2,050 research outputs found

    Kara Allison Shaw in a Senior Mezzo-Soprano Recital

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    This is the program for the senior mezzo-soprano recital of Kara Allison Shaw. Ms. Shaw was accompanied on the piano by Phyllis Walker. This recital took place on March 18, 2002, in the McBeth Recital Hall in the Mabee Fine Arts Center

    Effects of seasonal birth and predation on disease spread

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    An inordinate fondness for species with intermediate dispersal abilities

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    J. B. S. Haldane is widely quoted to have quipped that the Creator, if one exists, has an inordinate fondness for beetles. Although Coleoptera may not be the most speciose order once Hymenopteran diversity is fully accounted for, as a whole the very clear differences in species diversity among taxa require an explanation. Here we use stochastic simulations to show that dispersal has eco-evolutionary effects that predict taxa to become particularly species-rich when dispersal is neither too low nor too high. Our model combines recent advances in understanding coexistence in niche space with previously verbally expressed ideas, where too low dispersal imposes biogeographic constraints that prevent a lineage from finding new areas to colonize (reducing opportunities for speciation), while too high dispersal impedes population divergence, leading to few but widely distributed species. We show that this logic holds for species richness and is robust to a variety of model assumptions, but peak diversification rate is instead predicted to increase with dispersal. Our work unifies findings of increasing and decreasing effects of dispersal rate on speciation, and explains why taxa with moderate dispersal abilities have the best prospects for high global species richness.</p

    Discontinued Operations Recognition, Initial Provisions, And Subsequent Adjustments

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    This study extends our understanding of why firms choose to take discretionary write-offs and identifies factors that influence the measurement of the charges taken. We focus on segment disposals, initial provisions recorded upon discontinuance of those segments, and adjustments to initial provisions that accompany the segment disposals. We partition our sample into those disposals that were substantially completed at the time of recognition (nondiscretionary disposals) and those that were recognized prior to disposal completion (discretionary disposals). With respect to motivations for taking discretionary rather than nondiscretionary disposals, we find that firms electing discretionary disposals discontinue segments that experience sharp declines in earnings and that require more negative initial provisions; the continuing portion of these firms are less profitable and are in weaker financial condition when compared to firms recognizing disposals upon completion. Further, they are more likely to announce the disposal in the fourth quarter, and they are more likely to underestimate the cost of disposal. With respect to measurement issues, we find that subsequent adjustments to initial provisions for discretionary disposals relate both to firms’ abilities to estimate losses on disposal at the plan date and to management incentives to manage disclosures. In contrast, subsequent adjustments accompanying nondiscretionary disposals relate primarily to uncertainties contained in the disposal agreement

    Survey of critical biological resources, Teller County, Colorado, 2011

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    Prepared for: Teller County Board of County Commissioners, Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8.March 2011.Includes bibliographical references

    Does Europe Really Have a Unique Role?

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    SUMMARY The EEC Commission claims that a common development policy is good for Europe. But is it good for the Third World? Are there any intrinsic features of the EEC that invest it with the potential to achieve more on the North?South stage than can the member states or other agencies like the World Bank? Alternatively, are there superficial features of the present politico?institutional environment that provide the Community with tactical advantages (or disadvantages) over the member states? The answer to the first question is that there are very few inherent features of the EEC that justify a claim that the Third World has anything to gain from a common European policy. The most substantial is the EEC's predilection for regional groupings. However, the answer to the second question is that Community action does have comparative advantages (and disadvantages) compared to national actions by the 10 member states. They suggest that the EEC should emphasise its capacity to take a broad view of North?South relations, and that, while it is unlikely to become a particularly effective aid agency, it could make a useful contribution to a redefinition of conditionality in respect of programme aid. Unfortunately, there are signs that the Commission may be heading off in precisely the opposite direction. RESUMEN ¿Tiene Europa realmente un rol especial? La comisión de la CEE afirma que una politica común de desarrollo es buena para Europa. No obstante ¿es conveniente para el Tercer Mundo? ¿Tiene la CEE características intrínsecas que la revistan de capacidad para realizar más en el escenario Norte?Sur, que lo que pueden hacer los estados miembros u otras agencias tales como el Banco Mundial? Por otra parte ¿existen características formales en el ambiente político institucional actual que la provean de tácticas ventajosas o desventajosas en relación a los estados miembros? La respuesta a la primera pregunta es que hay muy pocas características inherentes a la CEE que justifiquen la pretensión de que el Tercer Mundo tenga algo que ganar de una política europea común. Lo más importante reside en la predilección de la CEE por las agrupaciones regionales. Sin embargo, la respuesta a la segunda pregunta es que efectivamente la acción común tiene ventajas y desventajas en relación a las acciones nacionales de los diez estados miembros. Este hecho sugiere que la CEE debería enfatizar su capacidad para adoptar una visión amplia de las relaciones Norte?Sur y que, siendo improbable que se transforme en una agencia de ayuda especialmente eficiente, podría hacer una contribución útil en la redefinición de la condicionalidad con respecto al programa de ayuda. Lamentablemente, hay signos de que la CEE está orientándose precisamente en dirección opuesta. RÉSUMÉ L'Europe a?t?elle Vraiment un Rôle Unique à Jouer? La Commission de la CEE prétend qu'une politique commune de développement est bénéfique pour l'Europe. Mais est?elle bénéfique pour le Tiers?Monde? La CEE a?t?elle des caractéristiques intrinsèques lui permettant d'espérer un meilleur résultat sur la question Nord?Sud que les états?membres ou autres organisations telle que la Banque Mondiale? Ou bien, existe?t?il des caractéristiques superficielles de l'environnement politico?institutionnel actuel donnant à la Communauté des avantages tactiques (ou des désavantages) sur les états?membres? La réponse à la première question est qu'il y a très peu de caractéristiques propres à la CEE qui justifient l'argument que le Tiers?Monde a quelque profit à tirer d'une politique européenne commune. La plus importante est la prédilection de la CEE aux regroupements régionaux. Toutefois, la réponse à la deuxième question est que les mesures prises par la Communauté ont des avantages (ou des désavantages) relatifs en comparaison avec des mesures nationales par les dix états?membres. Ils suggèrent que la CEE devrait souligner son aptitude à une vue plus générale des relations Nord?Sud, et que, bien qu'il soit peu probable qu'elle devienne un organisme d'assistance particulièrement effectif, elle pourrait contribuer fructueusement

    Population-level consequences of risky dispersal

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    Achieving sufficient connectivity between populations is essential for persistence, but costs of dispersal may select against individual traits or behaviours that, if present, would improve connectivity. Existing dispersal models tend to ignore the multitude of risks to individuals: while many assess the effect of mortality costs, there is also a risk of failing to find new habitat, especially when the entire inhabitable area remains both small and fragmented. There are few known rules governing whether individuals evolve to disperse more, or less, than what is ideal for population connectivity and persistence. Here we aim to fill this gap, while also noting that evolution might not only produce suboptimal dispersal behaviour: it also influences individual heterogeneity in dispersal. Intuitively, we might expect heterogeneity to improve connectivity, as some individuals will travel far. However, we show that this is only true if dispersal distances on average are quite short; heterogeneity can also lead to reduced connectivity because it can reduce the proportion of the most profitable (‘safest’) intermediate dispersal distances. In general, our results show that conditions typically associated with conservation concerns (small and fragmented habitats inhabited by a species with a low birth rate) are also ones that are most likely to lead to suboptimal dispersal traits. This prompts the question of assisted dispersal in cases of urgent conservation concern

    Population-level consequences of risky dispersal

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    Achieving sufficient connectivity between populations is essential for persistence, but costs of dispersal may select against individual traits or behaviours that, if present, would improve connectivity. Existing dispersal models tend to ignore the multitude of risks to individuals: while many assess the effect of mortality costs, there is also a risk of failing to find new habitat, especially when the entire inhabitable area remains both small and fragmented. There are few known rules governing whether individuals evolve to disperse more, or less, than what is ideal for population connectivity and persistence. Here we aim to fill this gap, while also noting that evolution might not only produce suboptimal dispersal behaviour: it also influences individual heterogeneity in dispersal. Intuitively, we might expect heterogeneity to improve connectivity, as some individuals will travel far. However, we show that this is only true if dispersal distances on average are quite short; heterogeneity can also lead to reduced connectivity because it can reduce the proportion of the most profitable (‘safest’) intermediate dispersal distances. In general, our results show that conditions typically associated with conservation concerns (small and fragmented habitats inhabited by a species with a low birth rate) are also ones that are most likely to lead to suboptimal dispersal traits. This prompts the question of assisted dispersal in cases of urgent conservation concern

    Jimi Hendrix and the Laughing Girl

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    Abstract Jimi Hendrix and the Laughing Girl Allison Shaw Jimi Hendrix and the Laughing Girl is a collection of seven short stories that revolve around the lives of women and men in their late teens and early twenties, as they mature and transition towards adulthood. Set in different North American cities, the stories explore changing dynamics in friendships, romantic relationships and families. The construction of individual identity is central to many of the narratives, which examine how the various characters attempt to find and build a sense of self through their relations with others, artistic creation and storytelling. Several stories in this collection include surreal or fairy tale elements, such as a porcelain doll that comes to life. These fairy-tale elements are set in contrast with the characters’ experiences of loss and disappointment as they grow up, but also reflect the beauty that the characters find in the everyday world, in spite of their personal struggles. The structure of many of the stories is experimental – “Photographs for New York” and “Coffee” are both collections of vignettes, while the final story, “Filmmaker”, incorporates a short film script into the prose

    Biogeographic origin, taxonomic status, and conservation biology of Asplenium monanthes L. in the southeastern United States

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    Asplenium monanthes L. is an apogamous fern with a wide tropical and subtropical distribution that extends into the temperate zone in the southeastern U.S. These populations are quite distant from the nearest neotropical populations, so the circumstances of their origin (i.e. as pre-Pleistocene relicts or by later long-distance dispersal) were investigated using spore and gametophyte morphology and starch gel electrophoresis. The southeastern U.S. populations of A. monanthes can be attributed to multiple long-distance dispersal events during the Pleistocene or Holocene. This recent origin and A. monanthes\u27 small population sizes account for southeastern U.S. A. monanthes\u27 lack of genetic diversity within and in many cases among populations. The source of the various founding spores cannot be conclusively determined, but evidence favors the Caribbean over Mexico. The southeastern U.S. populations of Asplenium monanthes do not warrant distinct taxonomic status. Analysis of genetic structure revealed great diversity in Mexico, so Mexico is suggested as a possible birthplace of allotriploid A. monanthes. The rarity and disjunct nature of the southeastern U.S. populations also prompted investigation into their ecology in the temperate zone and their prospects for continued survival. Asplenium monanthes survives in the southeastern U.S. by inhabiting shaded gorges, sinkholes, and cave entrances that moderate temperature extremes and maintain reliable moisture levels. The populations are very small, so they are subject to environmental and demographic stochasticity and are fixed genetically for relatively few multilocus genotypes. Several historical populations have disappeared in recent decades and several remaining populations appear to be declining as well. These declines may be a natural part of the species\u27 regional population dynamics or they may be cause for alarm. Regular long-term monitoring is required to determine whether the species is truly at risk of local extinction in the southeastern U.S. and if so, which factors are most responsible for this trend. No management intervention is recommended at this time