1,078 research outputs found

    Ethno-botanical and Pharmaceutical Properties of Mollucan Spinach (Gynura procumbens Lour. Merr)

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    Recently there has been increase in patronage of herbal medicine due to economic constrain particularly among low income earners in the developing countries such as Nigeria. Gynura procumbens, (Molucan spinach) is widely used in traditional medicine for treatment of wide ailments such as fever, malaria, anti-glycaemic, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer, kidney diseases, anti-inflammatory, constipation, male sterility and body pain among others. This study reviews the ethnobotanical and pharmaceutical properties of G. procumbens (Lour.) Merr hence provided some data and information on the biological activity of G. procumbens which evaluated and validated its efficacy and safety in the treatment of different ailments. Based on the traditional uses of G. procumbens, the specie appears to possess high therapeutic potential for treatment of various diseases hence making it a target for pharmacological studies. Despite the knowledge and use of ethnomedicine the current scientific evidence on biological activities of G. procumbens remain scanty

    Influence of malting on the composition of millet (Pennisetum typhoideum) grains and the growth of Rhodotorula rubra and Torulopsis candida

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    A comparative study on the influence of malting on the composition of Pennisetum typhoideum grains and the growth of Rhodotorula rubra and Torulopsis candida was investigated. Result of proximate analysis indicated high crude protein content of 11.04% in three day malted grains (3DMG) which decreased with decrease in malting period. The contents of sodium, potassium, manganese and iron were equally higher in 3DMG. The unmalted grains had high ascorbic acid content of 7.50 mg/g which decreased markedly to 5.00 mg/g in all the malted grains. The cellular masses attained after culturing the yeast for 15 days was insignificant (P> 0.05). The biomass of R. rubra and T. candida in 3DMG was 369 and 357 mg respectively. Comparatively, the biomass obtained in yeast dextrose peptone media (YDPM) was comparatively lower with 367 and 349 mg in R. rubra and T. candida. The result of this study suggest that malted P. typhoideum grains media could be used as an alternative medium for culturing R. rubra and T. candida in the laboratory against conventional expensive YDPM  and 3DMG  proved to be  promising

    A Mathematical Model on the Dynamics of Poverty and Prostitution in Nigeria

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    In this paper, we propose a compartmental mathematical model that tracks the dynamic of poverty and prostitution in Nigeria. Our model incorporates an infected compartment that allows for a non-violent approach of government interventions. The stability of the system is analyzed for the existence of the prostitution free equilibrium. We established that there exist a prostitution free equilibrium point that is locally asymptotically stable when the reproduction number  and unstable when . Result in this paper shows that high rate of government interventions will reduce to the barest minimum the number of members in both poverty and prostitution class. Keywords: Mathematical model, Poverty, Prostitution, Stability Analysis, Reproduction numbe

    Evaluation of Hepatotoxic effects of Leaves Extract of Cassia italica (Mill.) Lam. ex F.W. Ander (Leguminosae) in Albino Rats

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    The hepatotoxic effect of aqueous leaves extract of Cassia italica on some liver function parameters was investigated in albino rats. Five groups of the rats were administered the following graded doses of the extract orally: 0, 300, 600, 1500 and 3000 mg/kg bw, for groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively, once daily for 28 days. The serum ALAT, ASAT and ALP levels were found to increase significantly (p<0.05) in all the groups when compared to the control; whereas the serum Albumin levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in all the groups when compared with the control. There was also a significant increase in Total Bilirubin level (p<0.05) in the groups administered with 3000 and 1500 mg/kg bw, but the reverse was the case in the groups administered with 600 and 300 mg/kg bw of the extract, which showed significant decrease (p<0.05) when compared with the control. These results suggest that, the aqueous leaves extract of Cassia italica has adverse effects on the functional capacities of rat liver.Keywords: Hepatotoxicity, extract, Cassia italic, rat

    Effect of different levels of Striga gesnerioides on the growth and yield of some local and improved cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) varieties

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    Experiment was carried out at International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Kano, Nigeria. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of Striga infestation on the growth and yield of some varieties of cowpea. Four cowpea genotypes were selected for the study. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with two treatment regimes of Striga infestation. The levels of Striga infestation include 0.05g, 0.1g and 0.0g (control). The results showed that IT97K-499-35 recorded higher plant height at 0.5g and 0.1g of Striga infestation, but DANILA showed lower plant height at 0.1g of Striga infestation. The result for chlorophyll content (SPAD) indicates that at 30 days after Striga infestation, IT99K-241-2 recorded higher chlorophyll SPAD value of 39.2. But IT97K-499-35 had lower chlorophyll SPAD value of 16.3. Higher number of days to 50% flowering was recorded in IT99K-241-2 across the treatment. IT98K-205-8 recorded early days to 50% flowering across the treatment. IT99K-241-2 and DANILA recorded Striga emergence and attachment to their roots. But IT97K-499-35 and IT98K-205-8 had no Striga attachment and emerged. Higher grain yield was recorded in IT97K-499-35, but IT99K-241-2 and DANILA recorded lower grain yield. Higher Fodder yield was recorded in DANILA. The result indicates that fodder yield was reduced in 0.5g and 0.1g of Striga infestation in all the varieties. The present study conclude that varieties IT99K-241- 2 and DANILA were susceptible to Striga at 0.1g of infestation, while IT97K-499-35 was tolerant to Striga at 0.5 and 0.1g of Striga infestation.Keyword: Striga gesnerioides, Cowpea, growth and Yiel

    Purification of gases using nanoporous inorganic membranes.

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    The application of membranes has gained acceptance in the chemical and process industries for separation and purification for over three decades and is currently being practiced for natural gas processing, waste water treatment among others. A crack-free composite membrane was employed in this paper. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation was carried out to characterize the membrane. The operational parameters such as feed flow rate, permeation pressure, permeation temperature, kinetic diameter and gas molecular characteristics are examined at 25C to 450C and 0.05 to 1.0 barg feed pressure. The performance of gas selectivity is also provided. Separation factor of 2.554 was obtained for H2/CO2 at 450C and 0.8 barg. Activation energies of 1.0 and 0.42 kJ/mol were also obtained for H2 and CO2/CO/H2 gas mixtures at 1.0 barg

    Farmers’ Perception of Climate Change in Central Agricultural Zone of Borno State, Nigeria

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    The study analysed farmer’s perception of climate change in Central Agricultural Zone of Borno State, Nigeria. Data were collected from 160 respondents in the study area. Descriptive and inferential statistics (multiple regression analysis) were used. The result showed that all the variables except sex and marital status were significant at either 1% or 5% level of significance and positively signed. The study concluded that respondents in the study area perceived climate changes which were greatly influenced by their socio economic characteristics. Lack of current knowledge and information on climate, lack of credit facilities and poor extension services on climate change adaptation were identified to be the major constraints of adaptation to climate change in the study area. The study recommended that efforts should be made in improving the knowledge and skills of extension service personnel about climate change and adaptation management strategies and making the extension services more accessible to farmers. Key words: Farmers’ Perception, Climate Change, Agricultural Zone, Borno State

    Effects of Likeability Dynamics on Consumers' Intention to Share Online Video Advertisements

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    Understanding how consumer evaluations of online advertisements affect their intention to share advertising content online is essential for successful viral advertising. This article examines consumer decisions whether or not to share video advertisements, in particular the role of their moment-to-moment likeability of the online ad. The study uses a theoretical memory-based framework of temporal sequence effects and unique data for 120 advertisements and more than 43,000 consumer evaluations. The authors find that high likeability at the beginning and the end of a video advertisement is important, though consistent with the memory-based framework, the ending effect is greater. A linear trend in likeability does not influence viral potential, but variance in likeability evaluations (the rollercoaster effect) has positive effects on an advertisement's virality. The moment-to-moment effects are mediated by the overall liking for an online video advertisement. Interestingly, the beginning, end and peak effects influence the viral potential even after controlling for the overall liking. The difference of the peak moment becomes important only when controlling for the overall liking, whereas the direct peak and the rollercoaster effects are suppressed by the overall liking. (C) 2016 Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc., dba Marketing EDGE. All rights reserved

    Preliminary Survey of Ectoparasites Infesting Chickens (Gallus domesticus) in Four Areas of Sokoto Metropolis

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    A faunistical study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of ectoparasites of chickens in four areas of Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria, on 160 chickens raised under free-range system. Both the skin and plucked feathers were thoroughly searched for the presence of ectoparasites between July and December 2009. The results indicate that all the chickens (100%) harboured ectoparasites. Five lice, two mites, two tick and one flea species were identified with the following prevalences: the shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (8.1%), the chicken body louse, Menacanthus stramineus (6.9%), then the wing louse, Lipeurus caponis (5.0%), the body and feather louse, Gonoides gigas (4.4%) and finally the fluff louse Gonoicotes gallinae (3.1%). The two tick species were Argas persicus (8.8%) and Ixodid larvae (5.6%). The two mite species were Cnemidocoptes mutans (9.4%) and Cnemidocoptes gallinae (8.1%). The sticktight flea Echidnophaga gallinacea was the only flea species found (10.6%). No association was found between ectoparasitism and sex, breed and fur colour (P > 0.05), however a strong positive association was observed with fur texture (P < 0.05). This study has shown that ectoparasites are highly prevalent on traditionally managed chickens in the study areas. Further detailed study with particular reference to ectoparasitism and assessment of their impact is recommended.Keywords: Ectoparasites, Free range, Chickens, Prevalence, Infestation, SokotoNigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science (2011), 19 (2): 173-18

    A Comparative Analysis of Nutrients and Mineral Elements Content of Andropogon gayanus Kunth and Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin

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    Comparative studies on the nutrients and mineral elements content of the two grass species was conducted at Gangam Rangeland, Shagari L.G.A., Sokoto state. Sokoto lies on latitude 12.000 and 13.600N and longitude 4.800 and 6.500E and altitude 350m above sea level. The result show that P. pedicellatum had high crude protein (Cp) ad crude fibre (Cf) content than A. gayanus. The high Cp content was attributed to its leafy nature (having abundant leaves) as Cp is more concentrated in leaves, whereas the high Cf content was possibly due to its stemmy nature particularly at the end of the growing period. However, in terms of Ether extract (Ee) andAsh content, A. gayanus had more. The high Ash content was probably as a result of high mineral elements content of the grass species. On the other hand, A. gayanus had high Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) content, while P. pedicellatum has high Calcium (Ca) and Sodium (Na) content. The high mineral elements content of A. gayanus made the grass more useful for grazing and feeding of livestock. The high Ca content of P. pedicellatum may account for its high Cf content as Ca forms structural components of cell walls and membranes.Keywords: Nutrients content, Andropogon gayanus, Pennisetum pedicellatum, Shagari LGA