13 research outputs found

    Embedded System to Prevent Traffic Congestion by Creating Traffic Light Delays

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    Increase of vehicles has been created traffic congestion and traffic jams which is a serious threat for the ambulance to reach its destinations in time. We as engineers have to consider this serious problem and duty to make an easy go for the ambulance during emergency. In a solution to solve this threat to prevent further threat to lives we are going to systemize the sensors which optimizes the traffic light operated by microcontroller which is powered by solar panel. This system reduces the traffic jam and congestion up to certain extent. Microcontroller used here is 89S52 which belongs to MCS-51 family. IR Transmitter and Receiver are placed on either side of the road. When vehicle passes in between IR Transmitter and Receiver, IR System is activated. IR System is controlled by microcontroller and t counts the number of vehicle passing on the road and keeps in memory. When vehicle count exceeds the limit microcontroller create the traffic light delays. Based on vehicle count, microcontroller defines different ranges for traffic light delays and update accordingly. At user pre-defined recording interval it records the vehicle count on a real time base. This recorded data is used to analyze traffic conditions in future. This data could be downloaded through communication between the microcontroller and the computer which is done by the computer administrator (access the traffic condition) on a central computer station access the traffic condition and reduce the congestion by creating traffic light delays

    Cloning and sequencing of the virulent gene LipL32 of Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis

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    Aim: To clone the virulent gene LipL32 of Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis and to analyze the sequence with LipL32 gene of other pathogenic serovars of Leptopsira. Materials and Methods: Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis procured from Leptospira research laboratory, Chennai was used in the study. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out for amplifying LipL32 gene using the reported primers of Leptospira Kirschnerii. The PCR product was cloned into TA cloning vector and the vector was transformed into E.Coli DH5á cells. The plasmid was isolated from E.Coli and sent for sequencing with universal primers. The sequence was submitted in genbank with accession number JQ861883. Results: The PCR product revealed an amplicon of 790 bp. The LipL32 gene sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis showed 99 % similarity with most of the pathogenic Leptospires. Conclusions: LipL32 gene of Leptospira is highly conserved in most of the pathogenic Leptospires. The study concludes that this gene could be used as a target for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in animals and humans and could be tested as an important candidate antigen for vaccine production. [Vet World 2013; 6(4.000): 193-195

    Natural Language to SQL: Automated Query Formation Using NLP Techniques

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    In this era of information world, given any topic, we are able to get relevant data or documents at a mouse click. The flexibility that internet provides is the user friendly language or Natural Language to search for required topic. Natural Language Querying and Retrieval has made internet popular. It is implicit for business user to understand what the business data is indicating to find better business opportunities. Querying for required data the business users are using SQL. To effectively Query such systems, the Business users has to master the Language. But many business users may not be aware of the SQL language or may not be aware of the databases and some users feel difficulty to write the long SQL Queries. Therefore, it is equally important to query the database very easily. The work here presents a case study to help the business users to type a query in Natural Language, which then converts into SQL statement and process this SQL query against the Databases and get the expected result. This work proposes QCNER approach to extract SQL properties from Natural Language Query. The proposed approach after the application of SMOTE technique depicts 92.31 accuracy over the existing models.

    Bioaccumulation and Depuration Dynamics of Nickel Chloride in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Exposed to Sub-lethal Concentrations

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    The current objective of this research is to examine the bioaccumulation and subsequent depuration levels of nickel chloride within vital organs such as the gills, liver, and kidney of Oreochromis niloticus under controlled laboratory conditions. The fish were subjected to exposure under two sub-lethal concentrations, i.e., 1/5th (9.39 ppm) and 1/10th (4.69 ppm), for 28 days of absorption and subsequently transferred to uncontaminated, good aerated water for 28days of elimination (depuration). Following 28 days of exposure to lower sub-lethal and higher sub-lethal nickel chloride concentrations, the sequence of bioaccumulation of nickel chloride in organs was observed as kidney > liver > gills. The depuration trend for higher and lower concentrations was gills> liver > kidney. The kidney exhibited the highest accumulation of Ni. Meanwhile, the Ni depuration in the gills was significantly (p<0.05) more when compared to other routes following exposure to both concentrations. This research assessed nickel chloride's bioaccumulation and depuration dynamics in Oreochromis niloticus, providing insights into its physiological responses to metal exposure. The study concludes that nickel accumulates predominantly in the kidney, with gills exhibiting the highest depuration rates, highlighting the importance of understanding metal uptake and elimination mechanisms in aquatic organisms for effective pollution management

    Assessment of Carapace Dimensions, Condition Factor and Sex Ratio of Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758), Along the Mangaluru Coast, Karnataka, India

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    The research examined the correlations between width-weight and length-width relationships in Portunus pelagicus along the Mangaluru coast in Karnataka, India. A total of 607 specimens were collected fortnightly from the Mangaluru fish landing centre from January to December 2022, of which 327 were males and 280 were females. The relationship between weight and carapace width for both sexes was determined as y = 2.8661x - 1.0413, with an R-squared value of 0.7252. Conversely, the relationship between carapace length and weight for both sexes yielded the equation y = 2.9571x - 0.1628, with an R-squared value of 0.7449.  By using the Chi-square analyses, the male and female ratio was compared. The sex ratio of P. pelagicus was found to be 1:0.88 (Male: Female), showing no significant deviation from the anticipated ratio of 1:1. The condition factor varied between 0.9933 to 1.0427 for males and 1.0047 to 1.0658 for females, exhibiting a range in physiological status across the sexes