1,169 research outputs found

    String Memory Effect

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    In systems with local gauge symmetries, the memory effect corresponds to traces inscribed on a suitable probe when a pure gauge configuration at infinite past dynamically evolves to another pure gauge configuration at infinite future. In this work, we study the memory effect of 2-form gauge fields which is probed by strings. We discuss the "string memory effect" for closed and open strings at classical and quantum levels. The closed string memory is encoded in the internal excited modes of the string, and in the open string case, it is encoded in the relative position of the two endpoints and the noncommutativity parameter associated with the D-brane where the open string endpoints are attached. We also discuss 2-form memory with D-brane probes using boundary state formulation and, the relation between string memory and 2-form soft charges analyzed in [1]

    Determinants of purchase intention towards luxury fashion brands among generation Y consumers': A study among postgraduate students of University Utara Malaysia (UUM)

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    Given the tremendous increase in demand for luxury fashion product among generation Y consumers’, had subsequently increased the concern among manufacturers and companies about the importance of measuring the crucial determinants that affect the purchase intention of luxury product brands within this cohort’s population. This realization and concern, have led the fashion industry manufacturers and companies to focus on identifying the most crucial factor that are effectively influence generation Y in purchasing luxury fashion brands in order to differentiate their luxury product brands from other competitor, in effort to gain competitive advantages. In view of this, the purpose of this paper is to determine the most crucial factors that have significant relationship towards intentions to purchase luxury fashion brands among Generation Y consumers’ in Malaysia by integrating the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and Social Impact Theory (SIT) in the proposed model. There were four independent variables which have been investigated in this study including attitude towards luxury fashion brands, social electronic word of mouth (social e –WOM), perceived behavioural control, and country of origin. A total of 351 questionnaires were distributed among UUM local postgraduate student by using systematic intercept survey, to perform the statistical analysis for data analysis and findings. The results indicated the attitude towards luxury fashion brands, and country of origin have significant effect towards generation Y consumers’ purchase intention on luxury fashion brands, however social electronic word of mouth (social e – WOM) and perceived behavioural control showed insignificant influence towards purchase intention. Among all predictors, attitude towards luxury fashion brands has the strongest influence on generation Y luxury fashion brands purchase intention

    Impact of metabolic disorders on the structure, function, and immunological integrity of the blood-brain barrier.

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    PhD ThesisMetabolic disorders induce a low-grade chronic inflammatory state that is damaging to the peripheral vasculature, leading to cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, there has been mounting evidence linking metabolic disease to neurovascular disorders and cognitive decline. However, the pathophysiological response occurring at the brain microvasculature, the blood-brain barrier (BBB), remains largely unexplored. Using a mouse model of Type II diabetes mellitus, the results of this project demonstrate pro-inflammatory mediators and altered immune responses to impair the protective BBB functionality. Disruption to tight junctions and basal lamina, due to loss of control in activation/production of MMPs and their inhibitors, causes complete BBB breakdown. Metabolic stress triggers endothelial dysfunction resulting in altered metabolism and receptor expression, enhanced ROS production and up-regulated adhesion molecules. Immunologically, there is an increase in the percentage of activated effector and central memory T-cells along with an imbalance in the TH17/Treg subsets. Together these factors augment transmigration of leukocytes across the BBB to trigger activation and shift of microglia to a pro-inflammatory phenotype, initiating neuroinflammation. Loss of the physical, transport and metabolic properties of the BBB will consequently have detrimental effects on neuronal function. Additionally, this thesis explores the use of a pharmacological and dietary intervention to reduce and restore the damage incurred to the BBB. Treatment with human recombinant annexin A1 (a well know anti-inflammatory molecule) and reversion from a high-fat high-sugar diet to a chow diet both attenuate T2DM development, reduce peripheral inflammation and dampen the immune response, resulting in restored BBB integrity. Both interventions confer neuroprotection through stabilisation of cell-cell contacts, consequently limiting leukocyte extravasation and downstream pathological events. This thesis emphasises the growing understanding of long-term impact of metabolic disease and their contribution to the development of neuroinflammatory/ neurodegenerative disorders. Preventive and therapeutic strategies that mediate anti-inflammatory effects are key in limiting the disease progression

    Assessment of soft tissue facial profile, nasal airway morphology and dental arch features in adult malay obstructive sleep apnea patients using geometric morphometric analysis

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    a serious public health problem. The objectives of this study were to localize and quantify the differences in facial soft tissue profile, nasal airway morphology and dental arch features in adults Malay with and without OSA using geometric morphometric analysis. One hundred and twenty adult Malays aged 18-65 years (mean± SD, 33.2 ± 13.31) were divided into two groups of 60. Both OSA and control groups undergone clinical examination and limited channel polysomnography. Only 108 subjects (54 in each group) were able to complete facial soft tissue imaging, acoustic rhinometry (AR) measurements, and upper and lower dental impression. Nine facial soft tissue and 25 upper and lower study models homologous landmarks were digitized using MorphoStudio software to obtain the x, y, z coordinates. The minimal cross section l(MCAl) and minimal cross sectional2 (MCA2) were also obtained from AR. The mean OSA and control were computed, and subjected to t-test and geometric morphometric analysis. The mean body mass index was found to be significantly greater for the OSA group (33.2kg/m2 ± 6.5) when compared to the control group (22.7 kg/m2 ± 3.5 p < 0.001). The mean neck size was also greater for the OSA group (43.6cm ± 6.02) compared to the control group (22.7cm ± 3.52, p < 0.001). Using geometric morphometric analysis, significant differences were found in facial soft tissue profile between the two groups. These differences were localized in the bucco-submandibular regions of the face predominantly, with inter-landmark distances indicating an increase in size of7-22% in OSA groups (p < 0.05). For nasal airway morphology, the mean MCA1 and MCA2 on the AR graph were found to be significantly smaller in the OSA group than control group (p < 0.001). Using geometric morphometric analysis on AR data, significant differences were found in nasal airway morphology between the two groups . Specifically, the mean nasal airway were significantly narrower in OSA groups with decreased in size ("'10-22%) appears in nasal valve I head of inferior turbinate area predominantly. For dental arch features, the mean upper and lower OSA dental arch morphologies were significantly narrower in widths with an increase in upper and lower dental arch length when compared with control subjects (p < 0.05). Specifically, the mean OSA configuration of the upper arch was 7-11% narrower in the transverse plane in the incisor and canine regions compared to the control configuration, and inter-landmark analysis confi1med this finding. For the lower arch, the mean OSA configuration was lOll% narrower in the premolar and molar regions. In conclusion, there were clearly definable differences in the facial soft tissues profile, nasal airway morphology and dental arch features when comparing patients with OSA to controls, with obesity acting as an additional risk factor in this particular group of Malay patients. These differences need to be recognized since they can improve our understanding of etiological basis of OSA disorder, facilitate the limited availability of diagnostic setup, and provide valuable screening information in the identification of patients with undiagnosed OS A

    Craniofacial growth changes foll.owing surgically created defect on title temporal mandibular joint

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    Early craniofacial development patlnvay will generally affect the final general appearance of the face at the end of facial gro\vth period. The gro\vth of the face is a complex process involving many growth processes particularly in mandible, mid face and cranial base. These processes occur at the same time and the overall pattern of growth results ftom the interplay between them. They must all hannonized \\lith each other if a normal facial pattern is to result and a stnaU deviations from harmonious or interruption of the gro\vth at any point will affect the development of other grov..1h po-ints thus Iesulti:ng in dysmorphology of the craniofacial complex. Several studies have been carried out to determine the pattern, physics and kinetics. of gro~rth to. assist in further understanding of craniofacial de:ve.topment for eventual use. in c.raniofacial corrective surgery. Due to the small and infrequent number of craniofacial dysmoiphology cases in human as well as the difficulty and ethics issues involved when studying human models, most of the studies were carried out using animal models vherehy defects c.ould he c,o.nveniently induc.ed for research purpose and the result may be. extrapolated to the human facial growth. Mandibular growth depends largely on normal development of the tempo.romandihular joint (TMJ) and any disturbance. in its normal development Vill affect the growth in the dimension of the mandible 1. Due to interrelations in the various growth ih points, dysmorphology in the mandible will consequently create changes in the general developtnent of the craniofacial complex

    Paediatric laryngotracheal Cases: Universiti Sains Malaysia Experience

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    There are many inherent challenges in the evaluation and management of children with laryngotracheal disorders, and differ widely from one institution to another. The main challenges include access to suitable equipment, fully trained surgeon and, cooperation with the anaesthetist and paediatrician. During the past five years great advances have been made in managing paediatric airway cases in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at Universiti Sains Malaysia. The paediatric laryngotracheal cases undergoing microlaryngoscopy and bronchoscopy from 2004 to 2008 are presented. More than 80 cases have been reviewed. The most commonly presenting symptom was stridor. Other reasons for referral were laryngotracheal stenosis, foreign body inhalation, unresolved lung disease, failed extubation, examination prior to decannulation and hoarseness. Interventions were varied and tailored to each problem. The management include observation, medical treatment, closed (encdoscopic) techniques and open surgery

    XIII Asean ORLand Head & Neck Congress Siem Reap, Komboja 18-20 November 2009

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    Subglottic stenosrs maybe congenital or acquired. Both have typical characteristics and presentations. Despite great advances have been made in the surgrcal techniques, the management of paedratnc subglottic stenosis remains challenging for the otolaryngologist Often the operation is very much tarlored to the needs of the individual patrents. In addition, the surgeon managing the problem must be fully trained in paediatric airway endoscopy and laryngotracheal surgery as inappropriate inrtral management may lead to permanent rntractable sequelae The management rnclude the hrstory of stridor, medrcal history, assessment of seventy of stridor, assessment of the arrway, appropriate treatment and posl-operatrve management The presentation will hrghlrght some of the lessons learned dunng the learnrng curve in the management of paediatnc subglottic stenosis rn Universiti Sains Malaysi

    Millennials' Response Toward Luxury Fashion Brands: The Balance Theory’s Perspective

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    The mushrooming growth of luxury brands has been evidenced worldwide, especially among developing countries such as Malaysia. Despite Malaysian consumer confidence slowing due to uncertainty about the economic conditions, the demand for luxury brands is still expected to rise. Interestingly, a significant rise in the demand for luxury brands has been observed in the millennials group. This study examines the relationship of electronic word-of-mouth and the country of origin’s image on millennials' attitudes toward luxury brands and the intention to purchase luxury fashion brands. The study among 333 millennials revealed that the country of origin’s image has both direct and indirect effects on the intention to purchase luxury fashion brands. Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) was found statistically insignificant in explaining the intention to purchase, but eWOM had a significant relationship on intention to purchase through its mediation effect of the attitude toward luxury brands. Accordingly, the findings found support for the balance theory. The results also suggest that the owners of luxury brands should carefully manage the country of origin because it will affect the overall brand image, as perceived by consumers. Limitations and future directions of the study are also included at the end of the article