192 research outputs found

    Consumer Awareness and Purchase Attitude Towards Green Products in Bangladesh

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    The concept of green products is not very old in Bangladesh. This research paper is an endeavor to examine consumer level of awareness and perception towards green products in Bangladesh. The data has been collected by interviewing a total of 192 respondents in Dhaka city through well structured questionnaire. An increasing number of consumers have adequate knowledge about green products features, majority of them view green products as healthy and safe. Consumers prefer to believe that green products are offering high quality over conventional products but they are not having any precise opinion about the excessive prices of green products. The research results also find out consumers’ disappointment towards the promotional measures taken by the marketer. This research will be a good cognizance for the marketers’ and will increase their seriousness to focus more on making consumer more aware about green products benefits and bring about the adoption of green products. Keywords: Global Warming, Green movement, Green Product, Conventional Product, Promotional Strategies, Availability, Purchase Intentio

    Study and Optimized Simulation of OSPFv3 Routing Protocol in IPv6 Network

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    Routing is a design way to pass the data packet. User is assigns the path in a routing configuration. A significant role played by the router for providing the dynamic routing in the network. Structure and Configuration are different for each routing protocols. Next generation internet protocol IPv6 which provides large address space, simple header format. It is mainly effective and efficient routing. It is also ensure good quality of service and also provide security. Routing protocol (OSPFv3) in IPv6 network has been studied and implemented using 2018;cisco packet tracer2019;. 2018;Ping2019; the ping command is used to check the results. The small virtual network created in Cisco platform .It is also used to test the OSPFv3 protocol in the IPv6 network. This paper also contains step by step configuration and explanation in assigning of IPv6 address in routers and end devices. The receiving and sending the packet of data in a network is the responsibility of the internet protocol layer. It also contains the data analysis of packet forwarding through IPv6 on OSPFv3 in simulation mode of cisco packet virtual environment to make the decision eventually secure and faster protocol in IPv6 environment

    An Improved Model Ensembled of Different Hyper-parameter Tuned Machine Learning Algorithms for Fetal Health Prediction

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    Fetal health is a critical concern during pregnancy as it can impact the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Regular monitoring and timely interventions are necessary to ensure the best possible outcomes. While there are various methods to monitor fetal health in the mother's womb, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the accuracy, efficiency, and speed of diagnosis. In this study, we propose a robust ensemble model called ensemble of tuned Support Vector Machine and ExtraTrees (ETSE) for predicting fetal health. Initially, we employed various data preprocessing techniques such as outlier rejection, missing value imputation, data standardization, and data sampling. Then, seven machine learning (ML) classifiers including Support Vector Machine (SVM), XGBoost (XGB), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), ExtraTrees (ET), and K-Neighbors were implemented. These models were evaluated and then optimized by hyperparameter tuning using the grid search technique. Finally, we analyzed the performance of our proposed ETSE model. The performance analysis of each model revealed that our proposed ETSE model outperformed the other models with 100% precision, 100% recall, 100% F1-score, and 99.66% accuracy. This indicates that the ETSE model can effectively predict fetal health, which can aid in timely interventions and improve outcomes for both the mother and the baby.Comment: 23 pages, 6 Tables, 5 Figure

    Adaptation to Water Stress in Soybean: Morphology to Genetics

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    Soybean (Glycine max L.) is the most important legume and oilseed crop. As a leguminous crop, it plays an irreplaceable role towards the sustainable agricultural system with biological nitrogen fixation. However, its production can be dramatically decreased by the occurrence of water stress. Water stress including drought and flooding induces the morpho-physiological and biochemical changes at different growth stages, which negatively affects the adaptability and yield of soybean. Genetic diversity that ensures productivity in challenging environment exists within germplasm, their wild relatives and species that are adapted to the water stress. The discovery of gene mapping, QTLs associated with root traits, slow canopy wilting, nitrogen fixation and flooding tolerance have accomplished significant progress in breeding programs. Identification of drought-responsive genes and transcription factors such as WRKY, DREBs, ERFs, ZIP, ZFP, MYB and NAC are valuable to ameliorate the water stress in soybean. Understanding the genetic mechanism using transcriptomic and proteomic approaches would be the ultimate choice for mitigating the water stress. Integration of well-designed soybean breeding program coupled with omic techniques would pave the way for developing drought and flooding resilient soybean cultivars

    Resource Inventory and Conservation Guidelines for a Historical Site

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    A Historical site or heritage site is a location that has been protected by-laws or other preservation policies due to their cultural heritage values The whole site of any area or a part of the historical site can be protected due to their past and present heritage value This paper attempts to do an inventory survey and to provide some policy guidelines that keep harmony along with the current heritage preservation policy Direct site inventory and secondary data collection have been practiced as the research methodology The study shows that the invented site Hawakhana Puthia Rajbari complex has a vast scope for the development of an immense historical site of the Rajshahi District Besides that the structure provides a great sense of developing this place as a perfect place to spend our leisure tim

    Estimation of maternal serum albumin at term to determine its correlation with birth weight of babies

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    Background: Serum albumin is a vital laboratory indicator of nutrition status. Fetal weight depends upon the nutritional status of mothers. Indeed, the serum albumin status at term may help to assume the fetal weight. We do have not enough research-based data regarding this issue. The aim of this study was to estimate maternal serum albumin at term and to observe its correlation with the birth weight of babies. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study was done at department of gynaecology and obstetrics, Sir Salimullah medical college and Mitford hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from July 2019 to June 2020. A total of 96 mother-baby pairs were selected using purposive sampling method. Women with single full-term pregnancy based on fundal height on Naegele’s rule irrespective of any mode of delivery was included in this study. Mothers with normal albumin levels (3.6-5.2 gm/dl) were defined as group A and mothers with low albumin levels (<3.6 gm/dl) in group B. Statistical analyses of the results were obtained by using window-based computer software devised with SPSS-22. Results: In analyzing the maternal serum albumin level, we observed that majority of the participants were with normal albumin levels which were 81% and the rest 19% of patients were low albumin levels. In this study, it was observed that more than half (56.4%) of babies were male in group A and 9 (50.0%) in group B. The majority (94.9%) of babies’ birth weights were ≥2.5 kg in group A and 4 (22.0%) in group B. The difference of birth weight was statistically significant (p<0.05) between the two groups. Maternal serum albumin was significantly associated with birth weight of babies in multivariate analysis. But negatively correlated with newborn birth weight which is statistically significant.    Conclusions: Maternal albumin was observed to be directly proportional to the birth weight of babies

    A Case Study on Outpatient Waiting Time for Treatment with Single Server Queuing Model at Public Eye Hospital in Bangladesh

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    In public hospital outdoor patient services all over the world have become an important component of health care. Queuing is a major challenge for healthcare service particularly in developing countries, queuing theory helps decision making to improve waiting problem is not commonly used by managers in developing countries in contrast to their counterparts in the developed world. In this paper we introduce data analysis of observation to reduce outdoor patients waiting time without cost consideration at public hospital