277 research outputs found

    From Spitzer Galaxy Photometry to Tully-Fisher Distances

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    This paper involves a data release of the observational campaign: Cosmicflows with Spitzer (CFS). Surface photometry of the 1270 galaxies constituting the survey is presented. An additional ~ 400 galaxies from various other Spitzer surveys are also analyzed. CFS complements the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, that provides photometry for an additional 2352 galaxies, by extending observations to low galactic latitudes (|b|<30 degrees). Among these galaxies are calibrators, selected in K band, of the Tully-Fisher relation. The addition of new calibrators demonstrate the robustness of the previously released calibration. Our estimate of the Hubble constant using supernova host galaxies is unchanged, H0 = 75.2 +/- 3.3 km/s/Mpc. Distance-derived radial peculiar velocities, for the 1935 galaxies with all the available parameters, will be incorporated into a new data release of the Cosmicflows project. The size of the previous catalog will be increased by 20%, including spatial regions close to the Zone of Avoidance.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    Numerical action reconstruction of the dynamical history of dark matter haloes in N-body simulations

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    We test the ability of the numerical action method (NAM) to recover the individual orbit histories of mass tracers in an expanding universe in a region of radius 26Mpc/h, given the masses and redshift-space coordinates at the present epoch. The mass tracers are represented by dark matter haloes identified in a high resolution N-body simulation of the standard LCDM cosmology. Since previous tests of NAM at this scale have traced the underlying distribution of dark matter particles rather than extended haloes, our study offers an assessment of the accuracy of NAM in a scenario which more closely approximates the complex dynamics of actual galaxy haloes. We show that NAM can recover present-day halo distances with typical errors of less than 3 per cent, compared to 5 per cent errors assuming Hubble flow distances. The total halo mass and the linear bias were both found to be constained at the 50 per cent level. The accuracy of individual orbit reconstructions was limited by the inability of NAM, in some instances, to correctly model the positions of haloes at early times solely on the basis of the redshifts, angular positions, and masses of the haloes at the present epoch. Improvements in the quality of NAM reconstructions may be possible using the present-day three-dimensional halo velocities and distances to further constrain the dynamics. This velocity data is expected to become available for nearby galaxies in the coming generations of observations by SIM and GAIA.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. submitted to MNRA

    Our Peculiar Motion Away from the Local Void

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    The peculiar velocity of the Local Group of galaxies manifested in the Cosmic Microwave Background dipole is found to decompose into three dominant components. The three components are clearly separated because they arise on distinct spatial scales and are fortuitously almost orthogonal in their influences. The nearest, which is distinguished by a velocity discontinuity at ~7 Mpc, arises from the evacuation of the Local Void. We lie in the Local Sheet that bounds the void. Random motions within the Local Sheet are small. Our Galaxy participates in the bulk motion of the Local Sheet away from the Local Void. The component of our motion on an intermediate scale is attributed to the Virgo Cluster and its surroundings, 17 Mpc away. The third and largest component is an attraction on scales larger than 3000 km/s and centered near the direction of the Centaurus Cluster. The amplitudes of the three components are 259, 185, and 455 km/s, respectively, adding collectively to 631 km/s in the reference frame of the Local Sheet. Taking the nearby influences into account causes the residual attributed to large scales to align with observed concentrations of distant galaxies and reduces somewhat the amplitude of motion attributed to their pull. On small scales, in addition to the motion of our Local Sheet away from the Local Void, the nearest adjacent filament, the Leo Spur, is seen to be moving in a direction that will lead to convergence with our filament. Finally, a good distance to an isolated galaxy within the Local Void reveals that this dwarf system has a motion of at least 230 km/s away from the void center. Given the velocities expected from gravitational instability theory in the standard cosmological paradigm, the distance to the center of the Local Void must be at least 23 Mpc from our position. The Local Void is large!Comment: Tentatively scheduled for Astrophysical Journal, 676 (March 20), 2008. 18 figures, 3 tables including web link for 2 tables, web links to 2 video

    Associations of Dwarf Galaxies

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    Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Cameras for Surveys has been used to determine accurate distances for 20 galaxies from measurements of the luminosity of the brightest red giant branch stars. Five associations of dwarf galaxies that had originally been identified based on strong correlations on the plane of the sky and in velocity are shown to be equally well correlated in distance. Two more associations with similar properties have been discovered. Another association is identified that is suggested to be unbound through tidal disruption. The associations have the spatial and kinematic properties expected of bound structures with 1 - 10 x 10^11 solar mass. However, these entities have little light with the consequence that mass-to-light ratios are in the range 100 - 1000 in solar units. Within a well surveyed volume extending to 3 Mpc, all but one known galaxy lies within one of the groups or associations that have been identified.Comment: 50 pages, 2 tables, 15 encapsulated figures, 1 (3 part) jpg figure. Submitted to Astronomical Journa
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