914 research outputs found

    John Oliver's Postojnska jama of 1856

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    Glavnina knjige je faksimile rokopisa, ki ga je leta 1856 napisal angleški duhovnik John Oliver po svojem obisku Postojnske jame v letih 1837 in 1852. Kljub temu v knjigi piše le malo o svojih izkušnjah, saj je večji del knjige prevod Schnaffenrathovega vodnika Beschreibung der berühmten Grotte bei Adelsberg in Krain iz leta 1834 v angleščino. Več Oliverjevih pripomb je v posebnem dodatku, ki vsebuje nekaj njegovih osebnih opažanj, kot tudi opis obiska Vilenice. Celota je ilustrirana s slikami iz takratnih knjig, kot tudi z nekaterimi njegovimi izvirnimi slikami in risbami. Daljši uvod Trevorja Shawa, ki je odkril ta dragocen, vrsto let domnevno izgubljen rokopis, razkrije, kdo je bil avtor »J. O.« in obrazloži pomen prevedenega vodnika iz leta 1834, kot tudi njegov vpliv na kasnejše vodnike po Krasu

    Early Electric Lighting in Caves - Postojnska jama, Slovenia, 1883-1929

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    Po prvih poizkusih 1863 so Postojnsko jamo prvič električno razsvetlili 1883, ob obisku cesarja Franca Jožefa. Najprej so poizkušali z različnimi močnimi svetili (“apnenčeva” luč 1852, plinske svetilke 1878), vendar se zanje niso odločili. Stalno električno razsvetljavo so vpeljali 1884, kot tretjo na svetu. Najprej so namestili 12 obločnic, kasneje pa so razsvetljavo razširili. “Izboljšan” sistem so namestili 1901, vendar je pogosto zatajil in so ga morali nadomestiti z drugim 1906. Popolnoma nov sistem so namestili 1929. V prispevku so popravljene napake iz prejšnjih objav, vsebuje pa tudi podatke, ki so prvič objavljeni.After some preliminary attempts in 1863, electric lighting was first used in Postojnska jama in 1883 for a visit by Emperor Franz Joseph. Alternative forms of bright light (lime-light in 1852, gas light in 1878) had been considered but not adopted. The permanent electric installation of 1884 was the third anywhere in the world. Its 12 arc lights were increased in later years. An ˝improved˝ system was fitted in 1901 but failed so often that it was replaced in 1906. An extensive new system was fitted in 1929. Errors in previous literature are corrected and much information published for the first time

    Valvasor – A Common Error about his Publications on Cerkniško jezero, Slovenia

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    Valvasor je svojo prvo, razmeroma preprosto razlago presihanja Cerkniškega jezera, objavljeno 1687, močno spremenil in zapletel v knjigi Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in članku v Acta Eruditorum, kar oboje je izšlo 1689. Sodobni avtorji, ki niso preverjali svojih virov, napačno navajajo, da gre za prevod članka iz 1687, namesto da bi opozorili na te velike spremembe in razlike v Valvasorjevih zamislih.Valvasorʼs first relatively simple explanation for the flooding and draining of the Cerkniško jezero lake, published in 1687, was greatly modified and complicated by 1689 when it appeared both in his book Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain and in a paper in Acta Eruditorum. Modern authors who have not verified their sources have wrongly described the latter as a translation of the 1687 paper instead of recognizing the great change in Valvasorʼs ideas that it contains

    Škocjanske jame, Slovenia, in 1891 – an Alpine Club Excursion

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     The excursion after the 1891 general meeting of the Deutsche und Österreichische Alpenverein (DÖAV) was to their Section Küstenland in Trieste which was then actively exploring Škocjanske jame. J. Sigrist-Herder of Switzerland was one of those who visited the cave and he compiled an album containing contemporary publications and also 25 photographs by Francesco Benque of Trieste, 15 of which are published here for the first time. They show the 1891 festivities as well as scenes at the cave entrances and in the dolines. The visit is described here from newspaper articles by Sigrist-Herder supplemented by publications of the DÖAV. A comparison is made with a similar visit in 1885 when less of the cave had been explored. In 1891 the visitors were taken to Müllerjeva dvorana but a few people went along the walls as far as Dvorana planinskega društva, only discovered in 1887.Po občnem zboru 1891 je Nemško-avstrijsko planinsko društvo (Deutsche und Österreichische Alpenverein - DÖAV) pripravilo obisk svoje Obalne sekcije (Section Küstenland) v Trstu, ki je takrat živahno raziskovalo Škocjanske jame. J. Sigrist-Herder iz Švice, ki je bil eden izmed obiskovalcev, je sestavil album fotorafij iz tedanjih publikacij, vključno 25 posnetkov Francesca Benque iz Trsta. 15 izmed teh slik je tu prvič objavljenih. Prikazujejo praznovanje leta 1891 in prizore iz jamskega vhoda ter iz dolin. Prispevek se opira na Sigrist-Herderjeve časopisne članke in na tiske DÖAV. Avtor primerja te dogodke s podobnim obiskom iz 1885, ko je bil raziskan šele manjši del jam. 1891 so obiskovalce peljali do Müllerjeve dvorane, nekaj pa jih je šlo dalje po stenah do Dvorane planinskega društva, odkrite šele 1887

    Illumination for the Emperor’s Intended Visit to Postojnska jama, Slovenia, in 1856 (and Used when he Came in 1857?)

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    Na podlagi treh listin iz arhiva Postojnske jame je razvidno, da so priprave na načrtovani obisk cesarja Franca Jožefa 1856, vključevale uporabo barvnih luči in drugih posebnih načinov razsvetljave kot tudi steklenih napisov za označevanje dvoran in kapnikov. Obisk je bil odpovedan v zadnjem trenutku, vendar je prišel cesar v jamo 15 tednov kasneje in zelo verjetno je, da so omenjeno razsvetljavo uporabili ob tej priliki.Three documents in the archives of Postojnska jama show that the arrangements for the planned visit of Emperor Franz Joseph to the cave in 1856 included the use of coloured lights and other special illumination as well as glass transparencies for labelling halls and speleothems. Although this visit was cancelled at the last minute, the Emperor did come to the cave 15 weeks later and it is shown that almost certainly the illumination was used then. 

    A Biographical Bibliography

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    This is a very dull book. Like a dictionary, it contains only facts: facts that are not readily to be found elsewhere. People who are important in the study of caves and karst are known for what they did, what they wrote and whom they influenced. But as individuals they are often no more than a name. They may perhaps be recognized for other aspects, as a King perhaps, or a novelist or a famous doctor. Some, like Darwin or Freud, have changed the world in other ways~but very many had only normal quiet lives during which they also explored, studied or wrote about caves. It is they whose wider lives are difficult to trace and it is 4634 of them who are recorded here, with information from birth certificates, obituaries, unpublished letters and mentions by other people. It is their wider lives that help to show them as real people. In some cases their interest in caves was a part of their professional lives. In many others it provides stimulation and relaxation in otherwise busy lives. But in every case it was the same person and the same brain that enjoyed both~and it was both that made them the people they were. It is only from the biographical sources recorded here, that each person can be understood.To je zelo dolgočasna knjiga. Tako kot slovar vsebuje samo dejstva: dejstva, ki jih ni mogoče najti drugje. Ljudje, ki so pomembni za preučevanje jam in krasa, so znani po tem, kaj so počeli, kaj so napisali in na koga so vplivali. Toda večkrat o njih poznamo zgolj ime. Morda o nekaterih vemo tudi kaj več, med njimi so kralji, romanopisci ali zdravniki. Nekateri, denimo Darwin ali Freud, so svet celo spremenili, toda večinoma so imeli le neizstopajoče normalno življenje, med katerim so tudi raziskovali, preučevali ali pisali o jamah. To so tista življenja, o katerih je težko najti kaj več. V knjigi je 4634 gesel, ki vsebujejo podatke iz rojstnih listov, osmrtnic, neobjavljenih pisem in omembe drugih ljudi. Šele ta širši pogled iz njih naredi prave ljudi. V nekaterih primerih je bilo njihovo zanimanje za jame del njihovega poklicnega življenja. V mnogih drugih le spodbuda in sprostitev v sicer napornem življenju. Toda v vsakem primeru so ista oseba in isti možgani uživali oboje~in oboje ju je osebnostno izoblikovalo. Razumemo jih lahko le s pomočjo tukaj zbranih bibliografskih virov

    Martel in the Slovene Karst in 1893

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    E.A. Martel (1859-1938) is rightly regarded as one of the most important people in the history of cave study. Writing in French, as he did, his work was little known in those parts of central Europe that were in the Austrian empire. Thus much of what he wrote about the Classical Karst was not readily accessible to those now living in that area. It is for that reason that this English translation of his 1894 publication has been made. Martel had been in Slovenia from 14 September 1893 to mid October. He was shown the principal caves and karst features of the region by Wilhelm Putick who had been exploring these places from 1886 onwards. This assistance had been authorised by Count Falkenhayn, the Minister of Agriculture in Wien. Such was the importance with which Martel was regarded internationally

    The Underground Post Offices of Postojnska jama, Slovenia, 1899 - 1945

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    Edina poštna urada, ki sta delovala v podzemlju, sta bila urada v Postojnski jami. Leta 1899 je jamska uprava, število prodanih razglednic je v tem času močno naraslo, nedaleč od Kongresne dvorane oziroma 500 m od vhoda zgradila podzemni poštni urad. Odprt je bil 15. avgusta 1899, poštne oblasti pa so dovolile uporabo posebnega poštnega žiga (“Adelsberger Grotte / Postojnska jama”). Ta urad je posloval do leta 1927 (z italijanskim žigom “Postumia (Grotte)” po letu 1922), nakar ga je nadomestil nov poštni urad, skoraj kilometer in pol oddaljen od vhoda. Urad je zadnjič posloval 15. avgusta 1945, ko je bila Postojnska jama po končani drugi svetovni vojni ponovno odprta.The only cave post offices to have been situated underground were in Postojnska jama. In 1899 the cave management, responding to the growing use of picture postcards, built a stone post office near Kongresna dvorana 500 m from the entrance. It was open by 15 August 1899, with a special ˝Adelsberger Grotte /Postojnska jama˝ cancellation authorised by the postal authorities. This building remained in use until 1927 (with the Italian ˝Postumia (Grotte)˝ postmark after 1922), when it was replaced by a new building 1,4 km inside the cave. Its last recorded use was 15 August 1945 when the cave was reopened under Jugoslav management

    A systems engineering design analysis of a U.S. Army secure storage system

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    As the Army develops and fields new or improved tactical equipment for the soldier, the challenge of providing for its security, unit-level maintenance, availability, and accountability will exceed the capacity of present systems. This new or improved tactical equipment will include a number of high-cost, technically advanced items that will present storage and other logistical challenges. In garrison, the fixed facilities at unit level are inadequate for the projected need (both quantitatively and qualitatively). Finally, there are no current systems specifically designed to provide security, protected storage, availability, and accountability of sensitive and high-value non-sensitive items during training or operational deployments This thesis uses a tailored application of the systems engineering process to develop a design for a U.S. Army secure storage system. This study investigates the user's requirements for such a system, as well as requirements and constraints derived from security regulations, military and commercial intermodal transportation methods, and current Army facilities and force structure. It then examines existing Government and commercial equipment to assess their suitability for satisfying secure storage and transportation requirements. Ultimately, this system engineering analysis produces a physical architecture of a mobile secure storage system, as well as selected items of the system architecture.http://archive.org/details/asystemsengineer109456021Major, United States ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited