50 research outputs found

    On a curious variant of the SnS_n-module LienLie_n

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    We introduce a variant of the much-studied LieLie representation of the symmetric group SnS_n, which we denote by Lien(2).Lie_n^{(2)}. Our variant gives rise to a decomposition of the regular representation as a sum of {exterior} powers of modules Lien(2).Lie_n^{(2)}. This is in contrast to the theorems of Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt and Thrall which decompose the regular representation into a sum of symmetrised LieLie modules. We show that nearly every known property of LienLie_n has a counterpart for the module Lien(2),Lie_n^{(2)}, suggesting connections to the cohomology of configuration spaces via the character formulas of Sundaram and Welker, to the Eulerian idempotents of Gerstenhaber and Schack, and to the Hodge decomposition of the complex of injective words arising from Hochschild homology, due to Hanlon and Hersh.Comment: 26 pages, 2 tables. To appear in Algebraic Combinatorics. Parts of this paper are included in arXiv:1803.0936

    An elementary approach to the quasipolynomiality of the Kronecker coefficients

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    The Kronecker coefficients are the structure constants for the restriction of irreducible representations of the general linear group GL(nm) into irreducibles for the subgroup GL(n)xGL(m). In this work we study the piecewise quasipolynomial nature of the Kronecker function using tools from polyhedral geometry. By bounding the lengths of the partitions, we write the Kronecker function in terms of coefficients of vector partition functions. We illustrate the power of this approach in the first nontrivial case: we give exact formulas and an upper bound for the Kronecker coefficients, and derive other properties. An additional advantage of this approach is that asymptotic estimates for dilations are computable using techniques of analytic combinatorics in several variables. We also show how our approach can be applied to other families of structure constants.Comment: 44 pages; some results on chambers added, revised introductio

    On the topology of two partition posets with forbidden block sizes

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    AbstractWe study two subposets of the partition lattice obtained by restricting block sizes. The first consists of set partitions of {1,…,n} with block size at most k, for k≤n−2. We show that the order complex has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres, in the cases 2k+2≥n and n=3k+2. For 2k+2>n, the posets in fact have the same Sn−1-homotopy type as the order complex of Πn−1, and the Sn-homology representation is the “tree representation” of Robinson and Whitehouse. We present similar results for the subposet of Πn in which a unique block size k≥3 is forbidden. For 2k≥n, the order complex has the homotopy type of a wedge of (n−4)-spheres. The homology representation of Sn can be simply described in terms of the Whitehouse lifting of the homology representation of Πn−1

    On counting permutations by pairs of congruence classes of major index

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    For a fixed positive integer n, let S_n denote the symmetric group of n! permutations on n symbols, and let maj(sigma) denote the major index of a permutation sigma. For positive integers k<m not greater than n and non-negative integers i and j, we give enumerative formulas for the cardinality of the set of permutations sigma in S_n with maj(sigma) congruent to i mod k and maj(sigma^(-1)) congruent to j mod m. When m divides n-1 and k divides n, we show that for all i,j, this cardinality equals (n!)/(km).Comment: 8 page

    The reflection representation in the homology of subword order

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    We investigate the homology representation of the symmetric group on rank-selected subposets of subword order. We show that the homology module for words of bounded length, over an alphabet of size n,n, decomposes into a sum of tensor powers of the SnS_n-irreducible S(n1,1)S_{(n-1,1)} indexed by the partition (n1,1),(n-1,1), recovering, as a special case, a theorem of Bj\"orner and Stanley for words of length at most k.k. For arbitrary ranks we show that the homology is an integer combination of positive tensor powers of the reflection representation S(n1,1)S_{(n-1,1)}, and conjecture that this combination is nonnegative. We uncover a curious duality in homology in the case when one rank is deleted. We prove that the action on the rank-selected chains of subword order is a nonnegative integer combination of tensor powers of S(n1,1)S_{(n-1,1)}, and show that its Frobenius characteristic is hh-positive and supported on the set T1(n)={hλ:λ=(nr,1r),r1}.T_{1}(n)=\{h_\lambda: \lambda=(n-r, 1^r), r\ge 1\}. Our most definitive result describes the Frobenius characteristic of the homology for an arbitrary set of ranks, plus or minus one copy of the Schur function s(n1,1),s_{(n-1,1)}, as an integer combination of the set T2(n)={hλ:λ=(nr,1r),r2}.T_{2}(n)=\{h_\lambda: \lambda=(n-r, 1^r), r\ge 2\}. We conjecture that this combination is nonnegative, establishing this fact for particular cases.Comment: 30 pages; typos corrected; sections have been reorganised. To appear in Algebraic Combinatoric