13 research outputs found

    Road Hustler

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    Dieta habitual e fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares Habitual diet and cardiovascular disease risk factors

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Estudo descritivo por amostragem em munícípio do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1990, com objetivo de analisar, mediante entrevistas domiciliares, a dieta habitual e fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares em indivíduos maiores de 20 anos. METODOLOGIA: Foram entrevistados 557 indivíduos, de idade entre 20 e 88 anos, que fazem parte de subamostra de um estudo global na região. A dieta habitual, identificada pelo histórico alimentar foi comparada às recomendações da OMS e os fatores de risco estudados (obesidade, dislipidemias, diabetes melito) diagnosticados pelo Índice de Massa Corpórea e dosagens bioquímicas. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que 60% da população consome dieta com energia total abaixo da estimativa das necessidades e que a contribuição calórica dos carboidratos foi de 56%, dos lipídios de 29% e das proteínas de 15%. Entretanto, na análise por percentil, a contribuição calórica dos lipídios e das proteínas encontra-se muito acima dos padrões recomendados em detrimento dos carboidratos. A energia, distribuição calórica e quantidade de colesterol foi adequada em apenas 5% das dietas. Dentre os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares estudados observou-se a prevalência de obesidade em 38% dos indivíduos, de dislipidemias em 26% e de diabetes melito em 5%. A atividade física leve preponderante com dieta inadequada, tanto em termos de qualitativos quanto quantitativos, agravam ainda mais esse quadro.<br>INTRODUCTION: A survey by sampling in a county of the State of S. Paulo in 1990 sought, by means of home interviews, to analyse the habitual diet and risk factors for cardiovascular disease of people over 20 years of age. METHODOLOGY: Of the sub-specimen of a comprehensive study population, 557 individuals, aged between 20 and 88, were interviewed. The habitual diet, characterized by the dietary history, was compared with the recommendations on energy and nutrients of the WHO and the risk factors (obesity, lipemic disorders and diabetes mellitus) diagnosed by the Body Mass Index and biochemical measurements. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: It was observed that 60% of the population consume a diet with total energy below the estimated need and that the caloric contribution of carbohydrates was of 56%, of the lipids 29% and of the proteins 15%. However, by percentil analysis, the caloric contribuition of lipids and of proteins was far above the recommended levels to the detriment of the carbohydrates. Energy, caloric distribution and quantity of cholesterol were satisfactory in only 5% of diets. Among the risk factors for the cardiovascular disease studied, obesity was found to be present in 38% of individuals, lipemic disorders in 26% and diabetes mellitus in 5%. Preponderantly light physical activity together with unsatisfactory diet, both in qualitative as in quantitative terms, aggravated this scenario still further

    Influence of Ni content on physico-chemical characteristics of Ni, Mg, Al-Hydrotalcite like compounds

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    The physico-chemical properties of a series of Ni,Mg,Al-HTLC with Al/(Al+Mg+Ni) = 0.25 and low Ni/Mg ratios were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodifferential (DTA) analysis, N2 physissorption and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). The as-synthesized materials were well-crystallized, with XRD patterns typical of the HTLCs in carbonate form. Upon calcination and dehydration the dehydroxilation of the layers with concurrent decomposition of carbonate anions produced mixed oxides with high surface area. XRD analysis indicated that the different nickel and aluminum oxides species are well-dispersed in a poor-crystallized MgO periclase-type phase. As observed by TPR, the different Ni species showed distinct interactions with Mg(Al)O phase, which were influenced by both nickel content and calcination temperature. Regardless of the the nickel content, the reduction of nickel species was not complete as indicated by the presence of metallic dispersions