in-depth study for the future and identify the areas that need more exploration. The current study can help researchers and recruiters to analyze the upcoming recruiting trends and strategies.   Originality/value: The study is found to be primary and original research that contributes to the bibliometric representation of recruitment marketing.Propósito: El propósito del estudio es realizar un análisis Bibliométrico sobre “Marketing de Reclutamiento”. Marco teórico: El marketing de reclutamiento es una técnica que ha evolucionado recientemente para nutrir a los candidatos antes de que realmente soliciten un trabajo. Comprender y aplicar técnicas de marketing de reclutamiento es muy esencial para retener un grupo de talentos. Dado que el Marketing de Reclutamiento es una estrategia nueva, aún queda mucho por investigar y descubrir al respecto. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: En este estudio bibliométrico se exploró el escenario actual de publicaciones de 2000-2020 sobre “Recruitment Marketing” que figuran en la base de datos Clarivate Web of Science. Para construir un mapa bibliométrico se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. El análisis bibliométrico se realizó utilizando un software basado en R. Hallazgos: Los hallazgos revelaron que el tema no está bien establecido en la literatura, pero tiene posibilidades de crecimiento en el futuro próximo. Los resultados informaron que solo hay muy pocos estudios realizados en el área de marketing de reclutamiento en todo el mundo. EE. UU. y Australia son los países que contribuyeron con artículos en esta área en comparación con otros países. Las palabras más utilizadas son 'lealtad', 'atracción' y 'modelo conceptual'. Los nuevos desarrollos en marketing de reclutamiento no han sido suficientemente estudiados y entendidos de una manera lógica y concisa. Este estudio utilizó un marco conceptual para organizar y analizar las diversas corrientes de investigación y temas en el campo. Estos temas y subtemas han sugerido recomendaciones de investigación y áreas de investigación cruciales. Implicaciones de investigación, prácticas y sociales: los autores recomiendan un estudio en profundidad para el futuro e identifican las áreas que necesitan más exploración. El estudio actual puede ayudar tanto a los investigadores como a los reclutadores a analizar. Originalidad/valor: se considera que el estudio es una investigación primaria y original que contribuye a la representación bibliométrica del marketing de reclutamiento. Palabras clave: análisis bibliométrico; Estructura conceptual; software R; Comercialización de Reclutamiento; Web de la CienciaObjetivo: O objetivo do estudo é realizar uma análise Bibliométrica sobre “Marketing de Recrutamento”. Quadro teórico: O Marketing de Recrutamento é uma técnica que evoluiu recentemente para nutrir os candidatos antes que eles realmente se candidatem a um emprego. Compreender e aplicar técnicas de marketing de recrutamento é muito essencial para reter um pool de talentos. Como o Marketing de Recrutamento é uma estratégia nova, ainda há muito o que pesquisar e descobrir sobre ele. Design/metodologia/abordagem: O cenário atual de publicações de 2000-2020 sobre “Recruitment Marketing” listados na base de dados Clarivate Web of Science foi explorado neste estudo bibliométrico. Para a construção do mapa bibliométrico, foram utilizados métodos de estatística descritiva e inferencial. A análise bibliométrica foi realizada usando um software baseado em R. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que o tema não está bem estabelecido na literatura, mas tem espaço para crescimento no futuro próximo. Os resultados relataram que há muito poucos estudos realizados na área de marketing de recrutamento em todo o mundo. EUA e Austrália são os países que mais contribuíram com artigos nesta área quando comparados a outros países. As palavras mais usadas são “lealdade”, “atração” e “modelo conceitual”. Novos desenvolvimentos no marketing de recrutamento não foram suficientemente estudados e compreendidos de forma lógica e concisa. Este estudo utilizou uma estrutura conceitual para organizar e analisar as várias linhas e temas de pesquisa no campo. Recomendações de pesquisa e áreas de pesquisa cruciais foram sugeridas por esses temas e subtemas. Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: os autores recomendam um estudo aprofundado para o futuro e identificam as áreas que precisam de mais exploração. O estudo atual pode ajudar tanto os pesquisadores quanto os recrutadores a analisar o aspecto do marketing de recrutamento. Originalidade/valor: O estudo é considerado uma pesquisa primária e original que contribui para a representação bibliométrica do marketing de recrutamento. Palavras-chave:  Análise bibliométrica; Estrutura conceitual;software R; Marketing de Recrutamento; Web da Ciênci

    Does nutritional labeling increase healthy eating fallacy? An exploration into young Indian’s purchase behavior

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    The paper examines young consumers’ responses towards nutritional labeling, it’s information content and the importance of the functional characteristics of these labels as perceived by young consumers in making informed purchase decisions through personal interviews of 220 respondents using a structured questionnaire. Factor analysis was performed to identify the underlying dimensions among a set of nutritional labeling parameters using principal component analysis. Based on factor analysis, ten factors emerged. Regression analysis and t test indicated that, out the ten factors, only three factors namely ‘Nutritional Belief’, ‘Storage instruction & Information overload’, and ‘Exercise & Nutrition’ were significant. These factors were mainly inclined outside the purview of nutritional labeling purchase influence .It was thus concluded that nutritional labeling had less influence in purchase decisions as far as young consumers were considered. Findings of the study give practical insights on food labeling issues for the food processors and policy makers

    Unwrapping the Cosmetic Package: A Discriminant Analysis Approach

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    Packaging which is often called as the ‘silent salesman’ is an important component of marketing. Today the importance of packaging has risen to such an extent that product packaging is rightly called as the fifth ‘P’ of marketing mix. Cosmetics are products which are utilized by a large number of people. The present study examines the discriminating power of five selected cosmetics packaging variables namely ‘picture’, ‘colour’, ‘size’, ‘shape’ and ‘material’ amidst those who purchased cosmetics based on these packaging variables and for those who purchased cosmetics not based on these packaging variables. Discriminant analysis showed that only two variables namely ‘Colour’ (.706) and ‘Shape’ (– .527) were good predictors. Variables ‘Picture’, ‘size’ and ‘material’ were considered as poor predictors as far as the student communities were considered. The cross validated classification showed that out of the 240 samples drawn, 91.8% of the cases were correctly classified. &nbsp

    Social Marketing Plan to Decrease the COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Senior Citizens in Rural India

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    Social marketing is a set of activities aimed at changing people’s behavior for good. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is a significant concern in rural India. This article introduces a comprehensive social marketing plan to address this social issue among senior citizens of rural India. The model described in the study uses social marketing principles and practices such as environmental analysis, STP strategies, strategies for formulating behavioral objectives and goals, examining the barriers, benefits, competitions, and influential others, strategies for integrated marketing mix, evaluation and monitoring strategies, strategies for establishing budgets, raising funds and implementation plan. The plan’s objective may help the professionals to develop an action plan to counter vaccine hesitancy

    COVID-19 And Palliative Care: A bibliometric analysis

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    COVID-19 continues to disrupt the life of people worldwide. One of the most vulnerable sections affected by the pandemic is very old and seriously ill people. The present study provides a detailed analysis of the trends in the global scientific production on COVID-19 and palliative care. An analysis of the documents searched from the Scopus database was interpreted by Biblioshiny, an R-based software for bibliometric analysis. A descriptive examination of sources, authors, and records was done, and network analysis of conceptual, intellectual, and social structures. The research revealed ongoing research on this topic in the recent two years. The United States, the UK, India, and Spain have all done extensive research on the subject. The study's findings may aid medical practitioners and policymakers in focusing on critical sections in palliative care in the context of COVID-19. The study also identifies crucial areas in the chosen issue and guides future researchers on developing themes, contexts, and possible collaborations

    Analiza bibliometryczna publikacji na temat turystyki wellness

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    Wellness tourism is emerging as one of the most preferred tourism segments for both travel enthusiasts and ordinary vacation seekers due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant stress and anxiety. It is a niche tourism segment with enormous ability to emerge as the most in demand for coming years. This study carries out a bibliometric analysis to identify the prominent journals, their characteristics and total citations, trending keywords, emerging topics etc, in wellness tourism. With 159 articles extracted from the Web of Science database, it was observed that the word ‘health’ was often used, and that ‘medical tourism’ was the most popular topic. China takes the lead among world nations for having conducted most research in this field. The findings of the study could be beneficial to the research community, academia, the tourism industry and policymakers. The publication acknowledges its limitations but gives the implications for further research.W wyniku pandemii COVID-19 oraz spowodowanych nią stresu i niepokoju, rozwijająca się turystyka wellness jawi się ostatnio jako jeden z najbardziej preferowanych segmentów turystyki, zarówno wśród entuzjastów podróżowania, jak i zwykłych urlopowiczów. Jest to segment niszowy, który posiada ogromny potencjał, by stać się najbardziej pożądanym rodzajem turystyki w nadchodzących latach. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje analizę bibliometryczną, przeprowadzoną w celu wskazania najważniejszych czasopism, ich cech oraz całkowitej liczby cytowań, popularnych słów kluczowych, nowych wątków itp., dotyczących turystyki wellness. Na podstawie 159 artykułów zaczerpniętych z bazy danych Web of Science, stwierdzono iż często używanym słowem jest „zdrowie”, a najbardziej popularny temat to „turystyka medyczna/lecznicza”. Światowym liderem badań w tej  dziedzinie są Chiny. Wyniki niniejszego badania mogą przysłużyć się środowisku badawczemu, akademickiemu, jak również być przydatne w przemyśle turystycznym i dla decydentów sektora turystycznego. Publikacja posiada pewne ograniczenia, lecz daje impuls do dalszych rozważań

    Promises of silent salesman to the FMCG industry: an investigation using linear discriminant analysis approach

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    Packaging which is often called as the ‘silent salesman’ is an important component of marketing. Today the importance of packaging has risen to such an extent that product packaging is rightly called as the fifth ‘P’ of marketing mix. FMCG are products which are utilized by large number of people. The present study examined the discriminating power of five selected FMCG packaging variables namely ‘picture’, ‘colour’, ‘size’, ‘shape’ and ‘material’ amidst those who purchased FMCG based on these packaging variables and for those who purchased FMCG not based on these packaging variables. Descriptive research was carried out in the study. Respondents (students) were asked to rate four packaging variable on a five point Likert’s scale. Discriminant analysis showed that only two variables namely ‘Colour’ (.706) and ‘Shape’ (–.527) were good predictors. Variables ‘Picture’, ‘size’ and ‘material’ were considered as poor predictors as far as the student communities were considered. The cross validated classification showed that out of the 240 samples drawn, 91.8% of the cases were correctly classified

    Marketing Strategy Formulation for the Introduction of Eukula Strato German Wood Finishes in Local Market of Emerging Indian Economy

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    Wood finishing relates to the process of embellishing or protecting the surface of the wood. The paper aimed at formulating a marketing strategy for introducing water borne German based Wood Finishes named Eukula Strato into local market of northern Kerala, India. Multiple cross sectional descriptive research with judgmental sampling technique elicited responses from Finishers, Furniture manufacturers and Interior designers. Findings revealed that Eukula Strato had a distinct advantage when compared to any other Wood Finish that was available in the local market. Findings and suggestions were reported as per 4P’s of marketing mix. Percentage analysis, Chi square analysis etc were used to interpret the result