18 research outputs found

    Structural Modifications of KrF Excimer Laser-Ablated Zirconium Correlated to the Surface and Mechanical Properties

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    The structural modifications of KrF excimer laser-ablated zirconium (Zr) have been investigated in correlation with its surface and mechanical properties after ablation in deionized water and ethanol. KrF excimer laser of pulse duration of 20 ns, wavelength of 248 nm, and repetition rate of 20 Hz has been utilized for this purpose. Irradiation of Zr was carried out for varying number of laser pulses ranging from 500 to 2000 for laser fluence value of 3.6 J/cm2. The structural and chemical analyses were performed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Vickers hardness tester were utilized for the analysis of surface morphology and hardness of laser-irradiated Zr targets. Presence of surrounding liquids played substantial role in structural, chemical, and mechanical modifications of Zr targets after irradiation. Pressure gradients and convective bubble motion owing to the confinement effects of the surrounding liquids, several thermal and chemical phenomena produced by heating through laser at the solid-liquid interface results in the generation of various hydrides and oxides of Zr, which are responsible for the development of various surface features and increase in hardness of irradiated Zr

    Electronic Health (e-health) Literacy among Undergraduate University Students

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    E-health literacy refers to the knowledge of electronic resources and searching techniques that are required to obtain credible health information. E-health literacy can help the general population to search, acquire, appraise, use and interpret health-related information from electronic sources, as well as to be able to apply the gained information to address and solve health-related problems. A large scale cross-sectional survey was conducted to appraise the e-health literacy skills among undergraduate psychology students. The population of the study comprised of undergraduate psychology students enrolled in the public sector universities. A questionnaire was developed by conducting a thorough review of the relevant literature on e-health literacy and assessing the electronic health information seeking behaviour in the participating universities. The collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-23) and presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study concluded that majority of the respondents had moderate level of e-health literacy skills. The study recommended that the information professionals in the participating universities should play their effective role in promoting the e-health literacy among undergraduate psychology students through offering a structured program, having 02 credit hours, on e-health literacy skills

    To determine the rate of success of external cephalic version in low risk breech presentations and possible factors affecting its success in POF hospital, Wah Cantt.

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    Abstract   Background The caesarean section rate  is on the rise for various reasons. One of the reason is breech presentation . External cephalic version is a procedure to manipulate the baby from breech to cephalic presentation externally through the maternal abdomen under USG guidance . Success in ECV decreases the breech presentation and  hence caesarean section rate . Methods This retrospective study was conducted by Wah Medical College in POF hospital from10 Oct 2015- 10 Oct 2019 after approval from the ethical committee .  It included 56 low risk singleton  breech presentations from 36 wks- 40 wks after taking their informed consent  While those with < than 36 wks (primis) and >40 wks gestation, refusal to ECV , with absolute contraindication to ECV& with medical and obstetric complications (ie scarred uterus, liquor <than 8 cm & > than 17 cm, fetal growth restriction, preclampsia, gestational diabetes & abnormal cardiotocography) were excluded  from the study. ECV was performed by single obstetrician in labour room with facilities  of cardiotocograph and emergency caesarean section. Cardiotocography of the fetus  for 30-40 min was done just before & after the procedure of ECV. ECV was declared successful on cofirming head of the fetus occupying the lower uterine segment on ultrasound.  .Number  of successful ECVs & specific factors  of the women & the baby (age . parity, amniotic fluid index ,type of breech, engagement of breech, position of back of baby)  were chosen to observe their effect on success of  ECV. Results External cephalic version was successful in 27 (48.2%)  & unsuccessful in 29 (51.8%)of women .Multiparity , unengaged breech & type of breech (complete flexed) ( with p values .001, .000 & .001 respectively) had statistically significant positive association with successful external cephalic version. Conclusion ECV should be offered to all  women with low risk breech presentations. Knowledge of factors predictive of ECV success can be utilized in selecting cases for ECV &counselling the women regarding the success and failure of ECV.   &nbsp

    Exploring the generic skills required for the employability and professional wellbeing of Pakistani Millennials: The employers' perspective

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    IntroductionThis study aims to elucidate the employers' perspectives on the key generic employability skills which would enable them to seek graduate jobs and will ensure their professional wellbeing once they enter the job market after acquiring a University degree.MethodsIn order to pursue this objective, an exploratory qualitative inquiry was deployed which involved two panel-based discussions. The respondents of each panel discussion were invited through the platforms of the Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), and the Chamber of Commerce Rahim Yar Khan. These respondents represented Pharmaceuticals, Agrichemical manufacturers (fertilizers, pesticides), Livestock, Cotton, textiles, and apparel industry which are the main industries in Southern Punjab, Pakistan.Results and discussionFor the purpose of analysis, a thematic analysis was done in the context of grounded theory. Resultantly, the findings of the study reveal an employers' perspective on 10 key generic employability skills as must-have for a Pakistani Millennial graduate including various soft and hard skills, such as-Emotional Intelligence, Flexibility and Adaptability, Multitasking, Computer Literacy and Digital Skills, Information Literacy and Data Analytics, Oral and Written Communication in English and Urdu, Critical Thinking, Positive Politics, Work Ethics and Professionalism, and Commercial awareness. Hence, the study produces implications for the employability stakeholders, including government and academia for a much needed shift from a mere subject-based curriculum to a skill-oriented curriculum and training in the Universities, particularly in the region of Southern Punjab, and all across Pakistan as well

    Revealing Genome-Based Biosynthetic Potential of Streptomyces sp. BR123 Isolated from Sunflower Rhizosphere with Broad Spectrum Antimicrobial Activity

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    Actinomycetes, most notably the genus Streptomyces, have great importance due to their role in the discovery of new natural products, especially for finding antimicrobial secondary metabolites that are useful in the medicinal science and biotechnology industries. In the current study, a genomebased evaluation of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123 was analyzed to determine its biosynthetic potential, based on its in vitro antimicrobial activity against a broad range of microbial pathogens, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi. A draft genome sequence of 8.15 Mb of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123 was attained, containing a GC content of 72.63% and 8103 protein coding genes. Many antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and anticancerous compounds were detected by the presence of multiple biosynthetic gene clusters, which was predicted by in silico analysis. A novel metabolite with a molecular mass of 1271.7773 in positive ion mode was detected through a high-performance liquid chromatography linked with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis. In addition, another compound, meridamycin, was also identified through a HPLC-MS analysis. The current study reveals the biosynthetic potential of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123, with respect to the synthesis of bioactive secondary metabolites through genomic and spectrometric analysis. Moreover, the comparative genome study compared the isolate BR123 with other Streptomyces strains, which may expand the knowledge concerning the mechanism involved in novel antimicrobial metabolite synthesis

    Revealing genome-based biosynthetic potential of Streptomyces sp. BR123 isolated from sunflower rhizosphere with broad spectrum antimicrobial activity

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    Actinomycetes, most notably the genus Streptomyces, have great importance due to their role in the discovery of new natural products, especially for finding antimicrobial secondary metabolites that are useful in the medicinal science and biotechnology industries. In the current study, a genome-based evaluation of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123 was analyzed to determine its biosynthetic potential, based on its in vitro antimicrobial activity against a broad range of microbial pathogens, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and fungi. A draft genome sequence of 8.15 Mb of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123 was attained, containing a GC content of 72.63% and 8103 protein coding genes. Many antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and anticancerous compounds were detected by the presence of multiple biosynthetic gene clusters, which was predicted by in silico analysis. A novel metabolite with a molecular mass of 1271.7773 in positive ion mode was detected through a high-performance liquid chromatography linked with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis. In addition, another compound, meridamycin, was also identified through a HPLC-MS analysis. The current study reveals the biosynthetic potential of Streptomyces sp. isolate BR123, with respect to the synthesis of bioactive secondary metabolites through genomic and spectrometric analysis. Moreover, the comparative genome study compared the isolate BR123 with other Streptomyces strains, which may expand the knowledge concerning the mechanism involved in novel antimicrobial metabolite synthesi

    Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain R1, Isolated from Water Canal Sediments, Possessing Antimicrobial and Plant Growth Promoting Capabilities

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    We present the genome sequence of Streptomyces sp. strain R1, isolated from water canal sediments and possessing genes responsible for antimicrobial metabolites and plant growth promotion. The genome assembly contains 7,936,694 bp with 72.24% of guanine-cytosine content. This genome will provide basic knowledge of the genes and pathways involved in the above mechanisms.publishe

    Study of Micro/Nano Structuring and Mechanical Properties of KrF Excimer Laser Irradiated Al for Aerospace Industry and Surface Engineering Applications

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    Micro/nano structuring of KrF Excimer laser-irradiated Aluminum (Al) has been correlated with laser-produced structural and mechanical changes. The effect of non-reactive Argon (Ar) and reactive Oxygen (O2) environments on the surface, structural and mechanical characteristics of nano-second pulsed laser-ablated Aluminum (Al) has been revealed. KrF Excimer laser with pulse duration 20 ns, central wavelength of 248 nm and repetition rate of was utilized for this purpose. Exposure of targets has been carried out for 0.86, 1, 1.13 and 1.27 J·cm−2 laser fluences in non-reactive (Ar) and reactive (O2) ambient environments at a pressure of 100 torr. A variety of characteristics of the irradiated targets like the morphology of the surface, chemical composition, crystallinity and nano hardness were investigated by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and Nanohardness tester techniques, respectively. The nature (reactive or non-reactive) and pressure of gas played an important role in modification of materials. In this study, a strong correlation is observed between the surface structuring, chemical composition, residual stress variation and the variation in hardness of Al surface after ablation in both ambient (Ar, O2). In the case of reactive environment (O2), the interplay among the deposition of laser energy and species of plasma of ambient gas enhances chemical reactivity, which causes the formation of oxides of aluminum (AlO, Al2O3) with high mechanical strength. That makes it useful in the field of process and aerospace industry as well as in surface engineering