7 research outputs found

    Multipoint observations of Pc1-2 waves in the afternoon sector

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    Coordinated observations from GOES-9, DMSP F-13, and Chokurdakh (CHD) have shown concurrent Pc1-2 band wave activity in the late afternoon sector, close to 16 MLT. The left-hand polarization of the waves in space indicates that these are electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. In the region of field line conjunction, DMSP also observed 6–30 keV energy ion precipitation. We have examined the propagation of the EMIC waves from the magnetosphere to the ionosphere using both time series analysis and a 2½D magnetohydrodynamic model. Our analysis suggests that the EMIC are generated by interactions with cold plasma within a drainage plume, consistent with theory, and that the waves primarily propagate earthward along geomagnetic field lines at the eastward (outer) edge of the plume

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejection Plasma in the Low Corona as Measured by the Citizen CATE Experiment

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