1,303 research outputs found

    Universal collisionless transport of graphene

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    The impact of the electron-electron Coulomb interaction on the optical conductivity of graphene has led to a controversy that calls into question the universality of collisionless transport in this and other Dirac materials. Using a lattice calculation that avoids divergences present in previous nodal Dirac approaches, our work settles this controversy and obtains results in quantitative agreement with experiment over a wide frequency range. We also demonstrate that dimensional regularization methods agree, as long as the scaling properties of the conductivity and the regularization of the theory in modified dimension are correctly implemented. Tight-binding lattice and nodal Dirac theory calculations are shown to coincide at low energies even when the non-zero size of the atomic orbital wave function is included, conclusively demonstrating the universality of the optical conductivity of graphene.Comment: 4+ pages,4 figures; includes Supplemental Material (18 pages, 2 figures

    Level crossing in the three-body problem for strongly interacting fermions in a harmonic trap

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    We present a solution of the three-fermion problem in a harmonic potential across a Feshbach resonance. We compare the spectrum with that of the two-body problem and show that it is energetically unfavorable for the three fermions to occupy one lattice site rather than two. We also demonstrate the existence of an energy level crossing in the ground state with a symmetry change of its wave function, suggesting the possibility of a phase transition for the corresponding many-body case.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, references adde

    Unified theory of the ab-plane and c-axis penetration depths of underdoped cuprates

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    We formulate a model describing the doping (x) and temperature (T) dependence of the ab-plane and c-axis penetration depth of a cuprate superconductor. The model incorporates the suppression of the superfluid density with underdoping as the system approaches the Mott-Hubbard insulating state by augmenting a d-wave BCS model with a phenomenological charge renormalization factor that is vanishingly small for states away from the nodes of the d-wave pair potential but close to unity in the vicinity of the nodes. The c-axis penetration depth is captured within a model of incoherent electron tunneling between the CuO2 planes. Application of this model to the recent experimental data on the high-purity single crystals of YBa2Cu 3O6 + δ implies existence of a nodal protectorate, a k-space region in the vicinity of the nodes whose size decreases in proportion to x, in which d-wave quasiparticles remain sharp even as the system teeters on the brink of becoming an insulator. The superfluid density, which is extremely small for these samples, also appears to come exclusively from these protected nodal regions

    Oxidative capacity of the Mexico City atmosphere ? Part 1: A radical source perspective

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    International audienceA detailed analysis of OH, HO2 and RO2 radical sources is presented for the near field photochemical regime inside the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). During spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003 field campaign) an extensive set of measurements was collected to quantify time resolved ROx (sum of OH, HO2, RO2) radical production rates from day- and nighttime radical sources. The Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1) was constrained by measurements of (1) concentration time-profiles of photosensitive radical precursors, i.e., nitrous acid (HONO), formaldehyde (HCHO), ozone (O3), glyoxal (CHOCHO), and other oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs); (2) respective photolysis-frequencies (J-values); (3) concentration time-profiles of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic VOCs (103 compound are treated) and oxidants, i.e., OH- and NO3 radicals, O3; and (4) NO, NO2, meteorological and other parameters. The ROx production rate was calculated directly from these observations; MCM was used to estimate further ROx production from unconstrained sources, and express overall ROx production as OH-equivalents (i.e., taking into account the propagation efficiencies of RO2 and HO2 radicals into OH radicals). Daytime radical production is found to be about 10-25 times higher than at night; it does not track the abundance of sunlight. 12-h average daytime contributions of individual sources are: HCHO and O3 photolysis, each about 20%; O3/alkene reactions and HONO photolysis, each about 15%; unmeasured sources about 30%. While the direct contribution of O3/alkene reactions appears to be moderately small, source-apportionment of ambient HCHO and HONO identifies O3/alkene reactions as being largely responsible for jump-starting photochemistry about one hour after sunrise. The peak radical production is found to be higher than in any other urban influenced environment studied to date; further, differences exist in the timing of radical production. Our measurements and analysis comprise a database that enables testing of the representation of radical sources in photochemical models. Since the photochemical processing of pollutants is radical-limited in the MCMA, our analysis identifies the drivers for such processing. Three pathways are identified by which reductions in VOC emissions induce reductions in peak concentrations of secondary pollutants, such as O3 and secondary organic aerosol (SOA)

    Imaging of the Stellar Population of IC10 with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics and the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We present adaptive optics (AO) images of the central starburst region of the dwarf irregular galaxy IC10. The Keck 2 telescope laser guide star was used to achieve near diffraction-limited performance at H and K' (Strehls of 18% and 32%, respectively). The images are centered on the putative Wolf-Rayet (W-R) object [MAC92]24. We combine our AO images with F814W data from HST. By comparing the K' vs. [F814W]-K' color-magnitude diagram (CMD) with theoretical isochrones, we find that the stellar population is best represented by at least two bursts of star formation, one ~ 10 Myr ago and one much older (150-500 Myr). Young, blue stars are concentrated in the vicinity of [MAC92]24. This population represents an OB association with a half-light radius of about 3 pc. We resolve the W-R object [MAC92]24 into at least six blue stars. Four of these components have near-IR colors and luminosities that make them robust WN star candidates. By matching the location of C-stars in the CMD with those in the SMC we derive a distance modulus for IC10 of about 24.5 mag. and a foreground reddening of E(B-V) = 0.95. We find a more precise distance by locating the tip of the giant branch in the F814W, H, and K' luminosity functions. We find a weighted mean distance modulus of 24.48 +/- 0.08. The systematic error in this measurement, due to a possible difference in the properties of the RGB populations in IC10 and the SMC, is +/- 0.16 mag.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, ApJ in pres

    Vortices in Spatially Inhomogeneous Superfluids

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    We study vortices in a radially inhomogeneous superfluid, as realized by a trapped degenerate Bose gas in a uniaxially symmetric potential. We show that, in contrast to a homogeneous superfluid, an off-axis vortex corresponds to an anisotropic superflow whose profile strongly depends on the distance to the trap axis. One consequence of this superflow anisotropy is vortex precession about the trap axis in the absence of an imposed rotation. In the complementary regime of a finite prescribed rotation, we compute the minimum-energy vortex density, showing that in the rapid-rotation limit it is extremely uniform, despite a strongly inhomogeneous (nearly) Thomas-Fermi condensate density ρs(r)\rho_s(r). The weak radially-dependent contribution (2lnρs(r)\propto \nabla^2\ln\rho_s(r)) to the vortex distribution, that vanishes with the number of vortices NvN_v as 1Nv\frac{1}{N_v}, arises from the interplay between vortex quantum discretness (namely their inability to faithfully support the imposed rigid-body rotation) and the inhomogeneous superfluid density. This leads to an enhancement of the vortex density at the center of a typical concave trap, a prediction that is in quantitative agreement with recent experiments (cond-mat/0405240). One striking consequence of the inhomogeneous vortex distribution is an azimuthally-directed, radially-shearing superflow.Comment: 22 RevTeX pages, 20 figures, Submitted to PR

    Whole transcriptome analysis of bovine mammary progenitor cells by P-Cadherin enrichment as a marker in the mammary cell hierarchy

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    Adult bovine mammary stem cells possess the ability to regenerate in vivo clonal outgrowths that mimic functional alveoli. Commonly available techniques that involve immunophenotype-based cell sorting yield cell fractions that are moderately enriched, far from being highly purified. Primary bovine mammary epithelial cells segregated in four different populations according to the expression of P-Cadherin and CD49f. Sorted cells from each fraction were tested for the presence of lineagerestricted progenitors and stem cells. Only cells from the CD49fhigh/ P-C adherinneg subpopulation were able to give rise to both luminal- and myoepithelial-restricted colonies in vitro and generate organized outgrowths in vivo, which are hallmarks of stem cell activity. After whole transcriptome analysis, we found gene clusters to be differentially enriched that relate to cell-to-cell communication, metabolic processes, proliferation, migration and morphogenesis. When we analyzed only the genes that were differentially expressed in the stem cell enriched fraction, clusters of downregulated genes were related to proliferation, while among the upregulated expression, cluster of genes related to cell adhesion, migration and cytoskeleton organization were observed. Our results show that P-C adherin separates mammary subpopulations differentially in progenitor cells or mammary stem cells. Further we provide a comprehensive observation of the gene expression differences among these cell populations which reinforces the assumption that bovine mammary stem cells are typically quiescent

    Oxidative capacity of the Mexico City atmosphere - Part 2: A ROx radical cycling perspective

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    A box model using measurements from the Mexico City Metropolitan Area study in the spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003) is presented to study oxidative capacity (our ability to predict OH radicals) and ROx (ROx=OH+HO2+RO2+RO) radical cycling in a polluted (i.e., very high NOx=NO+NO2) atmosphere. Model simulations were performed using the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1) constrained with 10 min averaged measurements of major radical sources (i.e., HCHO, HONO, O3, CHOCHO, etc.), radical sink precursors (i.e., NO, NO2, SO2, CO, and 102 volatile organic compounds (VOC)), meteorological parameters (temperature, pressure, water vapor concentration, dilution), and photolysis frequencies. Modeled HOx (=OH+HO2) concentrations compare favorably with measured concentrations for most of the day; however, the model under-predicts the concentrations of radicals in the early morning. This "missing reactivity" is highest during peak photochemical activity, and is least visible in a direct comparison of HOx radical concentrations. We conclude that the most likely scenario to reconcile model predictions with observations is the existence of a currently unidentified additional source for RO2 radicals, in combination with an additional sink for HO2 radicals that does not form OH. The true uncertainty due to "missing reactivity" is apparent in parameters like chain length. We present a first attempt to calculate chain length rigorously i.e., we define two parameters that account for atmospheric complexity, and are based on (1) radical initiation, n(OH), and (2) radical termination, ω. We find very high values of n(OH) in the early morning are incompatible with our current understanding of ROx termination routes. We also observe missing reactivity in the rate of ozone production (P(O3)). For example, the integral amount of ozone produced could be under-predicted by a factor of two. We argue that this uncertainty is partly accounted for in lumped chemical codes that are optimized to predict ozone concentrations; however, these codes do not reflect the true uncertainty in oxidative capacity that is relevant to other aspects of air quality management, such as the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Our analysis highlights that apart from uncertainties in emissions, and meteorology, there is an additional major uncertainty in chemical mechanisms that affects our ability to predict ozone and SOA formation with confidence.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (ATM-0528227)United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-0563980)Alliance for Global SustainabilityHenry & Camille Dreyfus FoundationAlexander von Humboldt-StiftungNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER award ATM-0847793

    Oxidative capacity of the Mexico City atmosphere - Part 1: A radical source perspective

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    A detailed analysis of OH, HO2 [HO subscript 2] and RO2 [RO subscript 2] radical sources is presented for the near field photochemical regime inside the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). During spring of 2003 (MCMA-2003 field campaign) an extensive set of measurements was collected to quantify time-resolved ROx [RO subscript x] (sum of OH, HO2 [HO subscript 2], RO2 [RO subscript 2]) radical production rates from day- and nighttime radical sources. The Master Chemical Mechanism (MCMv3.1) was constrained by measurements of (1) concentration time-profiles of photosensitive radical precursors, i.e., nitrous acid (HONO), formaldehyde (HCHO), ozone (O3 [o subscript 3]), glyoxal (CHOCHO), and other oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs); (2) respective photolysis-frequencies (J-values); (3) concentration time-profiles of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatic VOCs (103 compound are treated) and oxidants, i.e., OH- and NO3 [NO subscript 3] radicals, O3 [O subscript 3]; and (4) NO, NO2 [NO subscript 2], meteorological and other parameters. The ROx [RO subscript x] production rate was calculated directly from these observations; the MCM was used to estimate further ROx [RO subscript x] production from unconstrained sources, and express overall ROx [RO subscript x] production as OH-equivalents (i.e., taking into account the propagation efficiencies of RO2 [RO subscript 2] and HO2 [HO subscript 2] radicals into OH radicals). Daytime radical production is found to be about 10–25 times higher than at night; it does not track the abundance of sunlight. 12-h average daytime contributions of individual sources are: Oxygenated VOC other than HCHO about 33%; HCHO and O3 [O subscript 3] photolysis each about 20%; O3/alkene [O subscript 3 / alkene] reactions and HONO photolysis each about 12%, other sources <3%. Nitryl chloride photolysis could potentially contribute ~15% additional radicals, while NO2* [NO subscript 2*] + water makes – if any – a very small contribution (~2%). The peak radical production of ~7.5 107 [10 superscript 7] molec cm−3 [cm superscript -3] s−1 [s superscript -1] is found already at 10:00 a.m., i.e., more than 2.5 h before solar noon. O3/alkene [O subscript 3 / alkene] reactions are indirectly responsible for ~33% of these radicals. Our measurements and analysis comprise a database that enables testing of the representation of radical sources and radical chain reactions in photochemical models. Since the photochemical processing of pollutants in the MCMA is radical limited, our analysis identifies the drivers for ozone and SOA formation. We conclude that reductions in VOC emissions provide an efficient opportunity to reduce peak concentrations of these secondary pollutants, because (1) about 70% of radical production is linked to VOC precursors; (2) lowering the VOC/NOx [VOC / NO subscript x] ratio has the further benefit of reducing the radical re-cycling efficiency from radical chain reactions (chemical amplification of radical sources); (3) a positive feedback is identified: lowering the rate of radical production from organic precursors also reduces that from inorganic precursors, like ozone, as pollution export from the MCMA caps the amount of ozone that accumulates at a lower rate inside the MCMA. Continued VOC reductions will in the future result in decreasing peak concentrations of ozone and SOA in the MCMA.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ATM-0528227)United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-0563980)Mexico. Comisión Ambiental MetropolitanaNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER grant ATM-0847793)Alliance for Global Sustainabilit