5 research outputs found

    Chemical Mapping to Evaluate Post-Depositional Diagenesis among the Earliest Ceramics in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico

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    Chemical and mineral sourcing techniques are commonly employed in archaeology to reconstruct patterns of ceramic exchange and raw material procurement practices for the past, but the effects of post-depositional diagenesis are still often ignored despite a number of key studies warning that the composition of ceramics from archaeological deposits often diverges greatly from their original composition at the time of production. This current study on diagenesis derives from a large chemical and petrographic analysis of some of the earliest ceramics (1500–100 cal Before Common Era [BCE]) in the Basin of Mexico at a time when the development of ceramic trade networks helped to spread early stylistic canons across Mesoamerica. One important site, Altica, consistently presents ceramics that are high in barium. We use laser ablation-inductively coupled plazma—mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to map the cross-sections of several samples from this site with the idea that post-depositional intake of mobile cations would appear as enriched at the surfaces of the pottery and around pores. Conversely, cations that leach out of the fabric would exhibit depleted concentrations in those same areas. We find that barium and a suite of other elements (e.g., copper, zinc, lead, tin, arsenic, calcium, strontium, and vanadium) have been chemically altered due to nearly 3000 years of burial in the soil. We explore the implications of those revelations for properly sourcing archaeological ceramics found at the Altica site and provide additional guidance for archaeologists and geochemists who employ ceramic compositional sourcing elsewhere

    Rare Earth Elements in Planetary Crusts: Insights from Chemically Evolved Igneous Suites on Earth and the Moon

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    The abundance of the rare earth elements (REEs) in Earth’s crust has become the intense focus of study in recent years due to the increasing societal demand for REEs, their increasing utilization in modern-day technology, and the geopolitics associated with their global distribution. Within the context of chemically evolved igneous suites, 122 REE deposits have been identified as being associated with intrusive dike, granitic pegmatites, carbonatites, and alkaline igneous rocks, including A-type granites and undersaturated rocks. These REE resource minerals are not unlimited and with a 5–10% growth in global demand for REEs per annum, consideration of other potential REE sources and their geological and chemical associations is warranted. The Earth’s moon is a planetary object that underwent silicate-metal differentiation early during its history. Following ~99% solidification of a primordial lunar magma ocean, residual liquids were enriched in potassium, REE, and phosphorus (KREEP). While this reservoir has not been directly sampled, its chemical signature has been identified in several lunar lithologies and the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) on the lunar nearside has an estimated volume of KREEP-rich lithologies at depth of 2.2 × 108 km3. This reservoir therefore offers a prospective location for future lunar REE exploration. Within the context of chemically evolved lithologies, lunar granites are rare with only 22 samples currently classified as granitic. However, these extraterrestrial granites exhibit chemical affinities to terrestrial A-type granites. On Earth, these anorogenic magmatic systems are hosts to U-Th-REE-ore deposits and while to date only U-Th regions of enrichment on the lunar surface have been identified, future exploration of the lunar surface and interior may yet reveal U-Th-REE regions associated with the distribution of these chemically distinct, evolved lithologies

    Depositional timing of Neoarchean turbidites of the Slave craton - recommended nomenclature and type localities

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    Two temporally distinct Neoarchean turbidite packages are known to occur in the Slave craton. The older is a greywacke-mudstone succession that includes the renowned Burwash Formation (ca. 2661 Ma). In this study, a previously undated tuff bed is demonstrated to have crystallized at ca. 2650.5 Ă‚Ä… 1.0 Ma refining the deposition age of these turbidites between ca. 2661 and 2650 Ma. The younger turbidites are locally distinctive as they contain interstratified banded iron formation (BIF). Previous work demonstrated that the younger turbidites were deposited between ca. 2640 to 2615 Ma, based entirely on maximum depositional ages from detrital zircons. A ~3-cm-thick felsic-to-intermediate tuff bed was discovered interbedded with these BIF-bearing turbidites. The tuff bed contains a single age population of zircon with a crystallization age of 2620 Ă‚Ä… 6 Ma defining the depositional timing of these BIF-bearing turbidites. New U-Pb detrital zircon dates from extensive turbidite sequences in the eastern and central part of the Slave craton are also presented. We use the new and previously published results to recommend nomenclature for these extensive sedimentary rocks in the Slave craton. The ca. 2661 to 2650 Ma turbidites remain part of the previously ascribed Duncan Lake Group. The younger ca. 2620 Ma turbidites are assigned to the new Slemon Group. Where robust age-data exist, we recommend formation names and include type localities for each.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Metasomatic control of hydrogen contents in the layered cratonic mantle lithosphere sampled by Lac de Gras xenoliths in the central Slave craton, Canada

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