1,566 research outputs found

    Effect of p-d hybridization and structural distortion on the electronic properties of AgAlM2 (M = S, Se, Te) chalcopyrite semiconductors

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    We have carried out ab-initio calculation and study of structural and electronic properties of AgAlM2 (M = S, Se, Te) chalcopyrite semiconductors using Density Functional Theory (DFT) based self consistent Tight binding Linear Muffin Tin orbital (TB-LMTO) method. Calculated equlibrium values of lattice constants, anion displacement parameter (u), tetragonal distortion ({\eta} = c/2a) and bond lengths have good agreement with experimental values. Our study suggests these semiconductors to be direct band gap semiconductors with band gaps 1.98 eV, 1.59 eV and 1.36 eV respectively. These are in good agreement with experimental value within the limitation of local density approximation (LDA). Our explicit study of the effects of anion displacement and p-d hybridization show that band gap increases by 9.8%, 8.2% and 5.1% respectively for AgAlM2 (M = S, Se, Te) due to former effect and decreases by 51%, 47% and 42% respectively due to later effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, This article has been communicated to Solid State Communication

    The Rb 780-nanometer Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter: Theory and experiment

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    The Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter may provide ultra-high background noise rejection for free-space laser communications systems. The theoretical model for the filter is reported. The experimental measurements and their comparison with theoretical results are discussed. The results show that the filter can provide a 56-dB solar background noise rejection with about a 2-GHz transmission bandwidth and no image degradation. To further increase the background noise rejection, a composite Zeeman and Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter is designed and experimentally demonstrated

    ’We do not have a writing culture’: exploring the nature of ‘academic drift’ through a study of lecturer perspectives on student writing in a vocational university

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    Vocational universities are increasingly becoming susceptible to pressures associated with the phenomenon known as ‘academic drift’. Yet the specific influence of such pressures is experienced differently at various institutional levels and by different stakeholders in such universities. Exploring lecturers’ understanding and perceptions of student academic writing can make visible the ways in which these pressures are realised, for example, in the types of writing given value and writing pedagogies deemed suitable in the context of the vocational university. In this paper, we report on an ethnographically shaped study exploring lecturers’ writing pedagogies and perceptions of students as academic writers at a South African vocational university. The study analytically illustrated how wider socio-political, regulatory and ideological framings of these universities were implicated in lecturers’ writing practices and pedagogies. The study found that lecturers and students were generally constricted by narrow vocationalist agendas, which reinforced negative conceptions of students as academic writers. Our findings suggest that while the explicit impact of academic drift drivers was minimally felt at the undergraduate diploma level of study in our research site, this appeared to close off the potential for writing to act as a means to facilitate students’ epistemic access to their disciplines

    Transition from ion-coupled to electron-only reconnection: Basic physics and implications for plasma turbulence

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    Using kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we simulate reconnection conditions appropriate for the magnetosheath and solar wind, i.e., plasma beta (ratio of gas pressure to magnetic pressure) greater than 1 and low magnetic shear (strong guide field). Changing the simulation domain size, we find that the ion response varies greatly. For reconnecting regions with scales comparable to the ion Larmor radius, the ions do not respond to the reconnection dynamics leading to ''electron-only'' reconnection with very large quasi-steady reconnection rates. The transition to more traditional ''ion-coupled'' reconnection is gradual as the reconnection domain size increases, with the ions becoming frozen-in in the exhaust when the magnetic island width in the normal direction reaches many ion inertial lengths. During this transition, the quasi-steady reconnection rate decreases until the ions are fully coupled, ultimately reaching an asymptotic value. The scaling of the ion outflow velocity with exhaust width during this electron-only to ion-coupled transition is found to be consistent with a theoretical model of a newly reconnected field line. In order to have a fully frozen-in ion exhaust with ion flows comparable to the reconnection Alfv\'en speed, an exhaust width of at least several ion inertial lengths is needed. In turbulent systems with reconnection occurring between magnetic bubbles associated with fluctuations, using geometric arguments we estimate that fully ion-coupled reconnection requires magnetic bubble length scales of at least several tens of ion inertial lengths

    Condition-dependence of Defensive Tail Displays in Common Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis)

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    Individual snakes can exhibit a diversity of antipredator responses including crypsis, flight, and a variety of stereotyped behavioral reactions to predators at close range. Among these responses are behavioral differences in the movement (e.g., waving or wiggling) of a conspicuous tail by an otherwise cryptically colored snake. Defensive tail displays may disorient a predator, divert attack to the tail, act as a warning signal, or serve no function at all. The use of tail displays in snakes may also depend on current physiological investment into color production and body size, which can affect locomotor ability to escape predators. The purpose of this study was to determine if variation in tail color is related to the defensive tail behavior exhibited in Common Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) when subject to a sudden tactile stimulus. We also analyzed potential relationships between tail coloration, mass, and circulating concentrations of testosterone, to determine if conspicuous tail morphology is condition-dependent. Here, relative tail orange coverage is significantly related to defensive tail behavior and also yields significant negative correlations with mass and testosterone concentrations. This suggests conspicuous tail displays in T. sirtalis to be a size-dependent response to predation, as mediated by testosterone. The prevalence of this defensive behavior in relatively smaller snakes may function as a diversion of attack to the tail while larger snakes instead exhibit greater locomotor capacity to escape predation

    Assessment in higher education : the potential for a community of practice to improve inter-marker reliability

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    The design, delivery and assessment of a complete educational scheme, such as a degree programme or a professional qualification course, is a complex matter. Maintaining alignment between the stated aims of the curriculum and the scoring of student achievement is an overarching concern. The potential for drift across individual aspects of an educational scheme (teaching, learning and assessment), together with emerging criticism in extant literature of the reliability of marking processes, suggests that, in practice, maintaining alignment might be more difficult than had previously been assumed. In this paper, the concept of a Community of Practice (CoP) is employed as an analytical lens through which the notion of a markers’ standardisation meeting that focuses on maintaining alignment between the curriculum, the marking scheme and the scoring of student scripts can be critically examined. Given that the aims and subject content of management learning are both multidimensional and contextual, such meetings have the potential to develop a shared approach to the elaboration and application of the marking scheme. A further role of the CoP is in the calibration of markers to accommodate further variations in student responses as they arise in the actual marking process. In this respect, the CoP has both descriptive and prescriptive potential in terms of aiding the development of markers of professional accounting examinations and also, we suggest, within accounting education more generally

    A Survey of Local Group Galaxies Currently Forming Stars. I. UBVRI Photometry of Stars in M31 and M33

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    We present UBVRI photometry obtained from Mosaic images of M31 and M33 using the KPNO 4-m telescope. The survey covers 2.2 sq degrees of M31, and 0.8 sq degrees of M33, chosen so as to include all of the regions currently active in forming massive stars. The catalog contains 371,781 and 146,622 stars in M31 and M33, respectively, where every star has a counterpart (at least) in B, V, and R. We compare our photometry to previous studies. We provide cross references to the stars confirmed as members by spectroscopy, and compare the location of these to the complete set in color-magnitude diagrams. While follow-up spectroscopy is needed for many projects, we demonstrate the success of our photometry in being able to distinguish M31/M33 members from foreground Galactic stars. We also present the results of newly obtained spectroscopy, which identifies 34 newly confirmed members, including B-A supergiants, the earliest O star known in M31, and two new Luminous Blue Variable candidates whose spectra are similar to that of P Cygni.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. A version with higher resolution figures can be found at: http://www.lowell.edu/users/massey/M3133.pdf.g

    A Model Ground State of Polyampholytes

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    The ground state of randomly charged polyampholytes is conjectured to have a structure similar to a necklace, made of weakly charged parts of the chain, compacting into globules, connected by highly charged stretched `strings'. We suggest a specific structure, within the necklace model, where all the neutral parts of the chain compact into globules: The longest neutral segment compacts into a globule; in the remaining part of the chain, the longest neutral segment (the 2nd longest neutral segment) compacts into a globule, then the 3rd, and so on. We investigate the size distributions of the longest neutral segments in random charge sequences, using analytical and Monte Carlo methods. We show that the length of the n-th longest neutral segment in a sequence of N monomers is proportional to N/(n^2), while the mean number of neutral segments increases as sqrt(N). The polyampholyte in the ground state within our model is found to have an average linear size proportional to sqrt(N), and an average surface area proportional to N^(2/3).Comment: 8 two-column pages. 5 eps figures. RevTex. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Risk factors for hospital admission with RSV bronchiolitis in England: a population-based birth cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the timing and duration of RSV bronchiolitis hospital admission among term and preterm infants in England and to identify risk factors for bronchiolitis admission. DESIGN: A population-based birth cohort with follow-up to age 1 year, using the Hospital Episode Statistics database. SETTING: 71 hospitals across England. PARTICIPANTS: We identified 296618 individual birth records from 2007/08 and linked to subsequent hospital admission records during the first year of life. RESULTS: In our cohort there were 7189 hospital admissions with a diagnosis of bronchiolitis, 24.2 admissions per 1000 infants under 1 year (95%CI 23.7-24.8), of which 15% (1050/7189) were born preterm (47.3 bronchiolitis admissions per 1000 preterm infants (95% CI 44.4-50.2)). The peak age group for bronchiolitis admissions was infants aged 1 month and the median was age 120 days (IQR = 61-209 days). The median length of stay was 1 day (IQR = 0-3). The relative risk (RR) of a bronchiolitis admission was higher among infants with known risk factors for severe RSV infection, including those born preterm (RR = 1.9, 95% CI 1.8-2.0) compared with infants born at term. Other conditions also significantly increased risk of bronchiolitis admission, including Down's syndrome (RR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.7-3.7) and cerebral palsy (RR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-4.0). CONCLUSIONS: Most (85%) of the infants who are admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis in England are born at term, with no known predisposing risk factors for severe RSV infection, although risk of admission is higher in known risk groups. The early age of bronchiolitis admissions has important implications for the potential impact and timing of future active and passive immunisations. More research is needed to explain why babies born with Down's syndrome and cerebral palsy are also at higher risk of hospital admission with RSV bronchiolitis
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