51 research outputs found

    Acceptance analysis of PPIUCD in tertiary care centre of north Delhi region

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    Background: IUCD is a temporary method of contraception in use for many years in India. Our main objective is to find the acceptance of (postplacental intrauterine contraceptive device) PPIUCD in recent years in the North Delhi region. Methods: An interventional study was carried among the pregnant mothers visiting antenatal outdoor patient department Hindu Rao Hospital and NDMC Medical College during their 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy over period of 12 months starting from March 2020 to February 2021. Results: The acceptance of PPIUCD was high in the present study where most of the women with higher parity (57%) accepted it and acceptance rate increased from 14% to 48% after counselling the patients and her family. Conclusions: Level of awareness for PPIUCD was poor among women of North Delhi region. PPIUCD can play a pivot role in country’s family planning programme

    A clinical study of ectopic pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital of North Delhi

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    Background: aim was to study the risk factors, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre of North Delhi Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology Hindu Rao hospital and NDMC medical college, Delhi. A total of 65 cases of ectopic pregnancy were analyzed, over a period of 1 year that is from September 2020 to August 2021 Results: The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 12.8/1000 deliveries. Majority of cases were multigravidas and of gestation age between 6 to 10 weeks. The common risk factors were PID, contraception failure (IUCD), tubal ligation, infertility, ART procedures, tubal surgery, and previous ectopic and previous abortion. Ultrasound, urine pregnancy test, serum β-hCG titre were done. Laparotomy was done in all cases. Surgery in form of salpingectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, and uterine reconstruction was done. No maternal mortality occurred. Conclusions: Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy requires clinical suspicion and supportive investigations like UPT, ultrasonography, β-HCG and laparoscopy. It is an important cause of admission to Hindu Rao hospital as maternal near miss cases

    In vitro control of Alternaria citri using antifungal potentials of Trichoderma species

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    The antifungal potential of five species of Trichoderma viz., Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma aureoviride,  Trichoderma reesei, Trichoderma koningii and Trichoderma harzianum was investigated in vitro against  Alternaria citri, the causal agent of the black rot disease on a broad range of citrus cultivars. Cultural filtrates of Trichoderma species were obtained by growing them on different media. The effect of different filtrate  concentrations revealed that aqueous extracts of all Trichoderma species significantly reduced the fungal  biomass of the target fungal pathogen. Generally, 100% culture filtrate of the test Trichoderma species  significantly reduced the growth of fungus. On each medium, a different response was observed. Culture filtrate of T. harzianum was found highly effective in suppressing growth (up to 93%) of the test fungal species  grown on malt extract medium. T. harzianum and malt extract medium were therefore selected for fraction  analysis. There was 68% reduction in growth of the A. citri due to 1% concentration of ethyl acetate fraction of cultural filtrate of T. harzianum when grown in malt extract broth.Key words: Citrus, Alternaria citri, ethyl acetate fraction, Trichoderma harzianum, viride, aureoviride, reesei, koningii


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    Here, the mechanical device comes Cloud Secure knowledge instantly since the customer types in knock secret sign. Many entireties were recommended within a form of styles of foreshadowing to succeed in quite a number functionality for look for exemplar separate access check, multi-abraxas measured explore, etc. We proffer a certain and secure seek design that's depending on the pulp over encrypted veil info, withal it handles multi-password scan within addition to influential alter on hodgepodge of cites. Due to vital complex of shrub-primarily based indication, forecasted scan process intention completely gets sub-straight order sift a while and cope with the entire progress of cancellation inside addition to introduction of catalogs. The forecasted procedure affects related serve multi-key impeach inside addition to scrupulous emanate ranking, you will powerful refurbish surpassing catalog collections. For acquiring of rich hunt for use, we evolve a pulp-primarily based ratio formation and offer a formulary in accordance with the indicant softwood. Even if this idea is unquestionably secondhand for RDBMS based mostly policy’s, this is a new report-access mirror for Encrypted Cloud Domains ambitious by purchaser scrape discussing activities. Of the above-mentioned entirety, multi-abracadabra kind of classed quest has gotten longer attention thanks to its authentic applicability

    A prospective randomized controlled trial comparing the effects of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl on attenuation of pressor response during laryngoscopy and intubation in neurosurgical patients

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    Background: Laryngoscopy is associated with a sympathetic response that results in a rapid increase in blood pressure and heart rate in these patients. The mechanisms underlying these hemodynamic changes are incompletely understood. They may be caused by a reflex sympathetic discharge due to stimulation of the upper respiratory tract. It has been observed that hemodynamic responses to tracheal intubation are associated with an increase in plasma catecholamine concentrations and are attenuated by β-adrenergic blockade. These hemodynamic changes may be undesirable particularly in neurosurgical patients. Aim of the study is the present study was prospective, randomized, double-blind conducted to evaluate the efficacy of dexmdetomidine and fentanyl in attenuation of pressor responses to laryngoscopy and intubation in neurosurgical patients undergoing lumbar spine surgeries.Methods: A total of 60 patients of 18–65 years, American Society of Anaesthesiologists Class I/II of undergoing elective neurosurgical procedures were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups of 30 patients each. Group D received dexmedetomidine and Group F received Fentanyl. Heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were recorded preoperatively (baseline), at 5 and 8 minutes after infusion of study drug, before induction, 1 minute after induction, 2 minute after intubation, 5 minute after intubation, 10 minute after intubation  and 15 minute after intubation.Results: There was a better control of Heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure   and mean arterial pressure in Group D when compared to Group F during laryngoscopy and after intubation.Conclusions: The present study shows that dexmedetomidine suppresses hemodynamic responses effectively than fentanyl

    Poboljšanje proizvodnje glukoza-oksidaze s pomoću Penicillium notatum

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    Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production.Glukoza-oksidaza je važan enzim koji ima raznovrsnu primjenu u industriji hrane i proizvodnji lijekova. U ovome je radu ispitana primjena otpadaka dobivenih poliranjem riže kao supstrata u proizvodnji glukoza-oksidaze submerznom fermentacijom s pomoću Penicillium notatum. Svrha je rada bila poboljšati ukupnu aktivnost glukoza-oksidaze odabirom ekonomičnog supstrata i mikroorganizma te optimiranjem uvjeta uzgoja. Najveća aktivnost od (112±5) U/mL postignuta je pri optimalnim uvjetima rasta uporabom 5 g otpadaka i 3 % (m/V) puferskog sredstva tijekom 72 h pri (30±1) °C i pH=6. Dodatkom izvora ugljika i dušika još je više poboljšan prinos enzima, čime je potvrđena ekonomska opravdanost ovog procesa za proizvodnju glukoza-oksidaze

    Poboljšanje proizvodnje glukoza-oksidaze s pomoću Penicillium notatum

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    Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production.Glukoza-oksidaza je važan enzim koji ima raznovrsnu primjenu u industriji hrane i proizvodnji lijekova. U ovome je radu ispitana primjena otpadaka dobivenih poliranjem riže kao supstrata u proizvodnji glukoza-oksidaze submerznom fermentacijom s pomoću Penicillium notatum. Svrha je rada bila poboljšati ukupnu aktivnost glukoza-oksidaze odabirom ekonomičnog supstrata i mikroorganizma te optimiranjem uvjeta uzgoja. Najveća aktivnost od (112±5) U/mL postignuta je pri optimalnim uvjetima rasta uporabom 5 g otpadaka i 3 % (m/V) puferskog sredstva tijekom 72 h pri (30±1) °C i pH=6. Dodatkom izvora ugljika i dušika još je više poboljšan prinos enzima, čime je potvrđena ekonomska opravdanost ovog procesa za proizvodnju glukoza-oksidaze

    A comparative study of supraclavicular versus infraclavicular approach for central venous catheterization in neurosurgical patients

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    Background: Central venous cannulation is a commonly performed procedure in neurosurgical patients to maintain the hemodynamic stability in the intraoperative period. It is used for infusion of intravenous fluids, vasopressors central venous pressure monitoring and detection of air embolism. Subclavian vein is commonly performed as there are minimal effects of positioning on it. Supraclavicular approach to subclavian vein cannulation is not as frequently employed as the infraclavicular approach. The purpose of this study was to compare the supraclavicular approach versus the infraclavicular approach in terms of number of attempts, success rate of catheterization and complications associated with the procedure.Methods: About 150 patients undergoing various neurosurgical procedures were enrolled in the study. They were divided into two groups. 75 patients underwent right supraclavicular catheterization of subclavian vein while as 75 patients underwent right infraclavicular catheterisation of the subclavian vein. The number of attempts for cannulation, success or failure of catheterization and any complications associated with the procedure or in the postoperative period were noted in each group. The data was compared between the two groups by using Chi-square test and Student’s Independent Samples T-test.Results: The right supraclavicular vein was successfully cannulated in 90.66% while as the right infraclaviclar vein was successfully cannulated in 96% of the patients (p >0.05). Malpositioning of catheter (threaded in contralateral subclavian) was noted in 4 patients in Group S and ipsilateral internal jugular vein in 2 patients. Pneumothorax was encountered in 1 patient in the group S undergoing supraclavicular subclavian vein cannulations while as subclavian arterial puncture was seen in 4 patients who underwent infraclavicular arterial puncture.Conclusions: There was no difference in successive cannulations between right the supraclavicular and right infraclaviclar veins. The rate of complications between the two approaches was comparable

    Effect of Growth Media, pH and Temperature on Yeast to Hyphal Transition in Candida albicans

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    The transition of C. albicans from unicellular yeast form to filamentous form i.e., pseudohyphae and hyphae is referred to as morphogenesis. C. albicans has the ability to respond to environmental conditions and accordingly changing its cell morphology. Three main morphological forms of C. albicans are unicellular yeast, pseudohyphae and hyphae. The effect of different growth media (Horse serum medium, RPMI-1640, MSGB), incubation temperatures (34˚C, 37˚C, 40˚C) and pH values (5.4, 6.4, 7.4) on germ tube production by C. albicans was evaluated. Horse serum medium noticeably promotes filamentation while RPMI-1640 medium shows moderate filamentation and MSGB media shows moderately low filamentation. The germ tube of C. albicans developed early in 1.5 hr at high temperature i.e., 40˚C. Incubation temperature of 37˚C was associated with highest germ tube formation while 34˚C shows low filamentation. A pH of 5.4 also induces low filamentation, pH 6.4 gives moderately lower than pH 7.4. A pH of 7.4 was best suited for germ tube induction. The peak of mycelium production appears between 1.5 and 6 hr after inoculation of C. albicans culture. These results suggested that environmental factors are important in selectively favoring yeast or hyphal form, most important being the growth medium, incubation temperature and external pH value

    Synthesis, characterization of flavone, isoflavone, and 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran-3-carboxylate and density functional theory studies

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    We describe the oxidation of flavanones by employing phenyliodonium diacetate to form the flavone (15), isoflavone (8) and 2,3-dihydrobenzofurane (18) in this study. The oxidative method was found to be regioselective and dependent on the substitution pattern present on the two aromatic rings of the starting flavanone. The structures of products obtained were fully characterized by using IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and Mass spectrometry. X-ray crystallography further confirms the structures of flavones and isoflavone. The density field theory calculations have also been performed to get more insight about the structures, electronic and spectroscopic properties of synthetic flavonoid derivatives. The geometrical parameters such as bond lengths and angels showed a good correlation with the values obtained through X-ray crystallography. Moreover, the theoretically simulated vibrational and UV-vis spectral values are in agreement with the experimental results